Key anti-rights trends: 47th session of the Human Rights Council

The Human Rights Council (HRC) is the UN’s main “political” human rights body, meaning it’s the main place where governments discuss human rights issues,  negotiate human rights standards,  and hold one another accountable for human rights violations. The HRC meets a few times a year, and recently concluded its 47th session in July. 

OURs Side Event at HRC47 - Rights at Risk: Time for Action

On 13 July, as part of the 47th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC), the Observatory on the Universality of Rights held a side event, ‘Rights at Risk: Time for Action,’ along with the Center for Reproductive Rights, ILGA World, International Service for Human Rights, International Planned Planned Parenthood Federation and the Permanent Mission of Sweden to the United Nations, Geneva.

States must halt and counter the use of disinformation to scapegoat marginalized communities

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COVID19 measures continue to be hotspots to the spread of disinformation with disastrous consequences for women, sexual and gender minorities.

Climate Change and the Covid-19 crisis are Two Sides of the Same Coin: You Can’t Tackle One Without the Other

This article was originally published on the LSE WPS blog.

The pandemic isn't over until it's over for all

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Welcome to Crear | Résister | Transform: a festival for feminist movements!

Date: 1 - 30 September 2021

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Solidarity with Afghan Women

As we witness the unfolding threat to humanity in Afghanistan, we call out international complicity and express our deepest and strongest solidarity with Afghan feminists.

Today’s reality in Afghanistan is the result of an ongoing historical cycle of violence by foreign military powers, imperialist interests and corporate greed. From Russia’s bloody occupation, to Pakistan’s continuous support for the Taliban, the US invasion and the last two decades of US intervention that has killed thousands of civilians in military operations and left a stronger Taliban. 

No Borders, No Walls: Feminists for Abolition

The resources shared below are based on a virtual conversation convened by AWID titled No Borders, No Walls: Feminists for Abolition on  27 January. This was a small gathering bringing together speakers from prison abolition, Indigenous, harm reduction and broader feminist movements to build connections across movements and to discuss the cross-regional and cultural implications of these concepts. 

Key anti-rights trends: 47th session of the Human Rights Council

The Human Rights Council (HRC) is the UN’s main “political” human rights body, meaning it’s the main place where governments discuss human rights issues,  negotiate human rights standards,  and hold one another accountable for human rights violations. The HRC meets a few times a year, and recently concluded its 47th session in July. 

Trojan horses in human rights spaces: anti-rights discourses, tactics and their convergences with trans-exclusionary feminists

As Rights at Risk, the first trends report from ther Observatory on the Universality of Rights (OURs), highlights, ultraconservatives, fundamentalists and other anti-rights actors are operating with increased impact, frequency, coordination, resources, and support in human rights spaces that have historically been a site for feminist gains and human rights advancements.1