A convergence of feminist and justice movements

On 8-11 September in Bahia, Brazil, 1500+ feminists, women’s rights and social justice activists from a broad diversity of movements and sectors will convene for a global gathering at the 13th AWID International Forum.

2017: Time to co-create our feminist futures!

AWID begins this year with strong energies and renewed commitments. As Co-Executive Directors, Cindy and Hakima present their greetings and some highlights of our work in 2017.

Unlearning Repentance, Internalising Radical Love

As Sonya Renee’s poetic words washed over a room of women at the 13th International AWID Forum in Bahia, Brazil, I let out a breath I didn’t know I had been holding.

Our Liberation Struggle is a Feminist one: Intersectional feminism put into practice

I felt an incredible and instant rush of energy from connecting with feminist activists and organizers from all around the world at AWID’s 13th International Forum in spite of the exhausting 24-hour journey from Beersheba, Israel (historic Palestine) to Salvador, Brazil. There’s something empowering about surrounding ourselves with those who validate our struggles, and understand the multi-faceted elements of fighting for inclusive justice.

12 activists who will make you hopeful for feminist futures without fundamentalisms

Those of us who work on issues surrounding gender and religious fundamentalisms are faced with a problem of representation.

It’s not so much that there isn’t enough coverage of these issues. In fact, the opposite can be true; we often feel bombarded by news coverage of the atrocities committed in the name of religion against women, and against people with non-conforming sexualities and gender identities.  

A Kaleidoscope of Solidarities

The Women Human Rights Defenders Hub at the AWID Forum was many things that are beautiful, informative, and challenging. Bringing to the same space women, trans* and intersex activists working in different parts of the world, we all had the opportunity to collectively reflect on challenges, unite in healing power and exchange strategies. It was a one of a kind opportunity for committed and fierce women, trans* and intersex activists in acknowledging each other’s strength in the struggle for  healing justice.

One in Every Fifth Sister – At the Door

As disability scholar and activist, Martina Shabram wrote in a recent article about how Zika reveals our societies’ prejudice about disability, “too often, the narrative surrounding microcephaly relies on familiar – and disturbing – assumptions about what kind of lives are worth living.”

Visions shared from ‘Santana’

This poem was developed by the facilitators and participants in the session on: ‘Visions through the arts: Rights and justice for disabled and non-disabled women’ AWID 2016 Brazil conference

Decolonizing Feminism: A Brazilian perspective

For the first time ever this fall, the AWID international Forum occurred in Brazil, and put a spotlight on Brazilian feminist movements and perspectives.

Surgically dissecting pathology: Curing our movements and the world

I am bisexual. When I walk down the street some men think it is a compliment to say You are just my size’. I am also African. I am a smorgasbord of identities that could possible preclude me from fitting into the mainstream of what it would mean to be a ‘good functioning human’.