Key reports & resolutions at the 45th Sessions of the Human Rights Council

This page presents information on key reports and resolutions* that pertain to gender justice, sexuality and women's rights, as well as statements made by feminists activists and civil society on restrictions to civil society participation at HRC45.

Bailout Manifesto: From a Feminist Bailout to a Global Feminist Economic Recovery

This Manifesto builds on the the global success of our #FeministBailout Action Week, 1-5 June, 2020. The document combines demands from feminist and social movements and lists 5 principles and 10 actions a feminist post-COVID recovery.

How funders can resource feminist movements: concrete practices to Move More Money to the Drivers of Change 

This report by AWID and Mama Cash, in the context of our Count Me In! partnership, contains key practice-based insights on HOW funding modalities can succeed in providing sustained and direct resources to feminist movements in all their richness, boldness and diversity.

High hopes and high expectations for resourcing feminist movements: recommendations to the Equality Fund

AWID’s report presents how activists themselves define what is needed in this moment and how funders can support feminist realities in all their richness, boldness and diversity.

On Human Rights Day 2020 we want the UN Human Rights system to survive COVID-19

 Through meaningful consultation with feminist, LGBTIQ, and other human rights and social justice movements, the Special Procedures have persistently called on states to uphold rights related to gender and sexuality from a systemic and intersectional lens that addresses the root causes of discrimination.

New report: Moving More Money to the Drivers of Change - How funders can resource feminist movements.

This report by AWID and Mama Cash, in the context of our Count Me In! partnership, contains key practice-based insights on HOW funding modalities can succeed in providing sustained and direct resources to feminist movements in all their richness, boldness and diversity.

Time to elect 2 bold feminists to join our Board of Directors

Following our open call for nominations and a thorough review and interview process by our Board’ Nominations & Governance Committee, we are presenting 4 candidates for election who would complement our current Board’s skills and expertise.

We demand greater transparency and accountability from the Human Rights Council

The HRC and the UN human rights system have missed a great opportunity to make virtual and hybrid meetings an improvement in real access and participation. Modalities this year have tended to exacerbate the flaws of in-person meetings, making virtual meetings less accessible than before, including by transferring responsibilities to participants.

Everyone has the right to life-saving interventions during or outside of crises

Joint Civil Society Statement International Safe Abortion Day 45th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Item 8 General Debate

Please note that an abbreviated version of this statement was delivered orally on 1 October 2020 to fit the time requirements of the Human Rights Council. 

We make this statement on behalf of 354 organizations and 643 individuals.

Discontinuing the AWID Jobs newsletter

As of January 2021, we will no longer publish jobs on our website. This is to better focus on our core work of co-creating Feminist Realities. 

For your future jobs ads, we recommend using the following platforms specialised in social justice jobs: