Women leaders and human rights defenders in Colombia: A legacy of dreams, struggles and affection that we will not silence

“[To be a woman leader] is to love and defend our
 culture, land, race, identity.
It is to defend who we are.”
- Claudia Rincón, Colombian leader

Women’s land rights activists' footprints: fighting erasure, defending communal land rights.

Throughout history against oppression, those on the frontline always know that the struggle might take their lives. For a body that persistently refuses to be invisibilized, refuses to be at the very least passive in the face of oppression, is stolen, just like the land. 

Celebrating feminist ancestors with a living archive of hope

On every corner of this planet, we who refuse to have our bodies, our minds, our communities bound and suppressed, have always had heroes, we are surrounded by them, they are with us, they are us.

A strengthened approach to membership

As of today, we are excited to offer our members a more open and flexible way to be part of a worldwide feminist community, and contribute to building collective power across movements, based on principles of global solidarity.

Beijing Unfettered: the Power of Young Feminist Movements

Beijing Unfettered is about young feminist movements across the globe engaging in offline and online conversations with a creative and participatory methodology.

Capitalism is the Virus: Feminist Recovery is the Antidote

It's time for bold solutions, that are people and environment centred, and feminists are creating them!

Member Teach-In | Under the Same Umbrella: feminism and sex workers' rights

AWID and the Red Umbrella Fund are organizing a teach-in on feminism and sex work.

Series of conversations: The Feminist Realities journey continues

On the road to the AWID Forum, we are inviting you to take part in a series of curated conversations, designed to spark meaningful dialogue and co-creation, among feminist activists and organizations from all over the world.

In memory of all women journalists who were killed in 2018

Just like women have learned to avoid dark streets for their safety, women journalists are forced to avoid reporting certain stories as a result of online harassment.

The physical, sexual and online abuse that has become a part of their daily work lives should never be normalized.

Harassment is not part of the job description and should be called out and challenged at every turn to ensure these important voices are not silenced.

Maha Abu-Dayyeh