Egypt: targeting Mozn harmful to MENA regional gender justice struggle

If Mozn Hassan and other activists are not able to continue their work for human rights the road towards gender equality and long-term stability in Egypt is not within reach.    

Feminist propositions for a just economy: time for creative imaginations

Close your eyes and imagine the global economic systems of your dreams. One in which feminist theory and practice are integrated and concepts like market, growth, and profit are replaced with solidarity, sharing of resources and collective well being.

How can we tolerate anti-LGBTQ rhetoric at a major human rights forum?

Even in the aftermath of the Orlando shooting, the Organisation of American States is under attack from religious groups over its support of LGBTQ people.

HRC31 Report: Protection of the Family

At the 31stSession of the Council, the report that was mandated by the protection of family resolution in the 29th Session was tabled. The report was the outcome of a controversial resolution in the 29th Session of the Council which was sponsored by a cross-regional group of states including Egypt, Cote d’Ivoire, El Salvador, Mauritania, Morocco, Russian Federation, Tunisia, Uganda, Qatar, Belarus, China and Bangladesh.

Telling women to avoid pregnancy is not a solution for HIV and the Zika virus

To the development community on International Day of Action for Women’s Health: don’t curtail our rights by legitimising conservative religious ideologies.

Seven Pointers for Development Actors Navigating Religious Fundamentalisms and Women’s Rights

Religious fundamentalisms are gaining ground within communities, political systems, international arenas with devastating effects for ordinary people, and for women in particular.  There is an urgent need to resist religious fundamentalist advances, and development actors are in a position to take a strong role in this.

Rights Spotlight: IDAHOT

People around the world continue to be denied their basic and fundamental human rights, targeted on the basis of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression. And not only do violence, criminalization, discrimination, and impunity remain widespread, anti-rights actors frequently justify them at the national and international level in the name of culture, religion and tradition.

Rights Spotlight: International Day of Families

This 15 May is the International Day of Families. So what’s this all about - and what do families, human rights and gender justice have to do with one another?

Cross-movement building is key to advance trans and intersex persons’ rights

In commemoration of International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT), celebrated every 17 May, we invited a range of trans and intersex activists to reflect on the importance of cross-movement building for the advancement of rights.

'The Devil is in the Details': development, women's rights and religious fundamentalisms

Dealing with the escalation of violence against women across the world requires a wider adoption of a feminist approach to working at the nexus of development, religious fundamentalisms and women’s rights.