Weakening human rights mechanisms and challenging activism

The US and recent undermining tactics at the Human Rights Council

The Human Rights Council (HRC) is the UN’s main “political” human rights body, meaning it’s the main place where governments discuss and negotiate human rights issues, challenge one another about their national contexts and hold one another accountable for violations. The HRC meets a few times a year, and as we reflect on its recently-concluded September session, it is important to revisit some of the details of the June convening to better understand how some states seek to avoid scrutiny and undermine the entire s

We welcome the resolution on maternal mortality and morbidity and human rights at the HRC

A comprehensive resolution on preventable maternal mortality and morbidity and human rights in humanitarian settings was adopted by consensus on Thursday September 27, 2018.


The Human Rights Council must condemn attacks on abortion rights defenders

In support of the September 28 “Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion”, 223 civil society organizations from around the world have endorsed this joint statement on abortion rights.

Calling on states to halt the dismantling of our human rights systems

AWID and partners call out the dismantling of human rights mechanisms and express solidarity with the Coalition of African Lesbians.

Accountability is needed for violations against indigenous women defenders

Feminists support the Special Rapporteur's call for justice on the attacks on and criminalization of indigenous peoples defending their rights.

Justice not “special attention”: Feminist Visions for the Binding Treaty

In August 2015, Luisa Lozano, a Kichwa woman from the Saraguro people joined an indigenous mobilisation to defend their right to land from corporation takeovers and demand increased protection of indigenous rights. It is during these protests, that military and police “beat a pregnant women with truncheons, dragging her about 30 meters and spraying her with pepper gas.” Soon thereafter, Luisa Lozano was arrested for defending the pregnant woman and was sentenced to 4 years in prison alongside other women.

Women from movements around the globe speak with one voice at United Nations to ensure safety for all

Frontline women activists representing over 20 countries will remind member states of their legal obligation to protect human rights on 20th anniversary of human rights declaration.

Major gains made for women’s and girls’ rights at the Human Rights Council

Feminists welcome the major gains on women’s and girls’ rights and sexual and reproductive health and rights at the Human Rights Council.

Why we need a feminist funding ecosystem

If you’ve spent any time in a feminist space in the last decade or so, you’ve heard the question, “Where is the money for women’s rights?”

Rights At Risk: AWID supports the WGDAW's call to action

The Association for Women’s Rights in Development is pleased to make this statement on behalf of the Observatory on the Universality of Rights.