Building a fossil fuel-free feminist future: An Indigenous perspective

Climate change has become an enormous threat to humanity.

It is very apparent that women are more vulnerable to climate impacts because they make up the majority of those who are involved in subsistence farming and care work.

Joana Foster: 'She made African women realise they can do anything'

Joana Silochina Foster, the formidable Ghanaian-British activist and lawyer who died last month, co-founded Africa’s first feminist philanthropic institution.

Finding my mother through feminism: Taking the movement forward through intergenerational diaspora

Ayesha Amin tells her mom's story, a Canadian/Pakistani WHRD who died of breast cancer. Read her words as she reconnects with her mother's roots by meeting with her mom's former feminist colleagues at the 2016 AWID Forum.

Brazilian women kick back against Temer presidency with capoeira

Brazil’s centuries-old tradition of protest through the martial art is seeing a resurgence as capoeiristas demonstrate against Temer’s regime.

We, women who defend rights, are beautiful

Women activists who defend rights are beautiful. Our beauty lies in our resistance.

Internet politics: a feminist guide to navigating online power

Recognising the political importance of our technical decisions is within reach, leading ultimately to reclaiming power and control of our activism in the digital sphere as well as in the offline world.

Africa: Young Feminists in Battle

Full of energy and motivation, young African feminists fight for their rights. During the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) Forum, held in Brazil from September 8-11, they brought the challenges they face and let themselves be heard.

Webinar Summary: Bridging Gaps

As part of the AWID Forum process, AWID, CREA, the Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL), and RESURJ held a second webinar on Bodily Integrity and Freedoms, a conversation between Disability, Intersex and Trans Activists. The aim of this second session was to bring together perspectives from within different movements to strengthen the work we do across them.

AWID members reflect on the 13th AWID International Forum

We asked our members to share some reflections from the 13th AWID International Forum in Bahia, Brazil. Here, four members from four countries and three regions, share their individual experiences and learnings, but themes around intersectionality, solidarity, fearlessness and collectivity are common throughout.

Funding for women’s rights groups in poor countries falls by more than half

As the Association for Women’s Rights in Development forum convenes in Brazil, unpublished research shows declining support for women’s groups since 2011.