Confronting Extractivism & Corporate Power

Women human rights defenders (WHRDs) worldwide defend their lands, livelihoods and communities from extractive industries and corporate power. They stand against powerful economic and political interests driving land theft, displacement of communities, loss of livelihoods, and environmental degradation.

Why resist extractive industries?

Extractivism is an economic and political model of development that commodifies nature and prioritizes profit over human rights and the environment. Rooted in colonial history, it reinforces social and economic inequalities locally and globally. Often, Black, rural and Indigenous women are the most affected by extractivism, and are largely excluded from decision-making. Defying these patriarchal and neo-colonial forces, women rise in defense of rights, lands, people and nature.

Critical risks and gender-specific violence

WHRDs confronting extractive industries experience a range of risks, threats and violations, including criminalization, stigmatization, violence and intimidation.  Their stories reveal a strong aspect of gendered and sexualized violence. Perpetrators include state and local authorities, corporations, police, military, paramilitary and private security forces, and at times their own communities.

Acting together

AWID and the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition (WHRD-IC) are pleased to announce “Women Human Rights Defenders Confronting Extractivism and Corporate Power”; a cross-regional research project documenting the lived experiences of WHRDs from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

We encourage activists, members of social movements, organized civil society, donors and policy makers to read and use these products for advocacy, education and inspiration.

Share your experience and questions!

Tell us how you are using the resources on WHRDs Confronting extractivism and corporate power.

◾️ How can these resources support your activism and advocacy?

◾️ What additional information or knowledge do you need to make the best use of these resources?

Share your feedback

Thank you!

AWID acknowledges with gratitude the invaluable input of every Woman Human Rights Defender who participated in this project. This project was made possible thanks to your willingness to generously and openly share your experiences and learnings. Your courage, creativity and resilience is an inspiration for us all. Thank you!

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Esther Mwikali

Esther Mwikali habitait dans le village de Mithini, dans le comté de Murang’a au Kenya. Activiste des droits fonciers, importante et appréciée, elle travaillait sur les abus à l’égard de squatters vivant sur des terres revendiquées par des magnats. Esther a participé à une enquête qui comprenait également des violations de droits fonciers à Makaya par de puissants individus.  

Suite à l’absence d’Esther lors d’une réunion de village, une équipe de patrouille est partie à sa recherche. Le 27 août 2019, deux jours après sa disparition, on retrouva son corps dans une ferme proche de sa propriété, montrant des signes de torture. Elle fut sauvagement assassinée. 

« Esther était reconnue pour son travail auprès des membres de la communauté, empêchant les évictions de terres revendiquées des magnats. Les activistes du coin n’ont aucun doute sur le lien entre son meurtre et les luttes constantes pour les terres dans la région. C’est un tragique rappel de la fréquence alarmante d’assassinats extrajudiciaires régulièrement menés au Kenya » - Global Wittness Report, juillet 2020

« Nous associons la mort de Mwikali aux luttes pour les terres par ici. Nous demandons au gouvernement de mener une enquête sur ce sujet au plus tôt. » - James Mburu, porte-parole des squatters

« Des mesures devraient être prises à l’égard des individus suspectés d’avoir menacé les squatters, et notamment la famille Mwikali. » - Alice Karanja, National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders (coalition nationale des défenseur·e·s des droits humains)

« L’impact de son travail et sa ténacité demeureront encore en vie pour les prochaines décennies au Kenya. CJGEA console avec les personnes endeuillées et appelle à la justice. » - Center for Justice and Governmental Action (Centre pour la justice et l’action gouvernementale, CJGEA) communiqué de presse, 13 septembre 2019

Lucy O.


Con más de 10 años de experiencia en finanzas, Lucy ha dedicado su carrera a misiones con y sin fines de lucro. También ha prestado trabajo voluntario para organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Desde el acelerado mundo de las finanzas, Lucy siente pasión por estar al día con las competencias tecnológicas asociadas con este ámbito. Lucy se incorporó a AWID en 2014. En su tiempo libre disfruta de la música, de viajar y de practicar una variedad de deportes.

Coordinadora Contable
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Asma Jahangir

Asma was a leading Pakistani rights activist, fearless critic of the military’s interference in politics and a staunch defender of the rule of law.

She was the founding chairwoman of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, an independent group, and was a trustee of the International Crisis Group. She won international awards and served as the United Nations rapporteur on human rights and extrajudicial killings.

She is remembered fondly by colleagues and friends at AWID

“With her life, Asma rewrote the history that many of us were told as women. Asma changed the world. She changed it in Pakistan, and she changed it in our imaginations."



Asma Jahangir, Pakistan

هل هناك منهجية مفضلة للجلسات؟

تقترح الدعوة للتقدم بالمقترحات عددًا من التنسيقات والمنهجيات المقترحة. كن/ كوني مبدعًا/ة وتأكد/ي من قراءة قسم "ما تحتاج/ين إلى معرفته".

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تشينيلو أونوالو

في الثاني من أيلول/ سبتمير 2021، التمّ شمل مجموعة رائعة من الناشطات النسويات والمناديات بالعدالة الاجتماعية ضمن فعاليات مهرجان (AWID Crear | Résister | Transform). لم يقتصر هدف اجتماعهنّ على مشاركة استراتيجيات المقاومة وعمليات الابتكار الخلّاقة المشتركة التي ترمي إلى تغيير العالم. لقد اجتمعت الناشطات ليتبادلن الغزَل الإباحي على «تويتر».


اقرأ أكثر


Sara Hegazy

Sara Hegazy, a bold Egyptian LGBTQI+ rights activist, lived in a society where the members of her community, their bodies and lives often face lethal prejudice. The roots of Sara’s resistance were in the deconstruction of a dominant, oppressive and patriarchal system, and its anti-rights actors.

"[In Egypt], every person who is not male, Muslim, Sunni, straight, and a supporter of the system, is rejected, repressed, stigmatized, arrested, exiled, or killed. This matter is related to the patriarchal system as a whole, since the state cannot practice its repression against citizens without a pre-existing oppression since childhood." - Sara Hegazy wrote on March 6, 2020

The suppression of Sara’s voice by the Egyptian government reached its violent peak in 2017, when she was arrested for raising a rainbow flag at the Mashrou’ Leila (Lebanese band whose lead vocalist is openly gay) concert in Cairo. What followed were charges of joining an illegal group along with “promoting sexual deviancy and debauchery”. 

"It was an act of support and solidarity — not only with the [Mashrou' Leila] vocalist but for everyone who is oppressed...We were proud to hold the flag. We wouldn't have imagined the reaction of society and the Egyptian state. For them, I was a criminal — someone who was seeking to destroy the moral structure of society." - Sara Hegazy

Sara was jailed for three months, where she was tortured and sexually assaulted. In January 2018, after being released on bail, she sought asylum in Canada where she was safe but imprisoned by the memories of the abuse and violence her body and soul had gone through.

"I left this experience after three months with a very intense, serious case of PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder]. Prison killed me. It destroyed me." - Sara Hegazy told NPR

Sara took her own life on 14 June 2020, leaving a handwritten note in Arabic: 

“To my siblings – I tried to find redemption and failed, forgive me.”
“To my friends – the experience [journey] was harsh and I am too weak to resist it, forgive me. 
“To the world – you were cruel to a great extent, but I forgive.”

Her legacy and courage will be carried forward by those who love her and believe in what she fought for.


“To Sarah: Rest, just rest, spared from this relentless violence, this state-powered lethal patriarchy. In rage, in grief, in exhaustion, we resist.”  - Rasha Younes, an LGBT rights researcher at Human Rights Watch. Read the complete text

Mashrou’ Leila’s lead vocalist sings tribute to Sara Hegazy

Tributes on Twitter 

Documentary about Sara Hegazy’s life

Website dedicated to Sara Hegazy and to those, especially LGBTQI voices, not able to grieve in public

Kasia Staszewska


Kasia soutient le travail des mouvements féministes et de justice sociale depuis 15 ans. Avant de rejoindre l'AWID, Kasia dirigeait les politiques et le plaidoyer d’ActionAid et d’Amnesty International, tout en se mobilisant avec des féministes et des groupes de justice sociale en Pologne pour l'accès à l'avortement et la lutte contre les violences aux frontières européennes. Kasia est passionnée par le ressourcement des organisations féministes dans tout leur courage, leur richesse et leur diversité. Elle partage son temps entre Varsovie et son village communautaire de bricolage dans la forêt. Elle adore les saunas et aime follement son chien Wooly.

Cheffe de l’Initiative Ressourcement des Mouvements Féministes
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Olivia Arévalo Lomas

Olivia era la líder espiritual del pueblo indígena Shipibo Konibo.

Sabia mujer indígena y abuela, era conocida por practicar la medicina tradicional y cantar las canciones sagradas de su pueblo (Íkaros). Olivia Arévalo fue una activa defensora de los derechos culturales y ambientales de su pueblo. Su asesinato tuvo lugar en un contexto de conflicto territorial entre la comunidad shipibo y las empresas que quieren apropiarse de sus tierras para cultivar palma aceitera.

Integrantes de su comunidad han dicho: «Su muerte es una agresión contra toda la comunidad shipibo. Ella era la memoria viviente de su pueblo».



Olivia Arévalo Lomas, Peru

Pleasure Garden

Pleasure Garden

The artwork is a photography and illustration collaboration between Siphumeze and Katia during lockdown. The work looks at black queer sex and plesure narratives, bondage, safe sex, toys, mental health and sex and many more. It was created to accompany the Anthology Touch.

Pleasure Garden Exhibition

Marta Musić


Marta is a queer, transfeminist non-binary activist-researcher from ex-Yugoslavia, currently based in Barcelona. They work as a transnational movement organizer, a feminist economist and a weaver of systemic alternatives. They are the co-founder and one of the coordinators of the Global Tapestry of Alternatives, a global process that seeks to identify, document and connect alternatives on local, regional and global levels. Locally, they are engaged in anti-racist, transfeminist, queer, migrant organizing. They also hold a doctoral degree in Environmental Science and Technology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, dedicated to decolonial feminist perspectives of a pluriverse of systemic alternatives and the creation of feminist alternative systems based on care and the sustainability of life. During their free time, they enjoy boxing, playing the guitar and the drums as part of a samba band, photography, hiking, cooking for loved ones and spoiling their two cats.

Building Feminist Economies Lead
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Janette Sunita

Originaire d'Inde, Janette était une personne formidable, fougueuse, bienveillante et aimante.

Son intolérance à l’égard de l’injustice et sa ferme volonté de défendre les droits de toutes les personnes l’ont amenée à travailler pour TARSHI (une ONG qui travaille sur la sexualité et la santé sexuelle et reproductive) pendant plus de 15 ans. Janette a géré et dirigé avec compétence les aspects financiers, les ressources humaines et les aspects opérationnels de TARSHI, naviguant adroitement dans la bureaucratie labyrinthique à laquelle sont soumises les ONG indiennes.

Son équipe se souvient « elle assurait nos arrières pour que nous puissions naviguer en eaux libres. Femme aux multiples talents, Janette nous a non seulement aidés à acquérir nos propres bureaux, mais elles les a également aménagés pour leur utilisation optimale. Elle aimait les voyages et les animaux et s'intéressait à la thérapie assistée par les animaux ».


Janette Sunita, India

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Nicole Barakat

Nicole Barakat es una artista femme queer de SWANA, que nació y vive en las tierras de Gadigal (llamadas Sydney) en Australia. Trabaja con procesos intuitivos y de escucha profunda, con la intención de transformar las condiciones de la vida cotidiana. Su obra se desarrolla a través de métodos artísticos no convencionales, creando objetos intrincados que plasman el amor y la paciencia característicos de las prácticas textiles tradicionales.

Visitar la exposición



Juhi es una entusiasta de las tecnologías. Posee una licenciatura en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad Tecnológica de Gujarat y formación de posgrado en Telecomunicaciones Inalámbricas y Gestión de Proyectos del Instituto Universitario Humber. Apasionada de la resolución de problemas y de mantenerse a la vanguardia en el panorama tecnológico en constante evolución, Juhi se ha encontrado recorriendo diversas industrias como técnica en Tecnologías de la Información. Ha tenido oportunidad de aplicar sus competencias técnicas en distintos entornos, siempre abrazando los nuevos desafíos con entusiasmo. Más allá de los códigos y los circuitos, le encantan las aventuras de la vida. Explorar nuevos lugares y culturas es para ella una bocanada de aire fresco. Ya sea que se trate de descubrir alguna joya oculta en la ciudad, de probar algún plato exótico o de embarcarse en algún deporte de aventura, Juhi siempre está predispuesta a vivir nuevas experiencias.

Coordinadora, Apoyo en Tecnologías de la Información
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Kate McInturff

From Peacebuild to the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action, Amnesty International, and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), Kate had a lifelong passion for women’s rights and gender equality and dedicated her career to fighting inequality and making the world a more compassionate place.

Kate was a member of the Coordinating Committee of Social Watch and a contributor to the Canadian National Social Watch reports.  As a Senior Researcher at the CCPA, Kate received national acclaim for researching, writing, and producing the annual “The Best and Worst Places to be a Woman in Canada” report.

Kate died peacefully surrounded by her family, following a three-year battle with colon cancer. She is described by loved ones as a “Funny, Fearless, Unapologetically Feminist.”


Kate McInturff, Canada