Memory as Resistance: A Tribute to WHRDs no longer with us
AWID’s Tribute is an art exhibition honouring feminists, women’s rights and social justice activists from around the world who are no longer with us.
In 2020, we are taking a turn
This year’s tribute tells stories and shares narratives about those who co-created feminist realities, have offered visions of alternatives to systems and actors that oppress us, and have proposed new ways of organising, mobilising, fighting, working, living, and learning.
49 new portraits of feminists and Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) are added to the gallery. While many of those we honour have passed away due to old age or illness, too many have been killed as a result of their work and who they are.
This increasing violence (by states, corporations, organized crime, unknown gunmen...) is not only aimed at individual activists but at our joint work and feminist realities.
The stories of activists we honour keep their legacy alive and carry their inspiration forward into our movements’ future work.
The portraits of the 2020 edition are designed by award winning illustrator and animator, Louisa Bertman.
AWID would like to thank the families and organizations who shared their personal stories and contributed to this memorial. We join them in continuing the remarkable work of these activists and WHRDs and forging efforts to ensure justice is achieved in cases that remain in impunity.
“They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds.” - Mexican Proverb
The Tribute was first launched in 2012
It took shape with a physical exhibit of portraits and biographies of feminists and activists who passed away at AWID’s 12th International Forum, in Turkey. It now lives as an online gallery, updated every year.
To date, 467 feminists and WHRDs are featured.
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Reason to join 1
Be part of an international feminist membership organization and community. Our members are based in all regions of the world, learning and supporting each other in a global network based on solidarity.
Snippet FEA Sopo Japaridze Quote (ES)
"Sabemos que todo está en nuestra contra y hay muy pocas posibilidades de cambiar eso. Pero creemos en la intervención y creo que tenemos una oportunidad y deberíamos usarla. Es por eso que estamos haciendo todo lo que estamos haciendo. Estamos dispuestos a presionar por cosas inauditas".
- Sopo Japaridze para OpenDemocracy
Photo @სოლიდარობის ქსელი / Solidarity Network
هل استطلاع "أين المال" متاح للأشخاص ذوي/ات الإعاقات؟
نعم، انه متاح للأشخاص أصحاب/ صاحبات الإعاقات السمعية، البصرية، النظرية والفكرية المختلفة.
Reason to join 6
Participa en el Foro Internacional de AWID - un importante encuentro feminista global—, y accede a descuentos especiales para afiliadxs de AWID y puntos de entrada para el diálogo virtual. Creado en conjunto por los movimientos feministas, el Foro es un espacio único para una discusión profunda y para dejar correr la imaginación, donde desafiamos y fortalecemos nuestros procesos organizativos, donde conectamos nuestras luchas y las realidades feministas.
Dr. Afaf Marei
Snippet FEA Otras Union meetings and demonstrations (FR)
Réunions et manifestations du Syndicat OTRAS
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Our values - esponsibility, Accountability, and Integrity
Responsabilité, responsabilisation et intégrité
Nous nous attachons à faire preuve de transparence, à utiliser nos ressources de manière responsable, à être équitables dans nos collaborations et à faire preuve de responsabilité et d'intégrité envers nos membres, nos partenaires, nos bailleurs de fonds et les mouvements avec lesquels nous travaillons. Nous nous engageons à réfléchir sur nos expériences, à partager ouvertement nos connaissances et à nous efforcer de modifier nos pratiques en conséquence.
Shahinda Maklad
Snippet FEA Union Otras Photo Panel (EN)
Members of the OTRAS union
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Join the Feminist Realities journey (Forum page)
Join the Feminist Realities journey
The AWID Forum is just one stop in the Feminist Realities journey. Let’s travel this path together and explore our power in action!
Magaly Pineda Tejada
Snippet FEA Principles of work Transparency (ES)
هل يمكنني مشاركة الاستطلاع مع الآخرين/ الأخريات؟
نعم! الرجاء القيام بذلك! نشجعكم/ن على مشاركة رابط الاستطلاع في شبكاتكم/ن. سيسمح لنا جمع وجهات النظر أكثر تنوعاً، فهم البيئة التمويلية للحركات النسوية بشكل أكبر.
Contributors of toolkit (WITM landing page)
Deseamos agradecer a las personas que hicieron aportes y fueron consultadas para la elaboración de este Manual:
- Angelika Arutyunova
- Cindy Clark
- Kamardip Singh
- Martin Redfern
- Pei Yao Chen
- Srilatha Batliwala
- Veronica Vidal
Yayori Matsui
Snippet FEA Get Involved Story 4 (FR)
Membership why page - Loyiso Lindani
J’ai l’intime conviction que des femmes puissantes peuvent donner à d’autres femmes la possibilité d’être puissantes, c’est pourquoi je suis ravie d’être membre de l’AWID. La visibilité que j’ai reçue en faisant partie de la Street Team de la communauté AWID a élargi mes connaissances et ma façon d’envisager le Féminisme et l’intersectionnalité. J’espère que davantage de femmes se joindront à nous et porteront des thématiques et des idées qui aideront d’autres femmes..- Loyiso Lindani, Afrique du Sud.