Planting seeds for innovation: initiatives that emerged from the 2012 Forum

This report reveals how ideas generated at the 2012 Forum and supported by an AWID’s Innovation Seed Initiatives have far-reaching benefits and ripple effects.

Brave, Creative and Resilient: The State of Young Feminist Organizing

FRIDA The Young Feminist Fund launched at the 2016 AWID international Forum, an exclusive research that analyzed young feminist-led organizing from more than 1500 organizations around the world, over three years.

Challenging corporate power: Struggles for women’s rights, economic and gender justice

AWID and the Solidarity Center release of a joint report that outlines the ways in which large national and transnational corporations are impacting the lives of women’s and oppressed people’s and offers insights into their strategies of resistance.

A Feminist Approach to Canada’s International Assistance

A written submission to the International Assistance Review by Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights, Oxfam Canada and Inter Pares.

Key readings from the 32nd Session of the Human Rights Council

We feature here key reports and resources related to the 32nd session of the Human Rights Council held in Geneva from 13 June to 1 July 2016.

The Devil is in the Details

This research paper from AWID examines the relationship between development initiatives, the growth of religious fundamentalisms, and the state of women’s rights. The paper is currently published in English, with French and Spanish translation planned for later in 2016.

AWID and partners brief the CEDAW Committee on religious fundamentalisms

During the 62nd CEDAW session, AWID, ARROW, SRI and the World Council of Churches presented a thematic briefing to the CEDAW Committee in Geneva titled “Religious Fundamentalisms, Extreme Interpretations of Religion and Gender Justice”. The aim of the briefing was to illustrate how rising religious fundamentalisms inhibit implementation of the CEDAW Convention. 

Rights before profit: Recommendations on corporate accountability from the co-convenors of the Post-2015 Human Rights Caucus

The private sector can play an important role in contributing new resources to achieving sustainable development and the post-2015 agenda. However, without clear lines of accountability there is an imminent risk that the development agenda over the next 15 years will be disproportionately impacted by unconstrained private sector financing, activities and priorities which undermine human rights.

Why New Technology is a Women's Rights Issue

This primer will explore the complex ways new technologies affect women’s rights and their place in a global agenda for gender justice.

Capturing Change in Women’s Realities

This document provides a critique of current monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks and approaches as experienced by women’s organizations and movements worldwide along with an analysis of a large number of M&E frameworks and tools.