Nominate bold feminists to join AWID's Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is key to inform AWID’s strategic direction and support our organisation to fulfill its mission in coherence with the world we live in and the needs of our movements. 

Civil Society Demands Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines

Joint Statement for the 46th Session of the Human Rights Council Item 3.

How I became an advocate for sex workers’ rights

A personal reflection by African feminist Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah about her journey in becoming an advocate for sex workers' rights.

On Human Rights Day 2020 we want the UN Human Rights system to survive COVID-19

 Through meaningful consultation with feminist, LGBTIQ, and other human rights and social justice movements, the Special Procedures have persistently called on states to uphold rights related to gender and sexuality from a systemic and intersectional lens that addresses the root causes of discrimination.

Where is the money for feminist organising? New analysis finds that the answer is alarming.

The global pandemic has exposed the deadly consequences of decades of disastrous, neoliberal policies. The obliteration of our basic social protections, in particular the privatisation of health, coupled with the climate crisis, have been devastating for people and our fragile planet. 

The Feminist Realities Magazine is here! A gift of hope and inspiration for movements everywhere

Dear friends,

This 2020 has been a challenging year that’s demanded from many of us to be like the lotus flower, who grows amid murky pond waters, drawing strength from the adversity. Much like many feminist activists and organizations, who each day continue to transform their world, creating feminist realities, alternative ways of living and working in synergy with people and planet. 

Capitalism is the Virus: Feminist Recovery is the Antidote

It's time for bold solutions, that are people and environment centred, and feminists are creating them!

Beijing Unfettered: Workshop Guide Online

We present virtual and in-person workshop methodologies to help you organize a Beijing Unfettered workshop in your community, collective or movement. We commit to doing our best to amplify bold, creative and visionary ideas and voices on the road to Beijing +25/Generation Equality Forums and beyond!

Curated Resources - Rainbows and Storms: LGBTQI+, climate crisis and pandemics

The Curated Conversation "Rainbows and Storms: LGBTQI+, climate crisis and pandemics" centers queer voices. Held with DIVA for Equality Fiji, we will learn how to set up community owned aquaponic gardens, collective cleaning of rivers, or organize queer women builders networks. 

We propose here a series of resources for you to explore and dive into the theme.

Curated Resources - Freeing Ourselves: Challenging Criminalization & Stigmas

The Curated Conversation "Freeing Ourselves: Challenging Criminalization & Stigmas" is held with RESURJ and Accountability International to explore strategies to challenge criminalization, resist stigmas and build collective freedoms for all. We compile here a series of resources for you to continue engaging in this work.