Conseil des Droits de l'Homme (CDH)
Le Conseil des droits de l'homme (CDH) est un organe intergouvernemental clé du système des Nations Unies, responsable de la promotion et la protection des droits humains autour du globe. Il se réunit trois fois par an en session ordinaire, en Mars, Juin et Septembre. Le Bureau du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux Droits de l’Homme (HCDH) constitue le secrétariat pour le CDH.
Le CDH :
Débat et adopte des résolutions sur les questions globales des droits humains ainsi que sur la situation des droits humains dans des pays particuliers
Examine les plaintes des victimes de violations des droits humains et des organisations activistes, au nom des victimes de violations des droits humains
Nomme des experts indépendants (que l'on connaît sous le nom de « Procédures Spéciales ») pour réviser les cas de violation des droits humains dans des pays spécifiques, ainsi que pour examiner et suivre des questions globales relatives aux droits humains
Prend part à des discussions avec les experts et les gouvernements sur les questions de droits humains
Évalue les bilans des États membres de l'ONU en matière de droits humains tous les quatre ans et demi, dans le cadre de l'examen périodique universel.
Session actuelle: CDH 44
La prochaine session du CDH a lieu à Genève, en Suisse, du 30 juin au 17 juillet 2020.
AWID travaille avec des partenaires féministes, progressistes et du domaine des droits humains pour partager nos connaissances clé, convoquer dialogues et évènements avec la société civile, et influencer les négociations et les résultats de la session.
Avec nos partenaires, notre travail consiste à :
◾️ Suivre, surveiller et analyser les acteurs, discours et stratégies anti-droits et leur impact sur les résolutions du CDH.
◾️ Co-développer un plaidoyer collectif pour contrer les acteurs anti-droits et discuter plus en détails les résultats du Rapport de tendances 2017 du OURs
◾️ Soutenir, coordoner et développer de manière collaborative le Caucus féministe qui émerge au CDH.
Contenu lié
Snippet FEA Georgia's minimum wage (ES)
El salario mínimo de Georgia se encuentra en un porcentaje inferior al de todos los países del mundo. Esta realidad afecta mayoritariamente a las mujeres.
El país no solo tiene una brecha salarial de género significativa, sino que las mujeres también trabajan más horas y más horas no reguladas antes de irse a casa para ocuparse de las tareas domésticas y de sus familias. No hay licencia por maternidad, no hay aumentos de salario por horas extras, no hay seguro de desempleo, y no hay licencias por enfermedad u otra protección social. Presionados por organizaciones occidentales, los partidos políticos oligárquicos georgianos han estado implementando reformas que están destruyendo el estado de bienestar, aumentando las medidas de austeridad y empeorando la explotación de lxs trabajadorxs, todo para los beneficios de grandes corporaciones que aplauden al país por su "facilidad para hacer negocios". Los medios de comunicación, cooptados por intereses privados y corporativos, están sesgados sobre estos temas o los silencian. La organización sindical sigue siendo una de las pocas opciones para luchar por los derechos humanos básicos y para hacer que el Estado y las empresas rindan cuentas ante las violaciones y persecuciones diarias y generalizadas contra lxs trabajadorxs, especialmente contra las mujeres.
Fuentes: Minimum-Wage y entrevista con Sopo Japaridze en Democracia Abierta
Qual é o objetivo do inquérito WITM?
O objetivo principal do inquérito WITM é chamar a atenção para o estado financeiro dos diversos movimentos feministas, de direitos das mulheres, de justiça de género, de LBTQI+ e de aliados globalmente, e com base nisto, fortalecer ainda mais o argumento para transferir mais recursos de melhor qualidade e poder para os movimentos feministas.
Juin 2015
Tenue des autres sessions de rédaction du document final d’Addis-Abeba
- Du 1er au 5 juin 2015, d'autres sessions complémentaires ont été organisées pour poursuivre le travail d’amélioration du document final.
- La troisième session de rédaction du document final prévue dans le processus de la conférence s’est tenue du 15 au 19 juin, au siège de l’ONU.
Pour plus d’informations, voir le « guide du routard des OSC » (le CSO Hitchhiker’s Guide – en anglais).
Snippet FEA collaborator and allies Photo 4 (FR)
É possível existir várias respostas para o inquérito WITM em nome de um grupo específico?
Não, solicitamos apenas um inquérito completo por grupo.
What is the 14th AWID Forum theme?
The 14th Forum theme is “Feminist Realities: our power in action”.
We understand Feminist Realities as the different ways of existing and being that show us what is possible, despite dominant power systems, and in defiance and resistance to them. We understand these feminist realities as reclamations and embodiments of hope and power, and as multi-dimentional, dynamic and rooted in specific contexts and historical moments.
Read more about Feminist Realities
Maria Elena Moyano Delgado
Snippet FEA lines of work Against (EN)
هل استطيع تعبئة الاستطلاع خارج KOBO ومشاركتكم/ن الأجوبة عن طريق البريد الالكتروني؟
ما لم تكن هناك مشكلات في إمكانية الوصول و/أو إذا كنت تملأ/ئي الاستبيان بلغات أخرى، فإننا نشجعك بشدة على استخدام KOBO لجمع وتحليل البيانات الموحدة للاستطلاع.
What will be different about this Forum?
We have always worked towards ensuring that our Forums are co-developed with partners, movements and our priority constituencies.
For our upcoming Forum, we aim to deepen and strengthen that spirit and practice of co-creation and collaboration. We also recognize the need to improve the balance between the inclusion of many voices and experiences with room for participants and staff to breathe, take pause and enjoy some downtime.
This Forum will be different in the following ways:
- We will have far less organized Forum activities because we want people to have time to engage, experience, process, talk to each other, etc. This is key to communicate: you can come to the Forum, be very engaged and active and not facilitate any organized activity (or “session”).
- We will have Open Spaces - at least one whole afternoon without any organized activities - but also physical spaces available throughout the Forum for people to self-organize meetings, etc.
- We have a Content and Methodology Committee made up of feminists from different regions with expertise on participatory methodologies to support us and all those leading activities at the Forum to use creative and engaging formats for the Forum activities.
Les droits des femmes et l’égalité de-s genre-s – La rubrique ‘Point de mire’ sur
Angy Ferreira
Snippet FEA Wage Parity (ES)
Будет ли у меня возможность поделиться мыслями по вопросам, которые не учтены в опросе?
Да, в конце опроса мы попросим вас поделиться более подробной информацией по важным для вас аспектам, ответив на открытые вопросы.
Reason to join 2
Encuentra y crea conexiones. AWID cuenta con más de 6000 afiliadxs, todxs dedicadxs a abordar cuestiones complementarias e interconectadas. En esta diversidad se apoya la sostenibilidad de los movimientos y actorxs feministas.
How can I fund my participation in the AWID Forum? Many activists will not be able to afford the cost of the Forum – is AWID doing anything to provide assistance?
Please visit the "Funding ideas" page to get some ideas and inspiration for how you can fund your participation at the next Forum, including the limited support AWID will be able to provide.
Remembering: A Tribute to WHRDs no longer with us
AWID honors feminists and Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) who have died and whose contributions to the advancement of human rights are very much missed.
Celebrating Activists and WHRDs
AWID’s WHRD Tribute is a photo exhibition featuring feminist, women’s rights and social justice activists from around the world who are no longer with us.
The Tribute was first launched in 2012, at AWID’s 12th International Forum, in Turkey. It took shape with a physical exhibit of portraits and biographies of feminists and activists who passed away. The initiative was described by Forum participants as being a unique, moving and energizing way to commemorate our collective history.
At the 13th International Forum in Brazil, we honored activists and WHRDs with a mural unveiling ceremony in four languages, a dance performance and a Brazilian ritual.
In between the events, the Tribute lives as an online gallery that is updated every year as part of the 16 Days Campaign Against Gender Based Violence (25 November – 10 December).
Contributions from all over the world
Since 2012, through our annual Tribute to Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) no longer with us, over 400 feminists and WHRDs from 11 regions and 80 countries have been featured.
AWID would like to thank the families and organizations who shared their personal stories and contributed to this memorial. We join them in continuing the remarkable work of these women and forging efforts to ensure justice is achieved in cases that remain in impunity.
Visit the WHRD Tribute online exhibit
The violence and threaths against WHRDs persist
In addition to paying homage to these incredible activists, the Tribute particularly sheds light on the plight of WHRDs who have been assassinated or disappeared.
One third of those featured in the Tribute were activists who have been murdered or disappeared in suspicious circumstances. They were specifically targeted for who they were and the work they did to challenge:
- State power
- Heteronormativity
- Fundamentalisms
- Corporations
- Patriarchy
- Organized Crime
- Corruption
- Militarization…
Women like Agnes Torres, from Mexico, was killed because of her gender identity and sexual orientation; or Cheryl Ananayo, an environmental activist from the Philippines was assassinated as she struggled against a mining company; or Ruqia Hassan, a Syrian independent journalist and blogger killed for her criticism of ISIS. And so many others.
With the WHRD Tribute, we bring them all into our collective memory and carry their legacy of struggle as our torch in the feminists’ and women’s rights movements. We recognize that security, safety and self-care must be a priority in all our political agendas. And we call on to governments and international bodies to collectively address violence against feminists and WHRDs.