Priority Areas

Supporting feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements to thrive, to be a driving force in challenging systems of oppression, and to co-create feminist realities.

Advancing Universal Rights and Justice

Uprooting Fascisms and Fundamentalisms

Across the globe, feminist, women’s rights and gender justice defenders are challenging the agendas of fascist and fundamentalist actors. These oppressive forces target women, persons who are non-conforming in their gender identity, expression and/or sexual orientation, and other oppressed communities.

Discriminatory ideologies are undermining and co-opting our human rights systems and standards,  with the aim of making rights the preserve of only certain groups. In the face of this, the Advancing Universal Rights and Justice (AURJ) initiative promotes the universality of rights - the foundational principle that human rights belong to everyone, no matter who they are, without exception.

We create space for feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements and allies to recognize, strategize and take collective action to counter the influence and impact of anti-rights actors. We also seek to advance women’s rights and feminist frameworks, norms and proposals, and to protect and promote the universality of rights.

Our actions

Through this initiative, we:

  • Build knowledge: We support feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements by disseminating and popularizing knowledge and key messages about anti-rights actors, their strategies, and impact in the international human rights systems through AWID’s leadership role in the collaborative platform, the Observatory on the Universality of Rights (OURs)*.
  • Advance feminist agendas: We ally ourselves with partners in international human rights spaces including, the Human Rights Council, the Commission on Population and Development, the Commission on the Status of Women and the UN General Assembly.
  • Create and amplify alternatives: We engage with our members to ensure that international commitments, resolutions and norms reflect and are fed back into organizing in other spaces locally, nationally and regionally.
  • Mobilize solidarity action: We take action alongside women human rights defenders (WHRDs) including trans and intersex defenders and young feminists, working to challenge fundamentalisms and fascisms and call attention to situations of risk.  


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Umyra Ahmad


Umyra Ahmad is a Malaysian feminist with a background in international and regional advocacy, and human rights education. In AWID, she works on advancing rights related to gender and sexuality at the UN. Prior to joining, she was a programme officer at IWRAW Asia Pacific, where she supported regional, national and grassroots organizations in using UN treaty body mechanisms as a tool for state accountability and access to justice. In Malaysia, she works with queer and refugee collectives and supports coordination of various mutual aid initiatives.

Advancing Universal Rights and Justice Advocacy Lead
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How did AWID get started?

AWID began in 1982 and has grown and transformed since then into a truly global organization.

Find out more:

Read From WID to GAD to Women's Rights: The First 20 Years of AWID

I am writing a research paper. Can AWID help me?

AWID provides a wealth of resources to help your research.

We invite you to explore the Priority Areas and Stay Informed sections of our website, or use the search function to find information about the specific topics you are researching.

We particularly recommend that you explore our toolkit “Where is the Money for Women’s Rights” (WITM Toolkit). This is a Do-it-Yourself Research methodology to support individuals and organizations who want to conduct their own research on funding trends for a particular region, issue or population by adapting AWID’s research methodology.

Explore the WITM Toolkit

May 2015: Consultations on the Draft Outcome document are held

Additional consultation sessions on the Draft Outcome Document

  • On 7 May, the revised outcome document for the 3rd FfD conference in Addis was released by the co-facilitators
  • In support of continued progress on the Outcome Document, ad hoc additional sessions for consultations on the Draft Outcome Document took place from 12-15 May 2015 and 26-29 May 2015 at UN headquarters in New York

Do I have to be an AWID member to participate in the Forum?

No, you don't have to be an AWID member to participate but AWID members receive a discounted registration fee as well as a number of other benefits.

Learn more on how to become an AWID member

Snippets FEA EoS The Cover (EN)

Illustration of a pink house with a yellow background

The Cover
Care and healing environment

Snippet FEA Objectives NSS - Traditional Knowledge (EN)


Brown hands with yellow seeds in the palms
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Snippet FEA Life expectancy of a trans and travesti (EN)

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