Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Memory as Resistance: A Tribute to WHRDs no longer with us

AWID’s Tribute is an art exhibition honouring feminists, women’s rights and social justice activists from around the world who are no longer with us. 

In 2020, we are taking a turn

This year’s tribute tells stories and shares narratives about those who co-created feminist realities, have offered visions of alternatives to systems and actors that oppress us, and have proposed new ways of organising, mobilising, fighting, working, living, and learning.

49 new portraits of feminists and Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) are added to the gallery. While many of those we honour have passed away due to old age or illness, too many have been killed as a result of their work and who they are.

This increasing violence (by states, corporations, organized crime, unknown gunmen...) is not only aimed at individual activists but at our joint work and feminist realities.

The stories of activists we honour keep their legacy alive and carry their inspiration forward into our movements’ future work.

Visit the online exhibit

The portraits of the 2020 edition are designed by award winning illustrator and animator, Louisa Bertman

AWID would like to thank the families and organizations who shared their personal stories and contributed to this memorial. We join them in continuing the remarkable work of these activists and WHRDs and forging efforts to ensure justice is achieved in cases that remain in impunity.

“They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds.” - Mexican Proverb 

The Tribute was first launched in 2012

It took shape with a physical exhibit of portraits and biographies of feminists and activists who passed away at AWID’s 12th International Forum, in Turkey. It now lives as an online gallery, updated every year.

To date, 467 feminists and WHRDs are featured.

Visit the online exhibit

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Exposición en el Jardín de los Placeres

Estas obras son un trabajo colaborativo de fotografías e ilustraciones realizadas por Siphumeze y Katia durante el confinamiento. Muestran narrativas negras queer de sexo y placer, bondage, sexo seguro, juguetes, salud mental y sexo, y mucho más. Fueron creadas para acompañar la antología Touch.

Mental Health
“Mental Health” [«Salud mental»]
Sex and Spirtuality
“Sex and Spirituality” [«Sexo y espiritualidad»]
“Orgasm” [«Orgasmo»]

About the Artists:

Siphumeze Khundayi portrait
Siphumeze Khundayi es una creadora de arte, fotógrafa y facilitadora interesada en las formas creativas de unir el diálogo y la práctica artística en relación con la identidad queer africana.
Es directora creativa de HOLAAfrica!, una colectiva en línea mujerista panafricanista.
Sus trabajos de performance individual y en colaboración han sido presentados en numerosos festivales y espacios teatrales, tales como el Ricca Ricca Festival de Japón.
En 2017 y 2018 dirigió dos producciones que fueron nominadas a los Naledi Theatre Awards y, en 2020, obtuvo un premio Standard Bank Ovation.
Como fotógrafa, participó en Italia en una exposición grupal titulada Flowers of my Soul, organizada por The Misfit Project. Produjo tres publicaciones para HOLAAfrica!, y sus trabajos fueron publicados dentro y como tapa del Volume Two: As You Like de las Gerald Kraak Anthologies.
katia portrait
Katia Herrera es una artista visual digital de 21 años, de la ruidosa ciudad de Santo Domingo, en la República Dominicana. A pesar de que se autodefine como introvertida, su obra es notablemente estruendosa en un mundo que intenta acallar las voces negras. Con títulos como “Black Woman” [«Mujer Negra»], “You Own the Moon” [«La Luna es Tuya»], “Earth Goddess” [«Diosa de la Tierra»], “Forever” [«Por Siempre»] y “Universe Protector” [«Protectora del Universo»], el legado de Herrera estará marcado por su pasión por poner de manifiesto la resistencia y la perseverancia de las personas negras del pasado y del presente, en contraposición a la narrativa de que la piel negra debería solamente ser asociada con la esclavitud.
Una de sus obras más hermosas y vivazmente tituladas, “Universe Protector”, representa al alma negra como una entidad divina plena de fortaleza, poder y grandeza. En su juventud, su amor por el diseño gráfico se vio estimulado por el talento artístico de su madre y su padre, y por el programa Photoshop que habían descargado en su computadora para su trabajo profesional de fotografía.

How does the AWID Forum connect to regional and other spaces?

We are in communication with regional, thematic and funder convenings planned for 2023-2024, to ensure flow of conversations and connections. If you are organizing an event and would like to make a connection to the AWID Forum, please get in touch with us!


Rights at Risk: The Observatory on the Universality of Rights Trends Report 2017


Rights at Risk - OURs Trends Report 2017

The first report from the Observatory on the Universality of Rights acts as a compendium of information on anti-rights trends in international spaces. Find out about key anti-rights religious actors, discourses, and tactics within the UN.

Get the report

Colectivo Morivivi

Colectivo Moriviví est un collectif artistique de femmes. Notre production artistique comprend du muralisme, du muralisme communautaire et des performances/actions de manifestation. Notre travail consiste à démocratiser l'art et à amener les récits des communautés portoricaines dans la sphère publique afin de créer des espaces où ils seront validés. Nous croyons qu’à travers l'artivisme, nous pouvons promouvoir la sensibilisation aux questions sociales et renforcer notre mémoire collective.

“Cacibajagua” 2017, Mural Project. Jiangxi, China
“Cacibajagua” 2017, Projet mural. Jiangxi, Chine
“Cacibajagua” 2017, Mural Project. Jiangxi, China
“Cacibajagua” 2017, Projet mural. Jiangxi, Chine
“Paz para la Mujer” 2015, collaboration with Coordinadora Paz para la Mujer Organization. Santurce,
“Paz para la Mujer” (“Paix pour la Femme”) 2015, collaboration avec l’organisation Paz para la Mujer. Santurce, Porto Rico


“Paz para la Mujer” 2015, collaboration with Coordinadora Paz para la Mujer Organization. Santurce, Puerto Rico
“Paz para la Mujer” (“Paix pour la Femme”) 2015, collaboration avec l’organisation Paz para la Mujer. Santurce, Porto Rico
Collectivo Moriri Artwork

Dans le cadre de sa participation au Groupe de Travail d’Artistes d'AWID, le Colectivo Moriviví a réuni un groupe divers de membres, partenaires et personnel pour faciliter un processus collaboratif visant à imaginer, documenter et déterminer le contenu d'une fresque communautaire par le biais d'un processus de co-création en plusieurs étapes. Le projet a commencé par une conceptualisation à distance avec des féministes de différentes régions du monde réuni·e·s par l'AWID, avant d'évoluer vers sa re-contextualisation et sa réalisation à Porto Rico. Nous avons eu l'honneur de bénéficier de la contribution des artistes locaux·ales Las Nietas de Nonó(@lasnietasdenono), de la participation des femmes locales à la session de peinture communautaire, du soutien logistique de la municipalité de Caguas et du soutien supplémentaire du FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund.
La fresque explore la transcendance des frontières en présentant les corps tels des cartes, dans une étreinte qui met en évidence l'intersection des différentes manifestations, pratiques et réalités féministes.
Nous remercions également Kelvin Rodríguez, qui a documenté et capturé les différentes étapes de ce projet à Porto Rico : 

Collectivo Moriri Artwork
Collectivo Moriri Artwork
Collectivo Moriri Artwork
Collectivo Moriri Artwork
Collectivo Moriri Artwork
Collectivo Moriri Artwork
Collectivo Moriri Artwork
Collectivo Moriri Artwork
Collectivo Moriri Artwork

À propos du Colectivo Morivivi 

Colectivo Morivivi portrait
Moriviví est un collectif de jeunes femmes artistes qui travaille sur l'art public depuis Avril 2013. Basé·e·s à Porto Rico, nous sommes reconnu·e·s pour la création de fresques et d'arts dirigés par la communauté.
Le groupe a débuté dans les festivals d'art urbain locaux. Au fur et à mesure que notre travail devenait plus populaire, les organisations et les dirigeant.e.s communautaires ont commencé à nous contacter. Au départ, nous étions huit lycéen·ne·s qui voulaient peindre une fresque ensemble. Cependant, en huit ans de travail acharné, nous avons été confronté·e·s à de nombreux défis. Nous sommes aujourd’hui dans une période de transition. Au cours de l'année qui vient, nous souhaitons restructurer le collectif en interne. Notre objectif est d'ouvrir de nouvelles opportunités pour les collaborateurs·trices et d'étayer notre processus de prise de décisions par un nouveau système d'évaluation. À long terme, nous aspirons à devenir une école alternative de pratiques artistiques pour celles et ceux souhaitant s'immerger dans la production artistique communautaire.

¿Habrá un espacio para jóvenes feministas? ¿Un espacio de justicia para personas con discapacidad? ¿Un centro digital/tecnológico? ¿Posibilidad de sentarse café por medio con donantes? ¿Espacios de bienestar y sanación?

Tan pronto como podamos, compartiremos información sobre el programa, los espacios y la forma en que todo el mundo puede participar en su construcción, en camino hacia el Foro y durante el Foro. Sigue con atención las actualizaciones.


Snippet Kohl - Plenary: The revolution will be feminist – or it won’t be a revolution

Bubble: Plenary | The revolution will be feminist – or it won’t be a revolution

with Manal Tamimi, Bubulina Moreno, Karolina Więckiewicz, and Anwulika Ngozi Okonjo.


Anti-Rights Trends in Regional Human Rights Systems

Chapter 6

In the African Commission and the Inter-American System, anti-rights actors push essentialist notions of culture and gender to hamper progress on rights and undermine accountability. As we see, anti-rights actors are exerting influence in regional human rights systems, as well as international spaces. 

2019 JUN 27 Meeting of the Summit Implementation Review Group in Colombia
© Juan Manuel Herrera/OAS/Flickr
2019 JUN 27 Meeting of the Summit Implementation Review Group in Colombia

The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights has begun framing women’s and sexual rights as jeopardising its ability to deal with “real rights” and contrary to “African values”,   setting a worrying anti-rights precedent. The withdrawal of the Coalition of African Lesbians’ observer status is an example of this trend, and points to the way space for feminist, Pan-Africanist engagement is being stifled. 

In the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Inter-American Human Rights System, anti-rights strategies include the NGOization of religious groups, the use of secular discourses, and the co-optation of discrimination frameworks. Anti-rights influence has materialized in a number of ways, including the intimidation of trans activists and the blocking the introduction of progressive language in resolutions.

Table of Contents

  • Silencing Feminists in the African Human Rights System
  • Anti-rights Groups in Latin America: Organization of American States (OAS) General Assembly and the Inter-American Human Rights System

Read Full Chapter >

CFA 2023 - Intro - EN

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” - Maya Angelou


Welcome to the 15th AWID International Forum!

The AWID International Forum is both a global community event and a space of radical personal transformation. A one-of-a-kind convening, the Forum brings together feminist, women’s rights, gender justice, LBTQI+ and allied movements, in all our diversity and humanity, to connect, heal and thrive. The Forum is a place where Global South feminists and historically marginalized communities take center stage, strategizing with each other and allied movements, funders and policy-makers, in order to shift power, make alliances, and usher in a different, better world.

When people come together on a global scale, as individuals and movements, we generate a sweeping force. Join us in Bangkok, Thailand in 2024. Come dance, sing, dream and rise with us.

When: 2–5 December 2024
Where: Bangkok, Thailand; and online
Who: Approximately 2,500 feminists from all over the world participating in-person, and 3,000 participating virtually

Learn more about the forum:
Read our Frequently Asked Questions

Snippet Kohl - Panel | Feminismo no inclusivo: las jóvenes sin voz del movimiento feminista de Haití

Globo - feminismo no inclusivo

con Naike Ledan y Fédorah Pierre-Louis.


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