Egypt: targeting Mozn harmful to MENA regional gender justice struggle

If Mozn Hassan and other activists are not able to continue their work for human rights the road towards gender equality and long-term stability in Egypt is not within reach.    

Against the ARENA Proposal for longer abortion-related criminal sentences in El Salvador

Civil society and women human rights defender organizations worldwide strongly condemn the proposal of the ARENA party to reform the Penal Code in El Salvador.

Seven Pointers for Development Actors Navigating Religious Fundamentalisms and Women’s Rights

Religious fundamentalisms are gaining ground within communities, political systems, international arenas with devastating effects for ordinary people, and for women in particular.  There is an urgent need to resist religious fundamentalist advances, and development actors are in a position to take a strong role in this.

Rights Spotlight: IDAHOT

People around the world continue to be denied their basic and fundamental human rights, targeted on the basis of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression. And not only do violence, criminalization, discrimination, and impunity remain widespread, anti-rights actors frequently justify them at the national and international level in the name of culture, religion and tradition.

Rights Spotlight: International Day of Families

This 15 May is the International Day of Families. So what’s this all about - and what do families, human rights and gender justice have to do with one another?

'The Devil is in the Details': development, women's rights and religious fundamentalisms

Dealing with the escalation of violence against women across the world requires a wider adoption of a feminist approach to working at the nexus of development, religious fundamentalisms and women’s rights.

The Voice of Libyan Women: A progressive voice amid violence and insecurity

AWID spoke to Alaa Murabit, founder of The Voice of Libyan Women, an organization working for women’s economic and political representation, and against violence against women, to discuss their work and the situation facing women in Libya today.

'Protection of the Family': What it means for human rights

Neha Sood, Policy and Advocacy Officer at Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights and part of the Sexual Rights Initiative, explains the basics about two recent UN Human Rights Council (HRC) resolutions on the protection of the family.

Combatting violence against women in Algeria: Mobilizing and challenges

As part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, AWID spoke with two Algerian activists to learn more about violence against women in the country and the strategies and challenges of the feminists working to end it.   

Yafa and Suha Jarrar Speak on the Injustice that Prevails: The Palestinian Occupation and the Gender Dynamics of the Struggle

AWID interviewed Khalida Jarrar’s daughters, Suha and Yafa, about their mother, the politicization of Palestinian women in the occupied territories and the struggles of women human rights defenders for their land and freedom.