Smear Campaign Against Woman Human Rights Defenders in El Salvador

AWID spoke with Alejandra Burgos and Morena Herrera about the new wave of slander attacks that their organizations have been receiving from religious fundamentalist groups in El Salvador.

Protection Gaps for Sexual Rights: Side Event at the 30th Session of the Human Rights Council

On September 22nd, during the 30th session of the Human Rights Council, we co-hosted a side event with the Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI) to discuss protection gaps around sexual rights. The five panelists discussed the nature and causes of existing protection gaps in sexual rights, and gave recommendations to further protections for all individuals in the field of sexuality.

Building feminist knowledge through popular education

AWID spoke with Argentinian feminist popular educator Claudia Korol, member of Pañuelos en Rebeldía about how PE is used as a tool to create feminist knowledge and open up discussions in mixed-gender organizations.

The Due Diligence Framework: State Accountability Framework for Eliminating Violence against Women

AWID spoke to Zarizana Abdul Aziz and Janine Moussa, co-directors of the Due Diligence Project to learn more about their recent publication.

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Activists Challenge Regressions In Croatia

In this section, we invite readers of Facing Fundamentalisms to share a brief summary of recent events relating to religion, tradition, culture and rights-based organizing in your contexts. 

Thank you to Jay Postić, a founding member of Zagreb Pride in Croatia, for this issue's Voices from the Roots submission.

Catolicadas: A Cartoon Series Animating Thought and Debate

AWID spoke to Maria Consuelo Mejía, Executive Director of Catolicas por el Derecho a Decidir México (Catholics for the Right to Decide, CDD-MX) about a successful and innovative approach they began using in their advocacy in 2012. 

“The Family” at CSW 58 and Beyond

Efforts to reinforce, advance, and operationalize policies to achieve gender equality at the international level have for years now come up against an increasingly diverse and coordinated coalition of ultra-conservative forces. 

Chile: Abortion Bill Still Restricts Right To Decide About Our Bodies

FRIDAY FILE: On January 31, president Michelle Bachelet sent a Bill to the Chilean Congress to decriminalize abortion on three grounds: fetal malformation, when the mother's life is at risk, and where pregnancy is the result of rape. AWID spoke to feminist activists about this Bill and other pending sexual and reproductive health rights issues in this South American country.

Fighting Hate: Exposing Extremist Groups in the U.S.

The Southern United States in the early 1970s was a time of both possibility and disappointment. As a result of the work of civil rights activists, the 60s had seen the creation of new laws seeking to guarantee racial equality across the country. But after these victories had been achieved, legislative changes often did not do enough to change people’s lived realities – particularly for black communities in the South.

The Libyan Youth Movement: Acting Today, Shaping Tomorrow

AWID recently spoke with Ayat Mneina, co-founder of the Libyan Youth Movement, on the evolving civil war in Libya following the uprising, and subsequent fall of Gaddafi.