Philippe Leroyer | Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Women Human Rights Defenders

WHRDs are self-identified women and lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LBTQI) people and others who defend rights and are subject to gender-specific risks and threats due to their human rights work and/or as a direct consequence of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

WHRDs are subject to systematic violence and discrimination due to their identities and unyielding struggles for rights, equality and justice.

The WHRD Program collaborates with international and regional partners as well as the AWID membership to raise awareness about these risks and threats, advocate for feminist and holistic measures of protection and safety, and actively promote a culture of self-care and collective well being in our movements.

Risks and threats targeting WHRDs  

WHRDs are exposed to the same types of risks that all other defenders who defend human rights, communities, and the environment face. However, they are also exposed to gender-based violence and gender-specific risks because they challenge existing gender norms within their communities and societies.

By defending rights, WHRDs are at risk of:

  • Physical assault and death
  • Intimidation and harassment, including in online spaces
  • Judicial harassment and criminalization
  • Burnout

A collaborative, holistic approach to safety

We work collaboratively with international and regional networks and our membership

  • to raise awareness about human rights abuses and violations against WHRDs and the systemic violence and discrimination they experience
  • to strengthen protection mechanisms and ensure more effective and timely responses to WHRDs at risk

We work to promote a holistic approach to protection which includes:

  • emphasizing the importance of self-care and collective well being, and recognizing that what care and wellbeing mean may differ across cultures
  • documenting the violations targeting WHRDs using a feminist intersectional perspective;
  • promoting the social recognition and celebration of the work and resilience of WHRDs ; and
  • building civic spaces that are conducive to dismantling structural inequalities without restrictions or obstacles

Our Actions

We aim to contribute to a safer world for WHRDs, their families and communities. We believe that action for rights and justice should not put WHRDs at risk; it should be appreciated and celebrated.

  • Promoting collaboration and coordination among human rights and women’s rights organizations at the international level to  strengthen  responses concerning safety and wellbeing of WHRDs.

  • Supporting regional networks of WHRDs and their organizations, such as the Mesoamerican Initiative for WHRDs and the WHRD Middle East and North Africa  Coalition, in promoting and strengthening collective action for protection - emphasizing the establishment of solidarity and protection networks, the promotion of self-care, and advocacy and mobilization for the safety of WHRDs;

  • Increasing the visibility and recognition of  WHRDs and their struggles, as well as the risks that they encounter by documenting the attacks that they face, and researching, producing, and disseminating information on their struggles, strategies, and challenges:

  • Mobilizing urgent responses of international solidarity for WHRDs at risk through our international and regional networks, and our active membership.

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Lina Ben Mhenni

“I want to tell all Tunisians: We have to unite to say no to censorship and opinion trials.” - Lina Ben Mhenni (2013 interview)

Lina Ben Mhenni was a Tunisian blogger, activist and linguistics lecturer. She was vocal against internet censorship, defended the freedom of expression and was an advocate for women’s and human rights. Lina also fought for the release of students arrested under former President Zine El Abidine. 

“It’s true that information and the internet are important but being on the ground is crucial for a revolution. Some people here in Tunisia think that change can occur just by clicking like on the internet. I believe you have to be active on the ground. And of course, join actions on the field with the action on the web.” - Lina Ben Mhenni (Interview in POCIT)

In 2010, she co-organized a protest that challenged the government suppression of media and internet censorship. Lina was widely known for her blog “A Tunisian Girl and recognized for her work during the Tunisian revolution in 2011. In her blog, she reported on the news from the uprising, shared images documenting protests and was among the few voices who spoke about the killings and crackdown on protesters in Sidi Bouzid. Lina blogged using her real name instead of a pseudonym to protect her identity, one of only a few bloggers to do so. 

“Our freedom of expression is in real danger. I am afraid that we are losing the unique fruits of the revolution: the disappearance of fear and our freedom of speech. We have to keep on fighting to protect and preserve this right.” — Lina Ben Mhenni (2013 interview)

Lina was only 36 years old when she passed away on 27 January 2020, as a result of complications from an autoimmune disease. 

"Freedom, better education and health - that's all we wanted. When we failed, she pushed us." Lina’s school teacher Hala.


¿Cuánto tiempo permanecerá abierta la encuesta?

La encuesta permanecerá abierta hasta fines de agosto de 2024. Te pedimos que la respondas dentro de dicho lapso para asegurarte de que tus respuestas se incluyan en el análisis.

Snippet FEA Trans and Travesti people (FR)

Cette image représente une personne sans visage aux cheveux courts foncés, à la peau foncée, portant une chemise bleu canard et un pull jaune, travaillant derrière une machine à coudre bordeaux sur un morceau de tissu bleu canard.

n'est pas respecté par les entreprises

Y aura-t-il des événements préalables au Forum cette fois-ci ?

Des partenaires mondiaux et régionaux nous ont déjà communiqué certaines idées de rassemblements préalables au Forum, dont nous vous ferons part sous peu. 

Si vous projetez d’organiser une réunion avant le Forum,  n’hésitez pas à nous le faire savoir !


Plusieurs belles choses ont émergé du Forum des féminismes noires (BFF, selon son acronyme anglais),  qui avait été organisé en 2016 par un Groupe consultatif et financé par l’AWID. À l’issue de ce BFF, certaines organisations indépendantes ont ainsi pu voir le jour, telles ques des organisations féministes noires au Brésil. Bien que le BFF n’aura pas lieu cette année, nous nous engageons à partager certains apprentissages clés avec toute personne intéressée à poursuivre le travail d'organisation féministe noire. 


Advancing Movements

6 Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) across Western and Southeastern Europe have in their lifetime researched, campaigned, participated in and advanced peace and women’s rights movements be it through political and social activism or through dance. We are grateful for the legacy they have left. Please join AWID in honoring these women, their activism and legacy by sharing the memes below with your colleagues, networks and friends and by using the hashtags #WHRDTribute and #16Days.

Please click on each image below to see a larger version and download as a file


Gloria Chicaiza

Gloria Chicaiza, una activista social y ambiental ecuatoriana, fue una ferviente defensora de la tierra y el agua. Desafió el statu quo, al luchar contra un modelo de desarrollo basado en la extracción, y trabajó incansablemente por la justicia ecológica y los derechos de las comunidades afectadas por la minería.

Gloria participó en las acciones de resistencia para la protección del ecosistema en distintas áreas de Ecuador. Con pasión y dedicación, Gloria apoyó al movimiento indígena y ambiental, a sus comunidades y a las organizaciones que se oponen a los proyectos de minería y protegen sus territorios y sus proyectos de vida colectivos. En foros locales e internacionales, se pronunció contra la criminalización del disenso y la resistencia, contra la presión y la violencia ejercidas contra lxs activistas comunitarixs (y, en particular, contra las defensoras de derechos humanos), y a favor de los esfuerzos comunitarios por la soberanía alimentaria y la sustentabilidad.

Fue Coordinadora del Área de Justicia Minera de Acción Ecológica, participó en la Red Latinoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Sociales y Ambientales, e integró la Junta Directiva del Observatorio de Conflictos Mineros de América Latina (OCMAL).

En octubre de 2010, la compañía minera Curimining/Salazar Resources S.A. (con sede en Vancouver, Canadá) acusó a Gloria de auspiciar un acto de terrorismo, sabotaje y asociación ilícita para delinquir. Acción Ecológica consideró que esto fue «en represalia por su trabajo de denuncia de los impactos de las actividades mineras en el país».

En 2014 Gloria apoyó la coordinación de una delegación a la Conferencia Internacional sobre Cambio Climático (COP 20) de la ONU. El grupo estuvo integrado por veinticinco mujeres indígenas de América Latina.

Gloria falleció el 28 de diciembre de 2019 por complicaciones de un trasplante de pulmón. Es recordada por su resistencia y su incansable trabajo.

«El camino más rápido para llegar a la sustentabilidad sigue siendo la resistencia.» - Gloria Chicaiza (entrevista de 2010)


«Para GLORIA. GLORIA Agua. GLORIA Tierra. GLORIA Madre. GLORIA Revolución. GLORIA Hermana. GLORIA Cielo. GLORIAmiga. GLORIAstral. Gracias por entretejernos.» - Liliana Gutiérrez

«Gracias Glorita, por sostener la esperanza, por mantener el tejido fuerte, por conectar la comunidad, por las manos unidas, por la solidaridad, gracias Glorita por  acompañarnos en los momentos más difíciles. Gracias por enseñarnos que, a lo largo de la vida, nadie se cansa.» - Chakana News

«Fue más intrépida, más audaz y más generosa que su cuerpo; ese cuerpo que enfrentó toletes y bombas lacrimógenas, que paseó bajo la cadencia de los tambores y las batucadas, que incubó otra vida, hermosa y digna, como la suya. Haz dejado de toser, querida amiga, pero hoy, más que nunca, tu voz me quema adentro.» - Pablo Ospina Peralta

«Gloria Chicaiza valoraba ser una de muchxs, y así prosperaba. Y, humilde como era, tenía una extraordinaria capacidad para llevar y mantener un ritmo sostenido y estruendoso, un pulso de afirmación de la vida que guiaba, movilizaba e inspiraba a las comunidades y a las redes para la protección de la Madre Tierra. Se oponía a toda forma de violencia contra los cuerpos-territorios. Apoyaba el buen vivir.» - Gabriela Jiménez, Coordinadora de Asociaciones para América Latina, KAIROS

«Gracias Gloria Chicaiza, desde el infinito estamos seguros de que seguirás apoyando nuestra lucha.. Tú, que continuaste acompañándonos en la lucha a pesar de que tu salud fallara. Vivirás en los bosques y en el agua que defendiste con tanta valentía, vivirás en nuestros corazones.» - Comunidad de Intag, Ecuador

Lee más Tributos a Gloria

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Com base na nossa história de 20 anos de mobilização de mais fundos de melhor qualidade para a mudança social liderada por feministas, a AWID convida a participar da nova edição da nossa pesquisa principal:

"Onde está o dinheiro para a organização feminista?"



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Snippet FEA Get Involved Story 3 (EN)


Follow the cooperative's work on Facebook and Instagram, share their campaigns and stay tuned to their actions and fundraising events!

Où et quand se tiendra le prochain Forum de l'AWID ?

Le 14e Forum international de l'AWID aura lieu du 20 au 23 septembre 2021 à Taipei, Taiwan.

En savoir plus

2. Frame your research

A framework for your research will guide throughout your research process, and the framing document you develop can also serve as a concept note to advisors and partners, and a funding proposal to potential donors.

Before conducting any research:

Your research framing may evolve over time as you refine your questions and gather new information. However, building an initial research framing will allow you to work from a solid foundation.


To create a strong foundation for your WITM research, it is important to clarify what you hope to accomplish.

For example, one goal of AWID’s WITM global research was to provide rigorous data to prove what we already knew anecdotally: that women’s rights organizations are discrepantly underfunded. With this data, we felt we would be better positioned to influence funders in their decision-making.

Your goals could be to:

  • Generate hard data on funding realities and trends to prove or disprove existing myths.
  • Gain deeper insight into differences between the perspectives of donors and women’s rights organizations.
  • Influence donors in grant-making.
  • Add crucial input to key funding debates.
  • Explore collaboration between donors and women’s rights organizations on issues that emerge from the research.

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Key questions

Frame your research process with key questions that only your research can answer and limit those questions to a specific time frame (e.g. past five years, past year, etc.).

Consider the following points:

  • What exactly do you want to learn more about and what is the hypothesis you would like to test? Writing this out will assist you in your thought process.
  • Is there existing research on this? If research already exists, it may not make sense to conduct new WITM research unless you feel like the existing research is not extensive or specific enough.  
  • What time frame do you want to cover in your analysis? For example, will your research analyze only the past year, or several previous years, such as the past five years?
  • Are you planning to repeat your survey to collect data in the future?

Choosing a specific timeframe for your research can result in more precise findings than working with an open-ended timeframe. Also, deciding whether you will repeat this research at regular intervals will allow you to set up data collection benchmarks for easy replication and comparison over time.

These were the key questions that guided AWID’s WITM research process:

  • What is the current state of women’s organizations’ financial sustainability across the world?
  • What external and internal trends are impacting donors’ funding decisions to support women’s organizations and movements?

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Type of data

Now that you determined your key questions, you can determine what kind of data will help you answer your key questions. This will allow you to plan the rest of your schedule for your WITM research.

For example, will you conduct a survey that covers an extensive portion of your priority population? Will you analyze the applications that funders are receiving from a certain region? Will you also conduct interviews (recommended)? By determining the types of data you need, you can reach out to external parties who will provide this data early on, and plot out your full schedule accordingly. Some suggested sources of data could be:

  • Surveys you create for women’s rights organizations and donors
  • Application and grantmaking data from donors funding cycles
  • Interviews of prominent activists, organizations, and donors
  • Donor data from membership organizations and networks, such as  the Foundation Center, regional or national donor affinity groups.

Diverse data sets are a great way to create robust and rich analysis.

The data from AWID’s 2011 Global Survey formed the backbone of our analysis in Watering the Leaves, Starving the Roots report. However, we also collected data from interviews and interactions with several actors in the field, ranging from donors to activists and women’s rights organizations.

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Final products

In addition to allowing you to set your schedule, creating an initial plan of what products you will develop will also allow you to work out what resources you need.

For example, will you only produce a long research report or will you also create infographics, brochures and presentations? Depending on your products, you may need to hire a design firm, plan events and so on.

These products will also be the tools you use to achieve your goals, so it is important to keep those goals in mind. For example, is your WITM research exclusively intended as an advocacy tool to influence funders? In that case, your products should allow you to engage with funders at a deep level.

 Some sample products:

  • Long report for dissemination with key funders and organizations.
    Historically, AWID WITM research has centered on a long report, from which AWID distilled other smaller products  - see rest of list.
  • Infographic for viral distribution online
  • Short animation demonstrating key findings
  • Short brochure(s) distilling your findings and messages
  • Articles and blog posts on key findings to draw interest to your larger report
  • Seminars or webinars presenting key findings.

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Conclusion: Framing your research will give you the big picture

Framing your research to cover goals, key questions, types of data, and final products will allow you to create a well-planned schedule, prepare your resources in advance, and plan a realistic budget.

This will make interactions with external partners easier and allow you to be nimble when unexpected setbacks occur.

Previous step

1. Gather your resources

Next step

3. Design your survey


Estimated time:

• 1 month

People needed:

• 1 or more Research person(s)

Resources available:

AWID Research Framing: sample 1
AWID Research Framing: sample 2

Previous step

1. Gather your resources

Next step

3. Design your survey

Ready to Go? Worksheet

Download the toolkit in PDF

Lorena Borjas

Lorena Borjas, femme trans et activiste latino-américaine, travaillait et vivait dans le quartier de Jackson Heights dans le Queens, à New York. Dans ces rues, pendant des années, elle s’est occupée de sa communauté à plaider en faveur des droits des personnes trans et immigrées, soutenir les individus ayant survécu à la traite des êtres humains et à la maltraitance et défendre les droits des travailleures du sexe et des personnes vivant avec le VIH et le sida.

Lorena se battait avec force, sans relâche, afin d’aider, de défendre et de soutenir les personnes les plus marginalisées et discriminées par la transphobie, la misogynie et le racisme.  

« Elle nous a poussé·e·s à briller avec authenticité, à devenir le cri subversif qui affirme “ je suis là et je mérite moi aussi d’être heureux·se ” » - Cecilia Gentili, activiste trans et ami·e de Lorena 

Ayant elle-même fait face à de nombreux traumatismes et difficultés en tant qu'immigrée transgenre et victime de la traite des êtres humains, Lorena a puisé dans le puits de ses expériences des connaissances et d’une mémoire émotionnelle afin d'aider à construire et à renforcer la communauté dont elle faisait partie, et qui faisait partie d'elle. Pour ce faire, elle a notamment organisé et mobilisé des aides allant de la fourniture de préservatifs à la mise en relation de femmes trans avec différents services, en passant par la création d'une clinique de dépistage du VIH à son propre domicile.

« C’était une si belle âme qui aidait les autres alors que son parcours d’immigrée, et d’immigrée trans, était difficile et douloureux. Elle était convaincue que la communauté trans avait besoin d’amour, d’acceptation et de compassion, et elle a tout donné. » - Luchia Dragosh, superviseuse de production chez QPTV dans le cadre d’un documentaire sur Lorena 

En plus de 25 ans d'activisme, elle a également fondé le Fonds communautaire Lorena Borjas avec Chase Strangio (avocat et activiste des droits des trans), qui aide les nombreux·ses membres de sa communauté (et en particulier les personnes trans) confronté·e·s aux problèmes d'immigration à éviter le cycle arrestation-prison-expulsion. 

Lorena est décédée en mars 2020 des suites de complications liées à la COVID-19.  

Son oeuvre, gigantesque et merveilleuse, sera poursuivie dans les rues du Queens par le réseau et la communauté qu’elle a cocréés.  

« Nous reprendrons son travail là où elle l’a laissé, travail essentiel au bien-être de ses “ pajaras ” (oiselles), comme elle aimait appeler les filles trans du Queens qu’elle avait prises sous son aile. » - Cecilia Gentili 

Hommages : 

« Lorena nous a apporté de la lumière alors que nous vivions une période très sombre ici à New York. Elle nous a apporté sa lumière alors que nous faisions face à l’ ”épidémie de crack ”, à la crise du sida, aux changements dans les politiques d’immigration. » - Cristina Herrera, fondatrice et directrice générale de Translatina Network et amie de Lorena

« Lorena a fait plus que quiconque pour faire la lumière sur l’épidémie de traite dans les communautés transgenres et permettre à d’autres femmes trans d’échapper à l’exploitation. » - Lynly Egyes (a représenté Borjas pour le compte du Transgender Law Center)

Regardez un documentaire sur Lorena Borjas (seulement en anglais)

Lisez l'article sur Lorena Borjas dans la rubrique Postscript du New Yorker (seulement en anglais)

Lisez un article d'opinion de Cecilia Gentilin dans le New York Times (seulement en anglais)

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لجعل الواقع المركّب لتمويل الأشكال المختلفة من التنظيم النسوي، مرئي

Snippet FEA Who takes care of them S4 (ES)


6. Conduct desk research

Desk research can be done throughout your research. It can assist you with framing, help you to choose survey questions and provide insights to your results.

In this section

Giving context

Conducting desk research throughout your research process can assist you with framing, help you to choose survey questions and provide contextual clarity or interesting insights to your survey results, such as comparing similarities and differences between your survey results and information produced by civil society and donors.

Perhaps you notice trends in your survey data and want to understand them.

For example, your survey data may reveal that organization budgets are shrinking, but it cannot tell you why this is happening. Reviewing publications can give you context on potential reasons behind such trends.

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Building on existing knowledge

Desk research also ensures you are building your research on the existing knowledge regarding your topic, confirming the validity and relevance of your findings.

They may be complimentary or contradictory to existing knowledge, but they must speak to existing data on the topic.

To ensure comprehensive research of the entire funding landscape related to your topic, look at a diverse set of funding sectors.

You can consider:

  • Women’s Funds
  • Private and Public Foundations
  • International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs)
  • Bilateral and Multilateral Agencies
  • Private Sector Actors
  • Individual Philanthropists
  • Crowdfunders

Include any other relevant sectors to this research.

For example, you may decide that it is also important to research local non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

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Potential sources for desk research (non-exhaustive)

1. Donors’ websites and annual reports

These are direct sources of information about what funders are actually doing and generally contain information on policies and budgets. Researching this before interviewing donors can result in more focused questions and a stronger interview.

2. Online sources of information

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Previous step

5. Conduct interviews

Next step

7. Synthesize your research findings

Estimated time:

• 1-2 months

People needed:

• 1 or more research person(s)

Previous step

5. Conduct interviews

Next step

7. Synthesize your research findings

Ready to Go? Worksheet

Download the toolkit in PDF

Rosane Santiago Silveira

Rosane Santiago Silveira was affectionately known as Rô Conceição. A Brazilian environmental and human rights activist, she fervently fought to protect the environment where it was most threatened. 

This included defending it on the island of Barra Velha, where it was endangered by oil exploration, as well as safeguarding it by campaigning against land-grabbing and expansion of eucalyptus plantations in Bahia State, where Rosane was a member of the Cassurubá Extractivist Reserve Council.

“Extractive Reserve is a protected area where resident families make their living off natural products extracted from the forest. These activities help maintain the forest integrity.” - Global Justice Ecology Project (original source: Rede Brasil Atual)

She was part of trade union activities, human rights and cultural movements. Rosane dedicated much of herself to causes that were not only close to her but are also of concern to land, forests, rivers, and communities whose rights and lives are continuously at risk.

She was tortured and murdered on 29 January 2019 in Nova Viçosa, a city in southern Bahia. 

“Unfortunately, today there is a feeling of total insecurity, because of the State’s absence in prosecuting these crimes. We were with her at Christmas, and everyone realised that she was worried and now we know that she had received three death threats,”  - Tuian, Rosane’s son in an interview with Rádio Brasil Atual (original source: Rede Brasil Atual)

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Об опросе

  • Глобальный и разнообразный: Размышления о ресурсных реалиях феминистских организаций в глобальном и региональном масштабе.
  • Контекстуализированный: Объединение голосов, точек зрения и опыта феминистских движений во всем их богатстве, смелости и разнообразии.
  • Совместно созданный: Разработка и апробация опроса в тесном сотрудничестве с членами AWID и партнерками(-рами) по движению.
  • Дополняющий: С помощью активисток(-тов), феминистских грантодательниц(-телей) и союзниц(-ков), дополняет и усиливает имеющуюся информацию о состоянии ресурсов организаций, занимающихся вопросами феминизма, прав женщин и гендерной справедливости.
  • Многоязычный: Доступен на арабском, английском, французском, португальском, русском и испанском языках.
  • Конфиденциальность и безопасность прежде всего: Мы обязуемся обеспечить конфиденциальность и неприкосновенность ваших данных. Ознакомьтесь с нашей политикой конфиденциальности, чтобы понять, какие меры мы принимаем, чтобы защитить полученные от вас сведения.
  • Доступный: Доступен для людей с различными нарушениями слуха, зрения, движений и когнитивных способностей. Прохождение опроса занимает около 30 минут.
  • Воспроизводимый: Может быть воспроизведен различными организациями в специфических контекстах; инструменты для проведения опроса будут доступны для широкой аудитории для проведения дополнительных исследований и адвокации.