Analyses Spéciales

L´AWID est une organisation féministe mondiale qui consacre ses efforts à la justice de genre, au développement durable et aux droits humains des femmes

Conseil des Droits de l'Homme (CDH)

​​​​​​Le Conseil des droits de l'homme (CDH) est un organe intergouvernemental clé du système des Nations Unies, responsable de la promotion et la protection des droits humains autour du globe. Il se réunit  trois fois par an en session ordinaire, en Mars, Juin et Septembre. Le Bureau du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux Droits de l’Homme (HCDH) constitue le secrétariat pour le CDH.

Le CDH :

  • Débat et adopte des résolutions sur les questions globales des droits humains ainsi que sur la situation des droits humains dans des pays particuliers

  • Examine les plaintes des victimes de violations des droits humains et des organisations activistes, au nom des victimes de violations des droits humains

  • Nomme des experts indépendants (que l'on connaît sous le nom de « Procédures Spéciales ») pour réviser les cas de violation des droits humains dans des pays spécifiques, ainsi que pour examiner et suivre des questions globales relatives aux droits humains

  • Prend part à des discussions avec les experts et les gouvernements sur les questions de droits humains

  • Évalue les bilans des États membres de l'ONU en matière de droits humains tous les quatre ans et demi, dans le cadre de l'examen périodique universel.

En savoir plus sur le CDH

Session actuelle: CDH 44

La prochaine session du CDH a lieu à Genève, en Suisse, du 30 juin au 17 juillet 2020.

AWID travaille avec des partenaires féministes, progressistes et du domaine des droits humains pour partager nos connaissances clé, convoquer dialogues et évènements avec la société civile, et influencer les négociations et les résultats de la session.

Avec nos partenaires, notre travail consiste à :

◾️ Suivre, surveiller et analyser les acteurs, discours et stratégies anti-droits et leur impact sur les résolutions du CDH.

◾️ Co-développer un plaidoyer collectif pour contrer les acteurs anti-droits et discuter plus en détails les résultats du Rapport de tendances 2017 du OURs

◾️ Soutenir, coordoner et développer de manière collaborative le Caucus féministe qui émerge au CDH.



Contenu lié

A few different people from my organization are planning to attend the Forum. Is there a group discount for the Forum?

AWID does not provide group discounts, but we do provide registration discounts to members. (Click here to learn more about becoming a member)

ours chapter 6

Chapter 6
Anti-Rights Trends in Regional Human Rights Systems

In the African Commission and the Inter-American System, anti-rights actors push essentialist notions of culture and gender to hamper progress on rights and undermine accountability. As we see, anti-rights actors are exerting influence in regional human rights systems, as well as international spaces.

Read more

2013: el sexto Diálogo de Alto Nivel revisa el progreso de los ODM

  • El Sexto Diálogo de Alto Nivel sobre la Financiación para el Desarrollo, que tuvo lugar el 7 y 8 de octubre de 2013, se centró en analizar los progresos hacia los ODM e identificar las brechas a ser abordadas en las conversaciones acerca del nuevo marco para el desarrollo.
  • Durante la sesión, el Grupo de Trabajo sobre el desfase en el logro de los ODM presentó un informe en el que hizo referencia al fracaso en alcanzar el ODM 8 (Alianza mundial para el desarrollo) como un factor decisivo que explicaba los obstáculos para el logro de los demás ODM. Ese informe demostró que en el nuevo marco para el desarrollo post-2015 se debía prestar más atención a crear alianzas globales fuertes que garantizaran compromisos vinculantes.


We’re committed to protecting your privacy, so here we explain how we use cookies on our website.

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What are cookies?

A cookie is a small data file downloaded by your web browser (for example Chrome or Internet Explorer) and stored on your computer. They are downloaded automatically when you visit websites. Cookies are used to perform essential tasks on a website, to record how people use a website and to gather data for marketing.

How we use cookies

We provide essential information on our website to millions of people every year. To do this, we have to manage our website effectively and to reach out to more people who need our support and information. Cookies are a small, but essential way to make all this happen. We use cookies to:

  1. To measure how people use our website. This helps us understand how well different sections of our website are performing. It also helps us track numbers of visitors and helps us ensure our website is robust and works well for every single one of the millions of people who use it.
  2. To record actions so that the website will work well for you. For example, our online shop uses cookies to record items that you place in your shopping basket. We also use cookies in our online donations process and in other tools such as our online breath test.
  3. We also record actions so we can reach people more effectively. This works by using a cookie to remember what pages you have visited so we can tailor our marketing messages based on your interests.

Change your cookie settings

You can update your cookie preferences by clicking on the button below.

Cookie Settings

In addition, most browsers allow you to manage cookies saved on your device – just go to the help section of your browser. To learn more about cookies and how to manage them, visit the ICO website.

Your rights

Cookies never record your credit card details or easily identifiable personal data such as your name and address. You have every right to refuse to accept cookies from our website.

If you disable cookies you will still be able to access nearly all the information on our website. But please remember that this may affect some functionality.

How to disable cookies

You can disable cookies by changing your settings in your web browser or you can use the incognito option on Google Chrome. To find out more about your browser settings, visit the relevant support page below:

Cookies used by this site

Nunca he viajado antes. ¿Qué debería saber?

Reconocemos que el viaje involucra muchos desafíos y por eso brindaremos más información y detalles sobre cómo llegar a Bangkok cuando abramos el proceso de inscripción a principios del próximo año.

Llamado a la acción: ¡Basta de infiltración antiderechos en la ONU!

Llamado a la acción

¡Basta de infiltración antiderechos en la ONU!

¿Quieren sumarse al creciente número de personas que le están diciendo «basta» a la infiltración de lxs actores anti-derechos en la ONU?

Suma tu nombre

Mai 2015: les consultations sur la version préliminaire du document final ont lieu

Sessions de consultation complémentaires sur la version préliminaire du document final

  • Le 7 mai, les co-facilitateurs ont publié la version révisée du document final de la troisième Conférence sur FdD (en anglais).
  •  Pour permettre d’améliorer le document final, des sessions complémentaires ad hoc portant sur cette version révisée du document final ont été organisées du 12 au 15 mai 2015, puis du 26 au 29 mai 2015, au siège de l’ONU à New York.

Privacy and cookies - before 25 Apr 2023

AWID Privacy Policy, Your rights to privacy and cookies

This policy governs all pages hosted at, and any other websites under the control of the AWID (the “Website”) and registrations for these sites. It does not apply to pages hosted by organisations other than AWID, to which we may link and whose privacy policies may differ. Please read the following policy to understand our privacy policy regarding nature, purpose, using and sharing of your personal identifiable information that is collected via this website.

1. Types of information collected on this site

Generally, you can browse this website without submitting your personal information to us. However, in some circumstances, we will ask for your personal information.

1.1 Information you provide to us

When you are on the website and are asked for personal information, you are sharing that information only with AWID.

1.1.1 The information you provide to get updates from AWID:

When you register to use the website – for example, subscribe to receive emails from us or apply to become a member - you provide us with the mandatory information about you like Name, country, language to receive email updates and email address. This information is provided by you through secure forms and is stored on secure servers.

1.1.2 The payment information you provide to become member or registering for a paid event:

Also, while becoming a member or registering for events, you may need to provide payment information. AWID doesn’t store any credit card information on its servers and uses payment gateway to process the payment information.

1.1.3 The optional information you chose to give us as AWID member (with consent)

When you communicate with AWID, provide optional information through forms on the website or use the site to communicate with other members, we collect information about your communication and any information you choose to provide.

1.1.4 Information you provide us through contact forms or when you directly communicate with us

When you communicate with us, we collect your communication and any other information you choose to provide us.

1.2 Information that is automatically collected (third party cookies)

In addition, when you interact with the Website, our servers may keep an activity log that does not identify you individually (“Non-Personal Information”). Generally, we collect the following categories of Non-Personal Information:

  • We may collect certain demographic data such as age and gender as part of collecting personal information;
  • We collect and store certain device information about your computer, mobile device, or other device that you use to access the Website. This information may include IP address, geolocation information, unique device identifiers, browser type, browser language, and other transactional information;
  • We automatically log certain usage information about your use of the Website. This information includes a reading history of the pages you view. We use this information to provide you with a more customized experience on the Website;
  • We collect and store additional “traffic data” such as time of access, date of access, software crash reports, session identification number, access times, and referring website addresses; and
  • We collect and store your search terms and search results.
  • We also collect and store certain other information regarding our users’ use of the Website so that third parties may provide us with reports and analysis regarding usage and browsing patterns of the Website.

For more information about cookies, please see

If you do not wish to receive cookies you can easily modify your web browser to refuse cookies, or to notify you when you receive a new cookie, see how here.

2. Use of information collected on this website

AWID uses the information we collect about you to:

  • Better understand how you are using our website and what we could do to improve your experience.
  • Communicate with you via email to share resources and analysis in the field of women's rights, connect with you and provide opportunities to engage with our work, keep you updated about developments at AWID and with our partners.
  • Comply with our legal obligations to:
    • Detect and prevent fraud, spam, abuse, security incidents, and other harmful activity.
    • Conduct security investigations and risk assessments.
    • Verify or authenticate information provided by you (such as to verify your authorization to act as an agent on behalf of a nonprofit organization).
    • Conduct checks against databases and other information sources, to the extent permitted by applicable laws.
    • Resolve any disputes with any of our users or customers and enforce our agreements with third parties.
    • Enforce our Terms of Use and other policies.

3. Distribution of information

If you have subscribed to AWID´s e-newsletters or email updates or you have become a member, we will send you regular communications as specified in the relevant area of the website. You are able to unsubscribe from any of the e-newsletters or email updates at any time by using the unsubscribe information provided in our emails.

4. Accessing, changing and removing information

The accuracy of your individual identifying information is important to AWID. We are always looking for ways to make it easier for you to review and correct the information that AWID maintains about you through our website. If you change your email address, or if any of the other information we hold is inaccurate or out of date, please write to us here.

  • Where you have provided AWID with consent to use your personal data, you can withdraw it any time by sending us a communication and specifying which consent you are withdrawing. Please note that the withdrawal of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of any processing activities based on such consent before its withdrawal.
  • Where applicable, you may also have a right to receive a machine-readable copy of your personal data. If you would like to have a copy of the personal data we hold on you or if you think that we hold incorrect personal data about you, please write to us.
  • You also have the right to ask us to delete your personal data or restrict how it is used. There may be exceptions to the right to erasure for specific legal reasons which, if applicable, we will set out for you in response to your request.
  • At any time, regardless of applicable law, you may object to us processing your personal information for direct marketing purposes. You may, at any time, ask AWID to cease processing your data for these direct marketing purposes by Contacting Us.


5. Sharing information

Except as explained below, AWID will not disclose any of your personally identifiable information, and will not sell or rent lists containing your information to third parties. AWID may disclose information when it has your permission to do so or under special circumstances, such as when it believes in good faith that the law requires it.

6. Information security

We are continuously implementing and updating administrative, technical, and physical security measures to help protect your information against unauthorized access, loss, destruction, or alteration. Some of the safeguards we use to protect your information are firewalls and data encryption, and information access controls. If you know or have reason to believe that your AWID membership credentials have been lost, stolen, misappropriated, or otherwise compromised or in case of any actual or suspected unauthorized use of your AWID membership account, please contact us through on Contact Us.

7. Changes to this policy & Contacting us

This policy may change from time to time. The changed policy will be posted on this website and Last updated date at the end of the policy will be updated. There will be an email update sent to you for the revised policy and if you do not agree with the revised policy, you will have the option to cancel you registration(s) with us. You can also write to us here. We welcome your feedback!

Last updated: May 2019

Quelles sont les langues parlées au Forum ?

Les langues de travail de l'AWID sont l'anglais, le français et l'espagnol. Le thaï sera ajouté comme langue locale, ainsi que la langue des signes et d'autres mesures d'accessibilité. D'autres langues étant susceptibles d’être ajoutées si le financement le permet, nous vous invitons à consulter régulièrement les mises à jour. La justice linguistique nous tient à cœur et nous essaierons d'inclure autant de langues que possible en fonction de nos ressources. Nous espérons créer de multiples occasions pour que chacun·e d'entre nous puisse s'exprimer dans sa langue et communiquer avec les autres.

Ghiwa Sayegh Snippet

Ghiwa-Sayegh - un recorrido por el festival

Ghiwa Sayegh es una anarcoescritora queer, editora independiente y archivista. Es la editora fundadora de Kohl, una revista para la investigación sobre cuerpo y género, y la cofundadora de Intersectional Knowledge Publishers. Posee una maestría en estudios de género de Université Paris 8 Vincennes, Saint-Denis. Le apasionan la teoría queer, las circulaciones transnacionales y las historias imaginadas o desconocidas. Sus influencias son Audre Lorde y Sara Ahmed.

What are some of the debates and conflict areas?

Sin trabajadorxs domésticxs no hay economía de los cuidados

Un Manifiesto

Como movimientos feministas y sindicales, juntxs en solidaridad, articulamos los siguientes puntos como una visión colectiva de las economías de los cuidados con los derechos de lxs trabajadorxs domésticxs como eje central.

Nuestro manifiesto responde a un contexto complejo:

El trabajo doméstico y de cuidado estuvo en la primera línea de fuego durante y después de la pandemia de COVID-19, al proporcionar los medios para sobrellevar las múltiples crisis globales que se intersectan. El Banco Mundial, el Fondo Monetario Internacional y otras instituciones multilaterales también reconocen la importancia del trabajo doméstico y de cuidados para el sostenimiento de la economía. Sin embargo, vemos que esta atención adopta un enfoque utilitarista (es decir, el trabajo de cuidados contribuye a sostener a la economía "productiva") centrado en el lucro, sin reconocer los cuidados como un derecho humano y un bien público, ni prestar atención a lxs trabajadorxs que realizan la mayor parte de este trabajo.

Descargar el manifiesto completo

ours 2021 - chapter 2 fr

Chapitre 2

Comprendre le contexte des menaces antidroits

La montée en puissance des antidroits a préparé son terrain. Nous devons comprendre la montée de l’ultranationalisme, du pouvoir incontrôlé des entreprises, de la répression croissante et de l’amenuisement de l’espace civique pour contextualiser les menaces actuelles contre nos droits.

En lire plus

Snippet Kohl - Table ronde | Terres et territoires libérés : une conversation panafricaine

Table ronde | Terres et territoires libérés : une conversation panafricaine

avec Luam Kidane, Mariama Sonko, Yannia Sofia Garzon Valencia et Nomsa Sizani.