Compilation of inputs from women’s rights advocates on the occasion of the CSW59

In the lead up to CSW59 AWID called on feminists and women’s rights advocates to share three key messages about women’s rights with UN and government leaders.

The One-Year Evaluation of AWID's 2008 Forum

This report summarizes and analyses results of the one-year evaluation conducted among a focus group of participants at AWID’s 11th International Forum “The Power of Movements” held in Cape Town, South Africa in November, 2008.

Report on AWID’s 2008 Forum, “The Power of Movements”

This Report shares AWID’s perspective on the 2008 Forum: what we believe was accomplished and what we learned.

Gender Equality and New Technologies: Agricultural Biotechnology

This fact sheet highlights the importance of agricultural biotechnology for gender equality and development, focusing on genetic modification.

Urgent Responses for Women Human Rights Defenders at Risk

This report describes the types of resources and strategies available to respond to urgent situations of violence against WHRDs as well as some of the organizations that offer them.

Beyond Investing in Women and Girls: Mobilizing Resources

An in-depth look at the funding landscape for women’s rights and the powerful impact of resources in the hands of women’s organizations.

Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation: 13 Insights for Women's Organizations

This publication presents thirteen key insights into how women’s rights organizations and movements can strengthen capacity to track and assess the contribution of their organizations and interventions.

Money Watch for Women’s Rights Movements and Organizations: FundHer Brief 2008

The AWID 2008 global survey of donors and women’s rights activists provides the information presented in this Fundher brief. 

Fact and Fiction: Examining Microcredit/Microfinance from a Feminist Perspective

This primer provides a definition of microcredit, situates the tool both historically and within present debates on development and economics and finally discusses its impact on particular groups of women.

2011 AWID Global Survey “Where is the Money for Women’s Rights?”: Preliminary Research Results

These preliminary research results derive from the 2011 AWID Global Survey, which was completed by 1,119 women’s organizations from over 140 countries.