Analyses Spéciales

L´AWID est une organisation féministe mondiale qui consacre ses efforts à la justice de genre, au développement durable et aux droits humains des femmes

Conseil des Droits de l'Homme (CDH)

​​​​​​Le Conseil des droits de l'homme (CDH) est un organe intergouvernemental clé du système des Nations Unies, responsable de la promotion et la protection des droits humains autour du globe. Il se réunit  trois fois par an en session ordinaire, en Mars, Juin et Septembre. Le Bureau du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux Droits de l’Homme (HCDH) constitue le secrétariat pour le CDH.

Le CDH :

  • Débat et adopte des résolutions sur les questions globales des droits humains ainsi que sur la situation des droits humains dans des pays particuliers

  • Examine les plaintes des victimes de violations des droits humains et des organisations activistes, au nom des victimes de violations des droits humains

  • Nomme des experts indépendants (que l'on connaît sous le nom de « Procédures Spéciales ») pour réviser les cas de violation des droits humains dans des pays spécifiques, ainsi que pour examiner et suivre des questions globales relatives aux droits humains

  • Prend part à des discussions avec les experts et les gouvernements sur les questions de droits humains

  • Évalue les bilans des États membres de l'ONU en matière de droits humains tous les quatre ans et demi, dans le cadre de l'examen périodique universel.

En savoir plus sur le CDH

Session actuelle: CDH 44

La prochaine session du CDH a lieu à Genève, en Suisse, du 30 juin au 17 juillet 2020.

AWID travaille avec des partenaires féministes, progressistes et du domaine des droits humains pour partager nos connaissances clé, convoquer dialogues et évènements avec la société civile, et influencer les négociations et les résultats de la session.

Avec nos partenaires, notre travail consiste à :

◾️ Suivre, surveiller et analyser les acteurs, discours et stratégies anti-droits et leur impact sur les résolutions du CDH.

◾️ Co-développer un plaidoyer collectif pour contrer les acteurs anti-droits et discuter plus en détails les résultats du Rapport de tendances 2017 du OURs

◾️ Soutenir, coordoner et développer de manière collaborative le Caucus féministe qui émerge au CDH.



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AWID Members Engaging at CSW61

Member states and women's rights advocates and organisations are gathering at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 13 - 24 March for the 61st Commission on the Status of Women to address ‘women’s economic empowerment’ in the context of Sustainable Development Goal 5.

Whilst AWID is looking forward to physically meeting those of you who will be in New York, we want to engage with all those who cannot attend CSW, and as much as possible, amplify your voices in relevant spaces.

Continue reading to find out how to engage with AWID around CSW, whether you are attending physically or not.

Participate in an artistic takeover!

We are thrilled that AWID member Nayani Thiyagarajah is attending CSW this year and will take over the AWID Instagram. She will be available onsite to connect with other members for a possible feature on our Instagram. She will also explore possibilities of including some AWID members in a short film on the theme, ‘The personal is political’, a story of Nayani’s participation in this year’s CSW.

Nayani Thiyagarajah

Who is Nayani?

Nayani Thiyagarajah is a director, producer, and writer, dedicated to stories for the screen. A daughter of the Tamil diaspora, she calls Toronto home. For over 10 years, Nayani has worked in the arts and cultural industries. Her first independent feature documentary Shadeism: Digging Deeper (2015) had its World Premiere at the 2015 Zanzibar International Film Festival, where it won a Special Jury Prize. Nayani recently launched [RE]FRAME, with her producing partner Camaro West, a production company based out of Atlanta and Toronto, focused on re-framing the narratives around Black, Indigenous, and other people of colour through storytelling on screen.

On a more serious note, it should be noted that Nayani has a strange laugh, she's quite awkward, and her head is always in the clouds. She feels blessed beyond belief to create stories for the screen and play make believe for a living. Above all else, she believes in love.

(Biography submitted by Nayani)

Interested in meeting Nayani and being considered for inclusion in the film?

  • Send an email to with the subject line “CSW Artistic Takeover”

  • By 13 March 2017

  • Please include your full name and country information.

Can't attend? Voice it!

If you are not able to attend CSW61 because of a travel ban, either due to the one imposed by the Trump administration or one you are facing from your own government, please share your story with us.

Send us messages you want heard in the United Nations spaces concerning funding, the impact of the reinstatement of the Global Gag Rule, and the need to push back against all types of religious fundamentalisms. You can send these in the following formats:

  • Video: no longer than two minutes and sent through a file sharing folder (for example dropbox, google drive) 

  • Audio: no longer than two minutes and sent through a file sharing folder (for example dropbox, google drive)

  • Image: you can share a photo or a poster of your message 

  • Text: no longer than 200 words and sent in the body of an email or in a word document

Share your message with us

Meet other members @CSW61

AWID members tell us that connecting with other members at CSW is valuable. In such a huge advocacy space, it is useful to connect with others including activists working on similar issues, or originating from the same country or region. Recognising the importance of connecting for movement building, we invite you to:

Interested in connecting with other members @CSW61?

  • Email with the subject line “CSW AWID Members

  • NOTE: Please let us know your full name and country, and if we can share your email address with other members interested in meeting at CSW. 

Meet current AWID members

Take a picture!

If you are attending the CSW, we’d love to see what’s going on through your eyes!

Show us by capturing a moment you find speaks to the energy in the CSW space, be it on or off site. We hope to publish some of your ‘images’ on our social media channels and share on

You can send us: 

  • colour and/ or black and white photographs with a title (if you wish) and 

  • a caption (no longer than 100 words) about the story your image tells.

​Please also include:

  • your full name and country of origin and

  • let us know if we can publish the information you shared (in part or in full).

Send your images:

  • Email with the subject line “CSW: Take a Picture!

  • During the whole CSW or shortly after until Tuesday 28 March 2017. 

Snippet FEA collaborator and allies Photo 2 (EN)

The photo on depicts eight women standing together during a protest. Many are holding banners while Sopo is holding the megaphone close to the mouth of a woman worker with short red hair, wearing a white scarf and a black coat reading a manifesto.

Snippet - WITM Start the survey 1 - PT




O inquérito está disponível em árabe, inglês, francês, português, russo e espanhol!


Molara Ogundipe

"Pero, ¿ fue el maestro alguna vez 
seducido por el poder?
¿Alguna vez se rompió
 un sistema con aceptación ?
¿Cuándo el JEFE te entregará el poder con amor?
¿En Jo'Burg, en Cancún o en la ONU? - Molara Ogundipe

En una entrevista, realizada en la Feria Internacional del Libro de Ghana de 2010, Molara Ogundipe se presentó con estas palabras "...Soy una nigeriana. He vivido, posiblemente, en todo el mundo, excepto en la Unión Soviética y China".

A través de los diferentes continentes y países, la profesora Ogundipe enseñó literatura comparada, escritura, género y filología inglesa, y utilizó la literatura como vehículo para la transformación social y el replanteamiento de las relaciones de género.

Molara Ogundipe, como pensadora, escritora, editora, crítica social, poeta y activista feminista, logró combinar el trabajo teórico con la creatividad y la acción práctica. Se la considera una de las principales voces críticas de los feminismos africanos, los estudios de género y la teoría literaria.  

Molara acuñó el concepto de "estiwanismo" a partir de las siglas STIWA (Social Transformations in Africa Including Women) [Transformaciones Sociales en África Incluyendo a las Mujeres], con el fin de reconocer la necesidad de “alejar la definición del feminismo y los feminismos en relación con Euro-América u otro lugar, y declamar lealtades o deslealtades". Con su obra fundamental, "Recreándonos Nosotras Mismas", de 1994, Molara Ogundipe (publicada bajo el nombre de Molara Ogundipe-Leslie) dejó tras de sí un inmenso cuerpo de conocimientos que descolonizó el discurso feminista y "re-centró a las mujeres africanas en sus completas y complejas narrativas... guiadas por una exploración de la liberación económica, política y social de las mujeres africanas y la restauración de la agencia femenina en las diferentes culturas de África".

Comentando los retos a los que se enfrentó como joven académica, dijo:

"Cuando empecé a hablar y escribir sobre el feminismo a finales de los años sesenta y en los setenta, se me veía como una chica buena y admirable que se había extraviado, una mujer cuya cabeza se había arruinado con un exceso de aprendizaje".

Molara Ogundipe se destacó por su liderazgo a la hora de combinar el activismo con el mundo académico; en 1977 fue una de las fundadoras de la Asociación de Mujeres en la Investigación y el Desarrollo, AAWORD (por sus siglas en inglés),. En 1982 fundó Mujeres en Nigeria, WIN (por sus siglas en inglés), con el fin de abogar por un acceso pleno a los "derechos económicos, sociales y políticos" para las mujeres nigerianas. Posteriormente, estableció y dirigió la Fundación Internacional para la Educación y el Monitoreo y pasó muchos años en el consejo editorial del periódico The Guardian.

Luego de haber crecido con el pueblo yoruba, sus tradiciones, cultura e idioma, dijo una vez:

"Creo que la celebración de la vida, de las personas que mueren después de una vida llena de logros, es uno de los aspectos más hermosos de la cultura yoruba".

El nombre de alabanza yoruba 'Oiki' de Molara era Ayike. Molara nació el 27 de diciembre de 1940 y falleció el 18 de junio de 2019 a la edad de 78 años, en Ijebu-Igbo, Estado de Ogun, Nigeria.


Why this resource?

While active participants on the front lines of protests and uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), women became invisible, absent from processes of formation of the new states, and excluded from decision-making roles, responsibilities, and positions in the aftermath of the uprisings. Except in rare cases, men dominated leadership positions in transitional structures, including the constitutional reform and electoral committees[i]. Subsequent elections brought very few women to parliamentary and ministerial positions.

Additionally, a strong and immediate backlash against women and women’s rights has clearly emerged in the aftermath. The rise of new religious fundamentalist groups with renewed patriarchal agendas aiming to obliterate previous gains of the women’s movements even in countries with longer histories of women’s rights, such as Tunisia, has been very alarming.

The varying contexts of governance and transition processes across the MENA countries presents an important opportunity for women human rights defenders to shape the future of these democracies. However, the lack of prioritization of women’s rights issues in the emerging transitions and the aforementioned backlash have posed a variety of complex challenges for the women’s movements. Faced with these enormous challenges and possibilities, women’s rights activists have been struggling to forge ahead a democratic future inclusive and only possible with women’s rights and equality. The particular historical and contextual legacies that impact women’s movements in each country continue to bear on the current capacities, strategies, and overall preparedness of the women’s movements to take on such a challenge. Burdened with daily human rights violations in one context, with lack of resources and tools in another, with organizational tensions in a third, in addition to the constant attacks on them as activists, women human rights defenders have voiced their desire to be more equipped with knowledge and tools to be effective and proactive in engaging with these fast-changing environments. Conceptual clarity and greater understanding of notions and practices of democratization, transitional justice tools and mechanisms, political governance and participation processes, international and local mechanisms, movement building strategies, constitutional reform possibilities, and secularization of public space and government are important steps to defining future strategic action.

It is clear that feminists and women’s rights activists cannot wait for women’s rights to be addressed after transitions – issues must be addressed as the new power configurations are forming. Experiences of earlier moments of transition, namely from colonial rule, have clearly demonstrated that women’s rights have to be inherently part of the transition movement towards a more just and equal society.

What is included?

This publication represents a research mapping of key resources, publications and materials on transitions to democracy and women’s rights in different countries of the world that have undergone such processes, such as: Indonesia, Chile, South Africa, Nepal, Mexico, Argentina, Poland, Ukraine, as well as within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). It provides bibliographic information and short summaries of resources which succinctly identify the contextual changes and challenges facing women in those particular transitional moments, as well as clearly delineates the ways in which women’s rights activists sought to confront those challenges and what lessons were learned.

A key criterion in the selection process was the primacy of a women’s rights/feminist perspective; the few exceptions to this rule offer a unique and, we hope, useful, perspective on the issues that women’s rights organizations and activists face in the region.  The texts have been selected to provide a wide range of information, relevant to women human rights defenders working from the grassroots to the international level, across issues (including different case studies and examples), from different perspectives (international human rights bodies, academic institutions, NGO contributions, activists’ experiences, etc.), and at a wide range of levels of complexity, in order to respond to the needs of as many readers as possible.

The mapping clusters resources under six major categories:

  • Transitions to Democracy
  • Political Participation
  • Movement Building
  • Transitional Justice
  • Constitutional/Legal Reform
  • Responses to Fundamentalisms


[i]This and other context points are drawn from the report from Pre AWID Forum meeting on Women’s Rights in Transitions to Democracy: Achieving Rights, Resisting Backlash, collaboratively organized by AWID, the Equality Without Reservation Coalition, Global Fund for Women and Women’s Learning Partnership

Snippet FEA Workers demonstrations in Georgia 3 (ES)

La foto muestra una manifestación donde una multitud sostiene carteles verdes y blancos.

Snippet - WITM about research - AR

عن استطلاع "أين المال"

استطلاع "اين المال" (أين التمويل للتنظيمات النسوية) هو ركيزة أساسية للنسخة الثالثة لأبحاثنا الموجهة نحو العمل. سيتم بحث وتوسيع نتائج الاستطلاع من خلال المحادثات العميقة مع النشطاء/ الناشطات والممولين/ات وسيتم مقارنة النتائج مع تحليلات وبحوث أخرى عن وضع التمويل للحركات النسوية وحركات العدالة الجندرية.

سيتم نشر تقرير أين المال للتنظيمات النسوية في العام 2026.

لمعرفة المزيد عن كيف تسلّط جمعية حقوق المرأة في التنمية الضوء على على تمويل التنظيمات النسوية أو ضدها، انظروا إلى قصة "أين المال" وتقارير سابقة هنا

Yamile Guerra

Yamile Guerra était une avocate bien connue, leader communautaire et activiste politique dans la région de Santander en Colombie.

Activement impliquée dans la résolution de litiges entre les communautés locales et les promoteurs immobiliers, elle s’est battue contre l’appropriation des terres illégale. Yamile a occupé plusieurs fonctions politiques, dont celle de secrétaire générale du gouvernement de Santander à Bogota, et s’était également présentée comme candidate à la mairie de Bucaramanga. Au cours des dernières années de sa vie, Yamile s’était de plus en plus impliquée dans les causes environnementales, et particulièrement celle de la défense de la biodiversité des zones humides de Santurbán, une région qui approvisionnait près de deux millions de personnes en eau potable, contre les promoteurs du développement économique.

D’après sa famille et ses ami·e·s, Yamile recevait quotidiennement des menaces de mort et avait demandé la protection des autorités.

« Elle était tout à fait consciente de la question [du litige foncier] et avait à plusieurs reprises mentionné qu’elle se sentait en danger. » - Alixon Navarro Muñoz, journaliste et amie de la famille Guerra

Le 20 juillet 2019, Yamile a été tuée par balles par deux hommes à Floridablanca, Santander. Elle venait de clore une discussion avec eux en lien avec le litige foncier. Un suspect a ensuite été arrêté pour son meurtre, lequel a admis avoir été payé pour organiser son assassinat. Selon des rapports, Yamile est la troisième membre de sa famille a avoir été assassinée, en lien avec des litiges fonciers. Son père, Hernando Guerra, avait lui aussi été assassiné plusieurs années auparavant.

L’assassinat de Yamile s’inscrit dans une vague de violences et de meurtres systématiques de centaines d’activistes sociaux et défenseur·e·s des droits humains en Colombie. L’Institut d’études sur le développement et la paix (INDEPAZ) rapporte qu’au moment du décès de Yamile, plus de 700 leaders communautaires et activistes pour les droits humains ont été tué·e·s depuis la signature en août 2016 d’un traité de paix par la Colombie. La plupart furent assassiné·e·s pour s’être opposé·e·s à des trafics de drogue et des opérations minières; y compris les peuples autochtones, les Afro-Colombiens et les défenseures des droits humains étant les plus exposé·e·s.

Moins d’une semaine après le décès de Yamile, des milliers de Colombien·ne·s ont manifesté dans les petites et grandes villes, brandissant des photos en noir et blanc d’activistes tué·e·s, et sur lesquelles était écrit : « Il ne peut y avoir de paix sans leaders » et « Fini les bains de sang ».

 Yamile Guerra n’avait que 42 ans au moment de son assassinat.

Twitter Test

Snippet FEA Unfair Policies (FR)

Balance de la justice rose


Become a member (homepage block) - French

Pourquoi rejoindre l’AWID ?

Oeuvrez pour le renforcement des mouvements pour les droits des femmes et contribuez aux transformations en faveur des droits humains.

Rejoindre l'AWID

Por que devo considerar responder ao inquérito?

Existem várias razões pelas quais a sua resposta ao inquérito WITM é importante. Por exemplo, tem a oportunidade de partilhar a sua experiência vivida com a mobilização de financiamento para apoiar a sua organização; de reivindicar o seu poder como especialista sobre como o dinheiro circula e os bolsos em que entra; e de contribuir para a defesa coletiva e consistente junto de financiadores para mover mais recursos de maior qualidade. Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, o inquérito WITM da AWID tem-se revelado um recurso fundamental para ativistas e financiadores. Convidamo-lo a juntar-se a nós na sua terceira edição para destacar o estado efetivo do financiamento, desafiar soluções falsas e apontar a forma como o financiamento precisa de mudar para que os movimentos prosperem e enfrentem os desafios complexos do nosso tempo.

Sylvia Robinson

"Life is...about living in joy - waking up with purpose, feeling our creative energy, answering your calling." - Sylvia Robinson

Sylvia Robinson, a tireless community organizer and leader, was the founder and Executive Director of The Emergence Community Arts Collective (ECAC) in Washington DC.

This hub and performance space combine education, civic engagement, arts, social and spiritual services, and sustainable environmental practices. Sylvia envisioned it as a home where “there was a balance and synergy with the activities that people needed in order to sustain life.” 

She was also one of the founding members of the Georgia Avenue Community Development Taskforce, a neighborhood group that works on social justice and organizing in Northwest DC  to make sure the community has a voice in redevelopment and gentrification in the area. 

“We're asking for affordable housing. We're asking that the small businesses that have been here for a long time don't get wiped out by new retail. We're asking for green space and space for people to get together to socialize. We're asking for streetscape improvements—better roads and lighting in the corridor.” - Sylvia Robinson about the Taskforce

Prior to becoming an organizer and after receiving a degree in computer science, Sylvia worked in air traffic control systems for over a decade. She then moved into drug and alcohol counselling, becoming increasingly engaged in community work.

“It was my call to be involved in community.”  - Sylvia Robinson

Born in Washington D.C. on 14 August 1961, Sylvia passed away on 18 September 2017 after a battle with cancer.

“Sylvia's spirit and legacy will continue to inspire this community for many years to come.” - ECAC
