At a global forum of feminists, one thing is clear: it's where you live that counts

Some 1,800 activists from radically different backgrounds at the Association for Women’s Rights in Development conference in Brazil tried to find common ground at a moment in history when women’s rights are being chipped away.

Less than a month to go!

Recently, we introduced five of AWID’s incredible members in the first part of our series “Member Musings ahead of the AWID Forum”. They shared what gets them excited about the Forum, how they or their movement will contribute to building collective power for rights and justice, and how being in Bahia, Brazil with thousands of other activists help strengthen the diverse work they do. 

Looking back, moving forward: AWID Forums

We thought now will be a great time to do a throwback to some highlights from the past three AWID Forums (2005 in Thailand, 2008 in South Africa, 2012 in Turkey) and for those who have not been to an AWID Forum, we hope this will give you some insight into why thousands of activists attend AWID Forums.

Unlocking MOI for SDGs and creating an enabling environment

FINAL NGO MG intervention to the official meeting 7/18/2016.

Feminist propositions for a just economy: time for creative imaginations

Close your eyes and imagine the global economic systems of your dreams. One in which feminist theory and practice are integrated and concepts like market, growth, and profit are replaced with solidarity, sharing of resources and collective well being.

In defense of Brazil’s democracy

Solidarity with the struggle and resistance of feminists and diverse social movements in Brazil.


AWID celebrates the organisers of Marcha das Mulheres Negras for their leadership and vision

The Marcha das Mulheres Negras is a march against racism and violence and in support of wellbeing, and represents years of collective organizing by Black women as part of broader Black peoples’ movements in Brazil.

Brazil Black Women's March: Message of Solidarity from the Black Feminisms Forum Working Group

We note that the Anti-Blackness happening in Brazil is not new and we welcome the mobilization of our sisters and family in this historic March of Black Women towards exposing and challenging this violence.

Virtual participation at the 2016 AWID Forum

There are a number of ways to participate in the Forum online, whether you’re there in person or virtually.

Join our Webinar and eDiscussion on Self-Care and Collective Wellbeing

Join an opening webinar (August 22, 2016) and an online discussion (August 22-26, 2016) on the politics and practice of self-care, collective wellbeing, health and healing justice in our lives and our movements!