Moving forward in building feminist networks

With the expansion of Internet access and the increasingly widespread use of social networks, the occurrence of crimes of violence against women on the Internet has been grown exponentially. Online activity aimed at attacking women — by publishing offensive comments and name-calling, by the unauthorized sharing of personal photos and by threatening virtual assaults — is an increasingly common practice. According to an UN report, about 73% of Internet users have been exposed to some kind of cyber-violence.

Life In Leggings: A Story About Untold Stories

#Lifeinleggings is a story about untold stories. Barbadian feminist, blogger and creator of the hashtag Ronelle King took to social media with the support of her best friend Allyson Benn to share their stories.

REWRITING THE BOOK: Young Women Challenge Religious Fundamentalisms

Young women today are feeling the effects of fundamentalist movements differently than their mothers did--and they are uniquely positioned to challenge fundamentalisms' impact.

What we can learn from feminists who fund themselves

Now more than ever, feminist organizations need to deepen the search for autonomous resourcing models that work for our movements, on our own terms.

5 Explosions of Resistance in 2018

In spite of significant challenges, it is important to celebrate the people and movements that are creating feminist models, movements, and realities around the world.

Statement on the use of the AWID acronym and reference to the AWID Forum by the Zanele Mbeki Foundation

The Association for Women's Rights in Dvelopment does not have any affiliation or responsibility for the African Women in Dialogue program convened by the Zanele Mbeki Foundation based in South Africa. Despite our directly expressed concern to the Zanele Mbeki Foundation, the African Women in Dialogue program has chosen to use the acronym AWID and describe their convening as the AWID Forum. 

5 Myths Around the G20

Every time it comes around, the G20 summit attracts protesters of every stripe. The 2018 summit, which takes place in Buenos Aires, from November 30 to December 1, has already mobilized social movements to resist the G20 neoliberal agenda. 

Vienna Rye: The artist behind this year’s Tribute to activists who are no longer with us

This year for our WHRD Tribute, we worked with visual artist Vienna Rye who brought her heart and soul to create beautiful pieces of art dedicated to the memory of 60 activists featured in our online tribute. In her own words, Vienna tells us about her passions, interests, artwork and activism.

Why drug policy is a feminist issue

Like feminism, harm reduction is a philosophy that encourages us to do away with the false distinction between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ women.

Practicing Shared Leadership: The AWID experience

At AWID, we spend a lot of time thinking about power, and how it functions not only in the world at large but also internally within our own organization. It is this commitment to building collective power that inspired us to begin experimenting with a practice of sharing leadership.