About the World Press Freedom Day: Q&A with an AWID Member

Every May 3rd, the World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is marked and celebrated internationally as a day that honors freedom of expression as a fundamental human right. 

Behind the murder of Berta Cáceres: corporate complicity

The corporate denial of violation of human rights in the death of Berta Cáceres reveals the web of complicities and impunity that prompted her assassination.

Democratizing Knowledge on Funding Trends

After a decade of conducting and publishing research on trends affecting funding women’s rights organisations and work, AWID has developed a ‘Do-it-Yourself toolkit”, for adapting the Where is the Money for Women’s Rights (WITM) research methodology to specific locations, constituencies, and issues.

Egyptian feminist leader Mozn Hassan resolute in face of official investigation

Nazra for Feminist Studies head receives widespread support over claims NGO is illegal as crackdown on Egyptian civil society is condemned.

Bertha Cáceres: 'My mother’s is not the first assassination. I don’t want another'

The daughter of Berta Cáceres, the Honduran human rights defender who was murdered this month, has spoken out about the country’s volatility and called on Europe and the US to stop investing in the controversial Agua Zarca dam.

Challenging corporate power for gender justice: highlights from a cross-movement dialogue

Over 35 participants from diverse regions and movements gathered in Sao Paulo, Brazil from 29 February to 2 March 2016. The three day dialogue aimed to learn from the powerful stories of women and movements and to strengthen cross-movement solidarity across them.

Tunisia: A Collective Fight for Individual Rights and Freedoms

Five years following the forced resignation of dictator Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, on 14 January 2011, Tunisians continue to face countless violations of their rights and freedoms. At a time of repression of human rights activists, and increasing violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity, a number of civil society organizations decided to mobilize as an informal group for individual freedoms.

Combatting illicit financial flows: Why we need a gender lens

The fact that between USD 500 and 800 billion are drained each year from developing countries to the global North through illicit financial flows (IFFs) points to a profound global governance crisis and systemic inequality. It is also a question of gender justice.

The Voice of Libyan Women: A progressive voice amid violence and insecurity

AWID spoke to Alaa Murabit, founder of The Voice of Libyan Women, an organization working for women’s economic and political representation, and against violence against women, to discuss their work and the situation facing women in Libya today.

Climate Justice: Why women must be included

The outcome of the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Paris from November 30th to December 11th 2015, has reinforced the reasons why women must be at the heart of decisions and mobilization to advance climate justice. This week AWID looks at some of the challenges and opportunities of integrating women into these processes.