Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Confronting Extractivism & Corporate Power

Women human rights defenders (WHRDs) worldwide defend their lands, livelihoods and communities from extractive industries and corporate power. They stand against powerful economic and political interests driving land theft, displacement of communities, loss of livelihoods, and environmental degradation.

Why resist extractive industries?

Extractivism is an economic and political model of development that commodifies nature and prioritizes profit over human rights and the environment. Rooted in colonial history, it reinforces social and economic inequalities locally and globally. Often, Black, rural and Indigenous women are the most affected by extractivism, and are largely excluded from decision-making. Defying these patriarchal and neo-colonial forces, women rise in defense of rights, lands, people and nature.

Critical risks and gender-specific violence

WHRDs confronting extractive industries experience a range of risks, threats and violations, including criminalization, stigmatization, violence and intimidation.  Their stories reveal a strong aspect of gendered and sexualized violence. Perpetrators include state and local authorities, corporations, police, military, paramilitary and private security forces, and at times their own communities.

Acting together

AWID and the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition (WHRD-IC) are pleased to announce “Women Human Rights Defenders Confronting Extractivism and Corporate Power”; a cross-regional research project documenting the lived experiences of WHRDs from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

We encourage activists, members of social movements, organized civil society, donors and policy makers to read and use these products for advocacy, education and inspiration.

Share your experience and questions!

Tell us how you are using the resources on WHRDs Confronting extractivism and corporate power.

◾️ How can these resources support your activism and advocacy?

◾️ What additional information or knowledge do you need to make the best use of these resources?

Share your feedback

Thank you!

AWID acknowledges with gratitude the invaluable input of every Woman Human Rights Defender who participated in this project. This project was made possible thanks to your willingness to generously and openly share your experiences and learnings. Your courage, creativity and resilience is an inspiration for us all. Thank you!

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Our values - bodily autonomy

Autonomía corporal, integridad y libertades

Celebramos el derecho de todas las personas a elegir sus identidades, relaciones, metas, trabajos, sueños y placeres, y lo que hacen con su mente, cuerpo y espíritu. Trabajamos por el acceso a los recursos, a la información, y a ambientes seguros y habilitantes que permitan que esto suceda.

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Cristina Bautista

« Si nous nous taisons, ils nous tuent, et si nous parlons [ils nous tuent] aussi. Alors parlons. »  -  Cristina Bautista, 2019

Cristina Bautista était membre de la communauté autochtone du peuple Nasa, qui vit dans la région nord du Cauca en Colombie. Elle participait à la résistance en tant que leader, défenseuse des droits fonciers, travailleuse sociale et gouverneure de la réserve autochtone Nasa de Tacueyó.

Défenseuse infatigable des droits du peuple Nasa, Cristina s’est exprimée haut et fort contre la violence à l’égard de sa communauté. Dans un discours devant les Nations Unies, elle appelait à protéger les vies des femmes autochtones et à les impliquer dans différents domaines de la vie. En 2017, Cristina était membre du Bureau des Nations Unies pour les droits humains des personnes autochtones. Le Fonds de contributions volontaires des Nations Unies pour les populations autochtones lui a octroyé une subvention en 2019. 

« J’aimerais mettre en lumière la situation actuelle du peuple autochtone en Colombie, le meurtre de leaders autochtones, la répression de la contestation sociale. Au lieu d’aider, l’accord de paix a renforcé la guerre et l’exploitation de territoires sacrés en Colombie… Actuellement, nous travaillons en tant que femmes, dans presque toutes les nations autochtones, à un avenir meilleur pour nos familles. Je ne veux pas voir plus de femmes vivre dans ces conditions en milieu rural. Il nous faut des opportunités qui permettent aux femmes autochtones de participer à la vie politique, à l’économie, à la société et à la culture. J’acquiers une réelle force aujourd’hui, en voyant toutes ces femmes ici, et en voyant que je ne suis pas seule. » - Cristina Bautista, 2019

Cristina a été assassinée le 29 octobre 2019, ainsi que quatre autres membres de la garde autochtone désarmée, dans une attaque potentiellement menée par des membres de « Dagoberto Ramos », un groupe dissident FARC.  

D’après Global Witness, « le nombre d’assassinats de leaders communautaires et sociaux·les a terriblement augmenté en Colombie au cours de ces dernières années ». 

« La communauté nasa a prévenu à maintes reprises les autorités au sujet des menaces qui pèsent sur leur sécurité. Malgré les efforts déployés par les gouvernements colombiens successifs, les peuples autochtones continuent de faire face à d'importants risques, surtout les dirigeants communautaires ou religieux comme Cristina Bautista.» - Point presse des Nations Unies, 1er novembre 2019

Visionnez le discours de Cristina Bautista d’août 2019 où elle dénonce de précédents assassinats de membres de la garde autochtone (en espagnol)

Thematic Anchors

Six thematic anchors hold the Feminist Realities framework of the Forum. Each anchor centers feminist realities, experiences and visions, on the continuum between resistance and proposition, struggle and alternative. We seek to explore together what our feminist realities are made of and what enables them to flourish in different spheres of our life.

These realities may be fully articulated ways of living, dreams and ideas in the making, or precious experiences and moments. 

The anchors are not isolated themes, but rather interconnected containers for activities at the Forum. We envision many activities to be at the intersection of these themes, at the intersection of different struggles, communities and movements. The descriptions are preliminary, and continue to evolve as the Feminist Realities journey continues.

Resources for Communities and Movements & Economic Justice

This anchor centers questions of how we -- as individuals, communities, and movements -- meet our basic needs and secure the resources that we need to thrive, in ways that center care for people and nature. By “resources” we mean food, water, clean air, as well as money, labor, information, knowledge, time, and more. 

Drawing on feminist resistance to the dominant economic system of exploitation and extractivism, the anchor highlights the powerful and inspiring feminist proposals, experiences and practices of organizing our economic and social life. Food and seed sovereignty, feminist visions of work and labor, just and sustainable systems of trade, are just some of the questions to explore. We will bravely face the contradictions that emerge from the need to survive in oppressive economic systems. 
This anchor positions funding and resourcing for organizations and movements in a broad feminist analysis of economic justice and wealth creation. It explores how to move resources where they are needed, from tax justice and basic income to different models of philanthropy and creative & autonomous resourcing for movements.

Governance, Accountability and Justice

We seek to build new visions and amplify existing realities and experiences of feminist governance, justice and accountability. In the face of the global crisis and rising fascisms and fundamentalisms, this anchor centers feminist, radical and emancipatory models, practices and ideas of organizing society and political life, - locally and globally.

The anchor will explore what feminist governance looks like, from feminist experiences of municipalism to building institutions outside of nation-states, to our visions of multilateralism. We will exchange experiences of justice and accountability processes in our communities, organizations and movements, including models of restorative, community-based and transformative justice that reject state violence and the prison-industrial complex.

Centering experiences of travel, migration and refuge as well as feminist organizing, we seek a world without deadly border regimes; a world of free movement and exciting journeys.

Digital Realities

The role of technology in our lives is ever increasing and the line between online and offline realities blurred. Feminists make widespread use of technologies and online space to build community, learn from each other, and mobilise action. With online spaces, we can expand the boundaries of our physical world. On the flip side, digital communications are largely owned by corporations with minimal accountability to users: data mining, surveillance and security breaches have become the norm, as well as online violence and harassment. 

This anchor explores the feminist opportunities and challenges within digital realities. We’ll look at alternatives to privately owned platforms that dominate the digital landscape, well-being strategies for navigating online spaces, and uses of technology to overcome accessibility challenges. We’ll explore the potentials of technology in relation to pleasure, trust and relationships.

Bodies, Pleasure and Wellbeing

We hold feminist realities also within ourselves -- the embodied experience. Control of our labour, mobility, reproduction, and sexuality continues to be central to patriarchal, cis-heteronormative and capitalist structures. Defying this oppression, people of diverse genders, sexualities and abilities create encounters, spaces and sub-cultures of joy, care, pleasure and deep appreciation for ourselves and each other.  

This anchor will explore multiple ideas, narratives, imaginations, and cultural expressions of consent, agency and desire as held by women, trans, non-binary, gender non-conforming and intersex people in different societies and cultures. 

We will exchange strategies for winning reproductive rights and justice, and articulate social practices that enable and respect bodily autonomy, integrity and freedom. The anchor links different struggles and movements to inform each other’s perceptions and experiences of wellbeing and pleasure.

Planet and Living Beings

Imagine a feminist planet. What is the sound of the water, the smell of the air, the touch of the earth? What is the relationship between the planet and its living beings, humans included? Feminist realities are realities of environmental and climate justice. Feminist, indigenous, decolonial and ecological struggles are often rooted in transformative visions and relations among people and nature. 

This anchor centers the wellbeing of our planet, and reflects on the ways in which humans have interacted with and reshaped our planet. We seek to explore aspects of traditional knowledge and biodiversity as part of sustaining a feminist planet, and learn about feminist practices around degrowth, commoning, models of parallel economies, agro-ecology, food and energy sovereignty initiatives.

Feminist organizing

While we see all the anchors as related, this one is truly cross-cutting so we invite you to add an organizing dimension to whatever anchor(s) your proposed activity links to.

How is feminist organizing happening in the world today? This question turns our attention to actors, power dynamics, resources, leadership, to the economies we are embedded within, to our understanding of justice and accountability, to the digital age, to our experiences of autonomy, wellbeing and collective care. Across all anchors, we hope to create a space for honest reflection on power and resources distribution and negotiation within our own movements.

The Forum is a collaborative process

The Forum is more than a four-day convening. It is one more stop on a movement strengthening journey around Feminist Realities that has already begun and will continue well beyond the Forum dates.

Join us on this journey!

Snippet FEA Union Otras Photo 4 (FR)

Photo d'un groupe de personnes manifestant la nuit

Membership why page - Angelina Mootoo quote

En rejoignant l’AWID, j’espère pouvoir contribuer à la mobilisation du mouvement féministe. Pas seulement pour les femmes privilégiées, mais pour TOUTES les femmes et activistes féministes..- Angelina Mootoo, féministe intersectionnelle et caribéenne, Guyane/USA

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Tem o direito de eliminar a sua resposta, por qualquer motivo e se assim o desejar. Queira entrar em contacto connosco através deste formulário, ao indicar "WITM Survey" ("Inquérito WITM") no título da sua mensagem, e iremos proceder à eliminação da sua resposta.

Ayanda Denge

“I am a wonder… Therefore I have been born by a mother! As I begin to stutter, my life has been like no other…” - Ayanda Denge  (read the whole poem below)

Ayanda Denge was a transwomxn, sex worker, activist, poet. She was Xhosa, from Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. After travelling through different cities of the country, she moved to Cape Town. 

As a committed and fervent social justice activist, she fought for the rights of sex workers, trans persons, and for those of people living with HIV and AIDS. She was also a motivational speaker on cancer awareness, and campaigned for affordable and social housing, especially for poor and working-class people. Ayanda stood tall as a mountain against different and often abusive faces of discrimination. 

“Being transgender is not a double dose, but it’s a triple dose of stigmatisation and discrimination. You are discriminated against for your sexual identity, you are discriminated against for your work, and you are discriminated against for your HIV status.” - Ayanda Denge, 2016

She was acting chairperson at the Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT) and also worked as an Outreach Coordinator at Sisonke, a national sex workers’ movement in South Africa. 

“From us, from our regional head office, to SWEAT where I sit on the board, to Sisonke, a movement of sex workers in Cape Town. We all amalgamate, we have one cry and it’s a cry that is recognised internationally by international sex workers. We want decriminalisation of sex work.” - Ayanda Denge, 2016

She lived in the Ahmed Kathrada House, which was being occupied by the Reclaim the City campaign for social housing. In 2018, Ayanda was elected house leader. On 24 March 2019, she was stabbed to death in her room. The year prior, another resident was killed.

Reclaim the City draws a connection between the safety of the house residents and the Provincial Government withholding electricity and the human right to water: 

“We cannot separate the safety of women and LGBTQI people living in the occupation from the refusal by the Western Cape Provincial Government to turn the electricity and water back on at Ahmed Kathrada House.

The house is pitch black at night. We need lights to keep each other safe. It is as if the Province wishes to punish poor and working class people, whose only crime is that we needed a home. While they may disagree with our reasons for occupying, they should be ashamed of themselves for putting politics before the safety and dignity of residents of this city.

Rest in Peace comrade Ayanda Denge, we shall remember you as we carry the torch forward in the struggle for decent well-located housing.”

Poem by Ayanda: 

I am a wonder…
Therefore I have been born by a mother!
As I begin to stutter,
My life has been like no other.
Born in pain
Nourished by rain
For me to gain
Was living in a drain.
As I shed a tear
I stand up and hold my spear.
Voices echo, do not fear
Challenges within a year,
Challenges of hurt are on my case;
Community applauds as they assume I have won my race;
But in reality my work strides at a tortoise pace;
On bended knee I bow and ask for grace.
For the Lord
Is my Sword;
To remind humanity
That he provides sanity.
Why Lord am I this wonder?
The Lord answers me with the rain and thunder,
For questioning my father
Who has in the book of lambs
A name called Ayanda.
From the streets my life was never sweet
The people I had to meet;
At times I would never greet;
Even though I had to eat;
I’d opt to take a bow
Rather than a seat

Listen to the poem in Ayanda’s voice

“For my life represents that of a lotus flower, that out of murky and troubled waters I bloomed to be beautiful and strong...” - Ayanda Denge, watch and listen 


“Ayanda, I want to say to you that you are still a survivor, in our hearts and minds. You are gone but you are everywhere, because you are love. How beautiful it is to be loved, and to give love. And Ayanda, that is the gift that you have given us. Thank you for all of the love, we truly did need you. Going forward, I promise to you that we will all commit to continue with the struggle that you have dedicated so much energy and your time to. And we will commit ourselves to pursuing justice in this awful ending to your life.” - Transcript of a message, in a farewell Tribute to Ayanda

“Ayanda was an activist by nature. She knew her rights and would not mind fighting for the rights of others. For me, it was no shock that she was involved with many organizations and it was known that she was a people’s person. It did not need to be the rights of LGBTI but just the rights of everyone that she stood for.” - Ayanda’s sister

Selección de actividades para el Foro

Para cada Foro de AWID, pedimos a un amplio espectro de movimientos feministas y por la justicia social que propongan actividades, para crear así el programa.

Para el 14° Foro Internacional de AWID queremos armar un programa que sea verdaderamente representativo de la diversidad de los movimientos.
Con este objetivo, hemos adoptado una forma nueva y atractiva para elegir las propuestas que generarán el programa final del Foro: el Proceso de Selección Participativa (PSP).

¿Qué es el Proceso de Selección Participativa (PSP)?

El Proceso de Selección Participativa es la etapa final de la revisión de las propuestas de actividades y de la selección de aquellas que formarán parte del programa oficial del Foro.

Funciona de la siguiente manera:

  1. Las propuestas de actividades fueron enviadas originalmente a partir de nuestro Llamado a Presentar Actividades para el Foro, que estuvo abierto a todxs las personas y los grupos interesadxs en presentar sus realidades feministas en el Foro.
  2. De todas las actividades presentadas, el equipo de AWID selecciona aquellas que reflejan mejor  el tema del Foro y que  utilizan un formato creativo para la participación del público.
  3. Luego, las actividades son evaluadas y preseleccionadas por los diferentes Comités del Foro, para garantizar que haya una buena diversidad de regiones, movimientos e ideas.
  4. Finalmente, las propuestas seleccionadas son evaluadas y calificadas por las personas y los grupos cuyas propuestas también hayan sido preseleccionadas. Las propuestas que obtengan mayor cantidad de votos de lxs colegas candidatxs serán incorporadas al programa final del Foro.

  Vistazo al esquema del proceso completo de selección de actividades:




Paso 1: 
Llamado a presentar actividades para el Foro: Presentación de propuestas

Paso 2:
Primera evaluación


Paso 3:


Paso​ 4:
Proceso de Selección Participativa 



diciembre 2019 - mediados de febrero 2020


enero - febrero 2020


Verano 2020


fechas a ajustar


Personas involucradas


Todxs lxs interesadxs en la creación conjunta del programa del Foro

Equipo de AWID


Equipo de AWID; Comité de Contenido y Metodología; Comité de Acceso

Candidatxs preseleccionadxs


Cantidad de actividades

Alrededor de 838 actividades presentadas

306 presentaciones seleccionadas

126 actividades preseleccionadas

Las 50-60 actividades más votadas seleccionadas para el programa final del Forod

¿Por qué AWID decidió organizar un PSP para las actividades del 14° Foro Internacional?

Pensamos que un PSP es relevante para el Foro de AWID porque:

  • Coloca en el centro del proceso de toma de decisiones a las comunidades que viven las realidades feministas que serán presentadas y discutidas en el Foro.

  • Es consistente con nuestra identidad y nuestro rol como organización de apoyo y acompañamiento a los movimientos

  • Concuerda con nuestra visión del Foro como creación conjunta con los diferentes movimientos feministas y por la justicia social que le dan forma al Foro a través de su participación en comités (contenido y metodología, acceso, artivismo y país anfitrión),  de la creación y facilitación de actividades como contrapartes de AWID, y también mediante la toma de decisiones sobre el programa vía el PSP.

  • Posibilita una mayor diversidad de las texturas que conformarán el tejido del Foro (o de las voces que compondrán el canto del Foro). Garantiza que  podamos trascender a la misma AWID y a los movimientos asociados que ya conocemos y con los que ya trabajamos: abre la puerta a lo inesperado.

 ¿Cómo surgió en AWID esta idea de PSP?

Esta es la primera vez que AWID considera un proceso de este tipo.

La idea inicial surgió de las Co-directoras Ejecutivas y el equipo de AWID. Antes de comprometernos con una decisión, consultamos a algunos de los fondos comunitarios que vienen implementando procesos de selección participativa desde hace años, como FRIDA: El Fondo de Jóvenes Feministas, el Fondo Internacional Trans, UHAI (el fondo de África Oriental para minorías sexuales y trabajadorxs sexuales), y el Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres. Los consultamos para aprender de sus amplias experiencias y recibir sus comentarios.

Actividades preseleccionadas

  • Autonomia financiera, el Rompedor de Silencio

  • Contribución de las organizaciones feministas a la lucha contra el extremismo violento en Niger
    Femmes Actions et Développement (FAD)

  • Autofinanciamiento: lxs mujeres a prueba de los telebancos
    Rassemblement des Femmes pour le développement endogène et solidaire RAFDES

  • Alimentacion y soberanía alimentaria de lxs mujeres rurales
    Association Song-taaba des Femmes Unies pour le Développement (ASFUD)

  • Líderes feministxs, comprometidxs en invertir la masculinidad positiva en la construcción de un nuevo orden social equilibrado en las localidades de la Región de Cavally, en la parte oeste de la Costa de Marfil: ¿Cómo provocar un cambio de mentalidad?
    Une societe cooperative, la chefferie traditionnelle des localites, les autorites administratives et les autres associations feminines ONG Centre Solidarite "Investir dans les Filles et les Femmes

  • Co-creación de una metodología de madrinazgo

  • Miles de oportunidades para salvar la tierra (MOST) apoyando la justicia climática para las comunidades locales e indígenas en la cuenca del Congo
    Jeunesse Congolaise pour les Nations Unies (JCNU), Association Genre et Environnement pour le Développement (AGED)

  • Imaginar una política feminista queer asiática
    ASEAN Feminist LBQ Womxn Network Sayoni

  • Apoyando la autogestión: doulas de aborto, acompañantes y redes radicales de apoyo

  • Feminismos en línea: cómo están recuperando la tecnología las mujeres
    Feminism In India

  • Comité para la eliminación de la discriminación contra las trabajadoras sexuales
    Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW), The International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW AP)

  • Liderazgo y organización feminista sostenible: experiencias personales y colectivas
    HER Fund, Institute for Women's Empowerment (IWE) ,Kalyanamita, AAF

  • Realidades del Caribe: Radio Sauna Negra
    WE-Change Jamaica

  • Cuidado a través de líneas telefónica de ayuda y experiencia de las mujeres
    Generation Initiative for Women and Youth Network (GIWYN),Youth Network for Community and Sustainable Development (YNCSD), Community Health Rights Network (CORENET)

  • La sensualidad como resistencia: taller de movimiento corporal

  • Discoteca lésbica de estilo europeo oriental
    Sapfo Collective

  • Instalación Utopía Feminista de FitcliqueAfrica, campamento de sanación del trauma y de autodefensa
    FitcliqueAfrica (Fitclique256 Uganda Limited)

  • Hacer que las comunicaciones sean más queer para una internet abierta
    Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice

  • ¿Es capacitista la forma en que piensas sobre la salud sexual y reproductiva (SSR)? Buenas prácticas para programas e incidencia en SSR inclusivos de las personas con discapacidad.
    Asia Pacific Network of Women with Disabilities and Allies

  • Decolonizar la comunicación no violenta
    API Equality-LA, Sayoni, ASEAN Feminist LBQ Womxn Network

  • Enfoques centrados en el feminismo para llevar a juicio el acoso sexual en el mundo del trabajo
    Women's Legal Centre

  • Mujeres en conflicto en Myanmar
    Women's League of Burma, Rainfall

  • Espacios creativos caribeños, expresiones creativas y prácticas espirituales para la transformación comunitaria
    CAISO: Sex and Gender Justice

  • POP-UPS: Poder justo: herramientas de poder popular para un futuro feminista
    JASS/Just Associates

  • No anónimo: haciendo más queer las prácticas feministas de la diáspora negra africana acerca de la sobriedad

  • Brujería digital: pensamiento mágico para los futuros ciberfeministas
    The Digital Witchcraft Institute

  • Construyendo manifiestos de mujeres: la agenda de las mujeres de base para el cambio en Asia-Pacífico
    Asia Pacific Forum on Women Law and Development

  • Diseñando tus viajes astrales
    EuroNPUD, narcofeminists as a loose group

  • Cuidado colectivo
    RENFA Rede Nacional de Feministas Antiproibicionistas

  • Música de nuestros movimientos
    Radical imagination

  • De desecho a carbón amigable con la ecología

  • El cuidado colectivo y la insurgencia de movimientos feministas antirracistas bajo contextos autoritarios y violentos
    CFEMEA - Feminist Center of Studies and Advisory Services, CRIOLA - black women`s organization, Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras

  • Quebrando el dominio de la religión patriarcal sobre la legislación de familia que afecta nuestras vidas #FreeOurFamilyLaws [liberen nuestras leyes de familia]

  • Enfoque feminista para reclamar y controlar tierras dentro de inversiones
    Badabon Sangho, APWLD

  • Paro mundial de mujeres: nuestra resistencia, nuestro futuro
    Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law & Development, ESCR-Net, Women's March Global

  • Hacia una «Madre Tierra» inclusiva
    Disability Rights Fund, Open Society Foundation

  • De la inclusión a la infiltración: estrategias para construir movimientos feministas interseccionales
    Mobility International USA (MIUSA)

  • Las historias ocultas de las mujeres con discapacidades invisibles: arte en acción
    The Red Door, Merchants of Madness, Improving Mental Wellbeing through Art

  • Asociación entre lo público y lo privado y derechos humanos de las mujeres: aprendizajes a partir de estudios de casos en el sur global
    Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)

  • El viaje interconectado: nuestros cuerpos, nuestra ciencia ficción
    The Interconnected Journey Project, Laboratorio de Interconectividades

  • Recopilar y construir: una visión feminista alternativa para desafiar el orden económico mundial dominante
    IWRAW Asia Pacific

  • La autopublicación como acto feminista
    International Women* Space

  • Buenas prácticas de protección legal para minorías de género y sexuales en Pakistán y su interseccionalidad
    Activists Alliance Foundation, Khawja Sirah Society, Wajood Society, Wasaib Sanwaro

  • Enfoques feministas para contrarrestar el tráfico
    IWRAW Asia Pacific, Business & Human Rights Resource Center

  • Críticas al individualismo y a las políticas estatales: organización internacional contra la violencia dirigida
    Masaha: Accessible Feminist Knowledge

  • Decolonizando la intimidad: cómo las identidades queer cuestionan las estructuras familiares heteronormativas

  • Yeki Hambe – Teatro de lxs trabajadorxs sexuales
    Sex Worker Education and Advocacy Task Force

  • Creando la realidad feminista indígena: honrando lo sagrado femenino y construyendo nuevos caminos para las mujeres indígenas
    Cultural Survival, International Funders in Indigenous Peoples

  • Los ojos en el antiprohibicionismo por parte de las mujeres brasileras
    Mulheres Cannabicas, Tulipas do Cerrado

  • Comisión de la verdad feminista negra: abordando las injusticias para revolucionar el feminismo interseccional como nueva realidad
    Black Women in Development

  • El cuidado comunitario es autocuidado: en los espacios seguros se cuentan historias verdaderas
    Eurasian Harm Reduction Association, Metzineres, Urban Survivor’s Union, Salvage women and children from drug abuse

  • Ningún movimiento prohibido: conexiones a través del baile entre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad, los derechos de las personas trans y los derechos sexuales contra la violencia
    National Forum of Women with Disabilities, Autonomy foundation, Nazyk kyz

  • El impacto de la captura corporativa de las realidades feministas: desarrollando herramientas para la acción
    ESCR-Net | Economic, Social, Cultural Rights Network

  • Reimaginando el SIDA: construyendo una respuesta feminista al VIH
    Frontline AIDS, Aidsfonds, IPPI (Indonesian Network of Women Living with HIV), UHAI-EASHRI (East African Sexual Health and Rights Initiative)

  • Promoviendo la justicia económica para materializar nuestra visión de un planeta feminista
    International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, ESCR-Net

  • Café de lxs trabajadorxs sexuales
    Hydra e.V.

  • Adoptando un enfoque ecofeminista para lidiar con el cambio climático y la seguridad alimentaria
    Umphakatsi Peace Ecovillage, Human Rights Educational Centre

  • Conectando la base con lo internacional: la experiencia de una movilización creativa de lxs trabajadorxs sexuales en Europa
    International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe, STRASS - French Sex Worker Union, APROSEX, Red Edition

  • Experimentar con cómo puede ayudarnos la tecnología innovadora a sentirnos más segurxs cuando nos movemos en nuestras ciudades
    Soul City Institute for Social Justice, Safetipin, Womanity Foundation

  • ¿Son INfeministas las jerarquías dentro de las organizaciones?
    Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Kenya National, Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission

  • Todas somos diferentes, pero tenemos valores compartidos
    UNWUD (Ukrainian network of women who use drugs), JurFem Association, Women's Prospects

  • Un mundo sin clases
    Bunge La Wamama Mashinani (Grassroots Women's Parliament)

  • Las mujeres empoderan a la comunidad
    Institute for Women's Empowerment (IWE), Solidaritas Perempuan, ASEC Indonesia, Komunitas Swabina Pedesaan Salassae (KSPS)

  • Organización feminista: liderazgo transformador- trabajadoras en América Latina creando un movimiento sindical feminista y un mundo laboral feminista
    Solidarity Center

  • Representar, portarse mal: feminismo de las personas con discapacidad decolonizando las narrativas de estigma a través del teatro participativo
    Rising Flame, National Indigenous Disabled Women Association, Nepal, The Spectrum & Union of Abilities, The Red Door

  • Valorando y poniendo en el centro el descanso, el placer y el juego
    ATHENA Network

  • El proyecto de juicio africano feminista
    The Initiative for strategic Ligation in Africa (ISLA)

  • Voces desde las líneas del frente: apoyando el poder colectivo para poner fin al encarcelamiento de mujeres en el mundo
    International Drug Policy Consortium, Equis Justicia para las Mujeres, National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls, Women and Harm Reduction International Network

  • Activismo queer joven: imaginando en una era de derechos humanos y desarrollo sostenible
    African Queer Youth Initiative, Success Capital Organisation

  • Nuestras luchas, nuestras historias, nuestras fortalezas
    Oriang Lumalaban, Pambansang Koalisyon ng Kababaihan sa Kanayunan

  • Rompiendo las barreras para la acción indígena colectiva sobre el clima en el Sudeste Asiático
    Cuso International, Asia Indigenous Peoples' Pact

  • Amar a las mujeres positivas: yendo más allá del amor romántico hacia el amor comunitario profundo y la justicia social
    Eurasian Women's Network on AIDS

  • Intersexualidad y feminismo
    Intersex Russia

  • Entendiendo las experiencias y necesidades de salud reproductiva de las personas transgénero y de género diverso
    Asia Pacific Transgender Network (APTN)

  • Porque ella cuida: conversaciones críticas sobre el activismo en VIH como trabajo de (des)cuidado
    Because We Care Collaborative

  • El Manifiesto de los sistemas alimentarios del Mississippi
    Center for Ideas, Equity & Transformative Change, National Council of Appropriate Technology - Gulf South, MS Food Justice Collaborative, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement

  • La experiencia de la copresidencia del movimiento de mujeres kurdo como ejemplo de logro feminista radical: ¡la copresidencia es nuestra línea PÚRPURA!
    The Free Women’s Movement (TJA)

  • «Caminando sobre cáscaras de huevos»
    Eldoret Women For Development (ELWOFOD), Mama Cash, Young women against Women Custodial Injustices Network

  • Libertad

  • La cárcel no es feminista: analizando el efecto y las alternativas a depender de la policía y el encarcelamiento
    Migrant Sex Workers Project, Showing Up For Racial Justice

  • Bondo sin sangre: una forma feminista de reimaginar los ritos de pasaje de Sierra Leona

  • Tierra y territorios liberados: una conversación panafricana
    Thousand Currents (USA), Abahlali baseMjondolo (South Africa), Nous Sommes la Solution (west Africa/regional), Movilización de Mujeres Negras por el Cuidado de la Vida y los Territorios Ancestrales (Colombia), and Articulation of Black Rural Quilombola Communities (Brazil)

  • Educación popular y organización para una economía feminista
    Jamaica Household Workers Union (JHWU), United for a Fair Economy, Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en la Lucha (CTUL)

  • ¿Así que quieres movilizar con una billetera vacía? Hagámoslo realidad
    Breakthrough India

  • Compartir experiencias para establecer una red de defensoras de derechos humanos en África del este: la perspectiva ugandesa
    Women Human Rights Defenders Network Uganda

  • Clínica tecnológica
    Stichting Syrian Female Journalists Netowrk

  • Construyendo movimientos inclusivos: más allá de la inclusión simbólica
    Rising Flame

  • Justicia y sanación para las sobrevivientes de la violencia de género: un debate interactivo sobre la justicia reparadora y la anatomía de una disculpa
    One Future Collective

  • Acciones colectivas para poner fin a la transfobia con una perspectiva feminista
    Asia Pacific Transgender Network, Iranti, Transgender Europe

  • Mujeres LBQ y asilo

  • Aborto y discapacidad: hacia un enfoque interseccional basado en los derechos humanos
    Women Enabled International

  • Aprender cómo apoyar a las comunidades auto-organizadas de indocumentadxs, migrantes y trabajadorxs sexuales criminalizadxs
    Buttrerfly (Asian and Migrant Sex Workers Support Network)

  • Autocuidado: una herramienta fundamental para sostener el activismo LGBTQI y feminista
    United and Strong Inc., S.H.E Barbados, Lez Connect

  • Reclamando las VOCES-REALIDADES-PODER feministas jóvenes africanas para la justicia climática
    Young Feminist organization Gasy Youth Up, Young African Feminist Dialogues

  • Mujeres en acción y solidaridad: representando nuestras realidades (Asia y África)
    Women Performing the World (Asia/Africa)

  • Juntas en esto: fondos de mujeres y movimientos feministas creando juntos realidades feministas
    Women Forum for Women in Nepal (WOFOWON)

  • Las no-ciudadanas: asuntos de la ciudadanía de las mujeres en el contexto de comunidades migrantes y vulnerables de Asia meridional

  • Imaginando para una voz en las crisis migratoria y climática
    Women's Refugee Commission, The Feminist Humanitarian Network, ActionAid

  • Juntas en esto: fondos de mujeres y movimientos feministas creando juntos realidades feministas
    Mama Cash, Global Fund for Women, Urgent Action Fund - Africa

  • Creando magia con los movimientos feministas jóvenes: prácticas participativas que provocan alegría
    Feminist organizing, FRIDA The Young Feminist Fund (Community), Teia

  • Derecho de protección de las mujeres en realidades difíciles: tres organizaciones de mujeres de comunidades marginales
    NGO Asteria, Ermolaeva Irena and Bayazitova Renata. NGO Ganesha Musagalieva Tatiana. NGO Ravniy Ravnomu Kucheryavyh Tanya

  • Feminal – tradiciones contra el arte y la expresión
    Bishkek Feminist Initiatives

  • Resistencia a través del conocimiento, el arte y el activismo: creación de una biblioteca feminista en Armenia
    FemHouse, Armenia

  • Conquistando el sistema de la ONU con estrategias feministas (no necesitas ser abogada para divertirte)
    Kazakhstan Feminist Initiative "Feminita", IWRAW Asia Pacific, ILGA World

  • Datos. Huh. ¿Para qué sirven? Datos feministas y organización para resultados feministas
    International Women's Development Agency, Women's Rights Action Movement, Fiji Women's Rights Movement

  • La voz, el liderazgo y la influencia de las mujeres criminalizadas en leyes, políticas y prácticas de Kenia
    Keeping Alive Societies Hope-KASH, Katindi Lawyers and Advocates, Vocal Kenya

  • De Colombia hacia el mundo, mujeres africanas como fuerza de cambio
    Proceso de Comunidades Negras en Colombia -PCN, Solidarité Féminine por la Paix el le Develppment Integral -SOFEPADI,

  • Espacio afro-queer para escuchar y contar historias
    AQ Studios, None on Record, AfroQueer Podcast

  • Una reivindicación de la identidad corporal
    GBV Prevention Network : Coordinated by Raising Voices

  • Aprendamos de la Diversidad
    Circulo de Mujeres con Discapacidad -CIMUDIS, Alianza Discapacidad por nuestros Derechos -ADIDE, Fundación Dominicana de Ciegos -FUDCI, Filial Puerto Rico de Mujeres con Discapacidad

  • Fútbol como herramienta Feminista
    Fundación GOLEES (Género, Orgullo, Libertad y Empoderamiento de Ellas en la Sociedad)

  • Constelaciones migrantes

  • Diálogos ecofeministas para la defensa de los territorios.
    CIEDUR (Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo), Equit, Foro permanente de Manaos y Amazonia

  • El movimiento "La Frida Bikes"
    La Frida Bike

  • Brujeria, chamanismo y otros conocimientos insurrectos contra el patriarcado
    Colectiva Feminista MAPAS-Mujeres Andando Proceso por Autonomías Sororales

  • Experiencias, aprendizajes y desafíos para la gestión de la seguridad holística de organizaciones horizontales feministas y de la disidencia sexogenérica en tiempos de crisis social y política. La experiencia del levantamiento popular del 18-O en Chile
    Fudación Comunidades en Interfaz

  • Alimento que todxs sabemos
    Las Nietas de Nonó, Parceleras Afrocaribeñas por la Transformación barrial (PATBA)

  • Prácticas de resistencia ante el cambio climático de mujeres indígenas de Perú y Guatemala
    Thousand Currents, Red de Mujeres Productoras de la Agricultura Familiar, Asociación de Mujeres Ixpiyakok (ADEMI, Ixpiyakok Women's Association)

  • Construyendo ciudades feministas
    CISCSA, Articulacion Feminista Marcosur

  • Ponte en Mi Lugar
    Alianza Discapacidad por nuestros Derechos - ADIDE, Circulo de Mujeres con Discapacidad -CIMUDIS

  • Limpiando el camino para la plenitud de vida de las mujeres, sanando traumas colectivos e históricos
    Grupo de Mujeres Mayas Kaqla

  • Mujeres indígenas zapotecas desafiadas por la naturaleza.

  • Casas de Cuidado y Sanación para Defensoras De Derechos Humanos como parte el enfoque de la Protección Integral Feminista: Una Realidad Feminista
    Iniciativa Mesoamericana De Defensoras de Derechos Humanos, Consorcio Oaxaca para el Diálogo Parlamentario y la Equidad A.C, Red Nacional De Defensoras De Derechos Humanos en Honduras, Coletivo Feminista de Autocuidado

  • Sanando tu voz de unicornix: Tejiendo tecnologías ancestrales y digitales para afilar la lengua

  • Trayectorias feministas para un protocolo de maternidad asistida en mujeres con discapacidad
    Circulo emancipador de mujeres y niñas con discapacidad de Chile, CIMUNIDIS, WEI

  • Escuela para la niñez trans feminista
    Fundación Selena

  • REDTRASEX: Experiencia De Organización Y Lucha Por Los Derechos De Las Mujeres Trabajadoras Sexuales De Latinoamerica y El Caribe
    RedTraSex Red de mujeres trabajadoras sexuales LAC

  • Violencia de género en el mundo del trabajo sexual en México
    Brigada Callejera de Apoyo a la Mujer, "Elisa Martínez", A.C., Red Mexicana de Organizaciones Contra la Criminalización del VIH. Red Mexicana de Trabajo Sexual

  • La migración nos obliga hacer camino al andar.
    Asociación de Trabajadoras del Hogar a Domicilio y de Maquila. ATRAHDOM

  • Nuevas narrativas para mujeres negras: cuerpo, curación y placer.

  • Tejiendo memorias y redes - Feministas nehtas fortaleciendo los feminismos negros en América Latina y el Caribe (LAC)
    Red de Mujeres Afrolatinoamericanas, Afrocaribeñas y de la Diáspora, Articulação de Organizações de Mulheres Negras Brasileiras (AMNB), Voces Caribeñas

Snippet FEA Principles of Work S4 (EN)

Four hands holding each other.


“Where is the Money for Women’s Rights?" AWID’s WITM Toolkit (landing page intro)

The 2024 edition of the Where is the Money?  Survey is live now, until July 31st, 2024

Learn more.

A Do-it-Yourself Research Methodology

AWID offers the WITM Toolkit to support individuals and organizations who want to conduct their own research on funding trends for a particular region, issue or population by adapting AWID’s research methodology.

AWID’s WITM Toolkit builds on 10 years research experience. AWID’s WITM research and WITM Toolkit is a political and practical demonstration of the resources and steps it takes to conduct solid action-research.

Learn more about the context around the WITM research methodology

The Resourcing Feminist Movements team also offers technical and political support before and during the research process. Review the toolkit and contact us at fundher@awid.org if you need more information.

هل يمكنني مشاركة الاستطلاع مع الآخرين/ الأخريات؟

نعم! الرجاء القيام بذلك! نشجعكم/ن على مشاركة رابط الاستطلاع في شبكاتكم/ن. سيسمح لنا جمع وجهات النظر أكثر تنوعاً، فهم البيئة التمويلية للحركات النسوية بشكل أكبر.

Our arepa: Resistance from the Kitchen

by Alejandra Laprea, Caracas, Venezuela (@alejalaprea)

I live in a country of the impossible, where there are no bombs yet we are living in a war.

A war that exists only for those of us living in this territory.

I live in a country no one understands, which few can really see, where various realities co-exist, and where the truth is murdered time and again.

I live in a country where one has to pay for the audacity of thinking for oneself, for taking on the challenge of seeing life another way.

I live in a country of women who have had to invent and reinvent, time and again, how they live and how to get by.

I live in Venezuela, in a time of an unusual and extraordinary threat.

Since 2012 my country has been subjected to an unconventional war. There are no defined armies or fire power. Their objective is to dislocate and distort the economy, affecting all households, daily life, the capacity of a people to dream and build a different kind of politics, an alternative to the patriarchal, bourgeois, capitalist democracy.

Venezuelan women are the primary victims of this economic war. Women who historically and culturally are responsible for providing care, are the most affected and in demand. However, in these years of economic and financial embargo, Venezuelan women have gone from being victims to the protagonists on the front lines defending our territory.  

Battles are fought from the barrios, kitchens, and small gardens. We defend the right of girls and boys to go to school, and to be given something so simple as some arepas for breakfast.

Arepas are a kind of corn cake that can be fried, roasted or baked and served sweet or savoury as a side or main dish. It is a staple in the diet of all Venezuelans.

In Venezuela, arepas mean culture, family, food sovereignty, childhood nostalgia, the expert hands of grandmothers molding little balls, the warmth that comforts you when recovering from illness.

Arepas connect us as a people with the pre-Colombian cultures of corn, a resistance that has endured for more than five centuries. They are the Caribbean expressed differently on firm ground.

They are an act of resistance.

When my mother was a girl, they would start grinding the dry corn early in the morning to make arepas. The women would get up and put the kernels of corn in wooden mortars and pound it with heavy mallets to separate the shells. Then they would boil, soak, and grind the corn to make dough, and finally they would mold it into round arepas. The process would take hours and demand a lot of physical effort.   

In the mid-20th century a Venezuelan company industrialized the production of corn meal. For an entire generation that seemed like an act of liberation, since there was now a flour that you could simply add water to and have hot arepas in 45 minutes time.

But that also meant that the same generation would lose the traditional knowledge on how to make them from scratch. My grandmother was an expert arepa maker, my mother saw it as a girl, and for me the corn meal came pre-packaged.

In the war with no military, the pre-cooked corn meal came to be wielded as an instrument of war by the same company that invented it, which was not so Venezuelan anymore: today the Polar group of companies is transnational.

We women began to recuperate our knowledge by talking with the eldest among us. We searched in the back of the closets for our grandmothers’ grinders, the ones we hadn’t thrown away out of affection. Some families still prepared the corn in the traditional way for important occasions. In some towns there were still communal grinding stations which had been preserved as part of local history or because small family businesses refused to die. All of these forms of cultural resistance were activated, and we even went so far as to invent new arepas.

Today we know that in order to resist we cannot depend on one food staple. Although corn arepas continue to be everyone’s favourite, we have invented recipes for arepas made of sweet potato, cassava, squash, and celery root.

We have learned that we can use almost any root vegetable to make arepas. Cooperative businesses have developed semi-industrial processes to make pre-cooked corn meal. In other words, we have recuperated our arepas and their preparation as a cultural good that belongs to all.


“Entretejidas” [Interwoven women]

by Surmercé, Santa Marta (@surmerce)

My artivism aims to decolonize our senses in everyday life. I like to create spaces that communicate how we weave together our different struggles, and that render visible dissident (re)existences, other possible worlds, and living bodies here in the SOUTH.


“We carry one another towards the future”

by Marga RH, Chile, UK (@Marga.RH)

Let's take care of one another

As we continue to fight in our struggles, let us remember how essential it is that we support each other, believe each other, and love ourselves and our sisters. When this system fucks us over, we must take time to look after our (physical and mental) health, that of our sisters, and to understand that each one of us carries unique stories, making us fighters in resist

Marga RH (@Marga.RH)

Until dignity becomes a habit

These portraits are inspired by the voices of resistance and protest movements in Latin America, especially by the key role that feminised bodies play in these struggles. It is a tribute to the grassroots feminist movements in resistance.


Snippet FEA No feminist economies without feminist unions (ES)

¡No hay economías feministas sin sindicatos feministas!

A través de la organización laboral y sindical, Sopo, Sabrina y Linda no solo luchan por los derechos de lxs mujeres, lxs trabajadorxs esenciales, lxs trabajadorxs migrantes y lxs trabajadores sexuales, sino por los derechos de todxs lxs trabajadorxs.

La lucha para acabar con la explotación de lxs trabajadores es una lucha feminista, y nos muestra que no hay economías feministas sin sindicatos feministas.