Sabriya Simon
Marcha da Mulheres Negras 2016
Marcha da Mulheres Negras 2016
Marcha da Mulheres Negras 2016

Priority Areas

Supporting feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements to thrive, to be a driving force in challenging systems of oppression, and to co-create feminist realities.

Co-Creating Feminist Realities

While we dream of a feminist world, there are those who are already building and living it. These are our Feminist Realities!

What are Feminist Realities?

Feminist Realities are the living, breathing examples of the just world we are co-creating. They exist now, in the many ways we live, struggle and build our lives.

Feminist Realities go beyond resisting oppressive systems to show us what a world without domination, exploitation and supremacy look like.

These are the narratives we want to unearth, share and amplify throughout this Feminist Realities journey.

Transforming Visions into Lived Experiences

Through this initiative, we:

  • Create and amplify alternatives: We co-create art and creative expressions that center and celebrate the hope, optimism, healing and radical imagination that feminist realities inspire.

  • Build knowledge: We document, demonstrate & disseminate methodologies that will help identify the feminist realities in our diverse communities.

  • Advance feminist agendas: We expand and deepen our collective thinking and organizing to advance just solutions and systems that embody feminist values and visions.

  • Mobilize solidarity actions: We engage feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements and allies in sharing, exchanging and jointly creating feminist realities, narratives and proposals at the 14th AWID International Forum.

The AWID International Forum

As much as we emphasize the process leading up to, and beyond, the four-day Forum, the event itself is an important part of where the magic happens, thanks to the unique energy and opportunity that comes with bringing people together.

We expect the next Forum to:

  • Build the power of Feminist Realities, by naming, celebrating, amplifying and contributing to build momentum around experiences and propositions that shine light on what is possible and feed our collective imaginations

  • Replenish wells of hope and energy as much needed fuel for rights and justice activism and resilience

  • Strengthen connectivity, reciprocity and solidarity across the diversity of feminist movements and with other rights and justice-oriented movements

Learn more about the Forum process

We are sorry to announce that the 14th AWID International Forum is cancelled

Given the current world situation, our Board of Directors has taken the difficult decision to cancel Forum scheduled in 2021 in Taipei. 

Read the full announcement

Find out more!

Related Content

Feminine Life and Disability: Fighting against the discrimination in Senegal

Feminine Life and Disability: Fighting against the discrimination in Senegal

The organization Vie Féminine et Handicap (Feminine Life and Disability) became an AWID member in 2008 “to better defend our ideas, to better promote awareness of the discrimination faced by women living with disability in Africa, and to increase visibility of our work,” says President of the organization, Ndoya Kane. 

Considering the specific needs of women living with disability

Launched in 2008, the mission of Vie Féminine et Handicap is to fight against poverty among women living with disability in Senegal and globally, but especially across the African continent. With a vision where disability is no longer a barrier to a woman’s dignity or well-being, the main objectives of the organization are to combat poverty, sexually transmitted infections, and AIDS among women living with disability, while strengthening their access to new information technologies.    

Vie Féminine et Handicap was created to address the issues of disabled women from a perspective that considers their specific needs, related to both their status as a woman and as a person living with a disability – and to ensure that their economic situation evolves in a positive way and to better sensitize society to disability issues without the negative prejudice. 

Comprised of some fifteen members and working mainly across the Pikine and Guédiawaye departments in the Dakar region, the work of Vie Féminine et Handicap includes awareness raising and training for women living with disability, as well as advocacy with decision-makers around the human rights of women living with disability, their economic empowerment, and their sexual and reproductive health. “We do awareness raising on the issue of disability in neighbourhoods by inviting community authorities, youth and ‘able-bodied’ people, because disability is surrounded by a lot of negative prejudice in the Senegalese and African context in general. We also participate in conferences at the African and International level to discuss the situation of disabled women in Africa and around the world to better align our strategies,” highlights Kane. 

 “Without solidarity, without an understanding that the fight that we lead is not done in the interest of a sole disabled people’s organization, but in the interest of all, we will never achieve any results. Each disabled people’s organization to understand that the fight that we lead outweighs the competition and that we have to go forward together to succeed in getting long lasting results,” explained Ndoya Kane in 2010, in a repport produced by AWID

Pooling resources and the self-financing of members

Since February 2010, the organization has established a self-financing fund, which consists of pooling member contributions to allow each one to finance small personal projects and to initiate income-generating activities for its members, mainly focused on small business. The idea to create the fund originated from our members themselves, a vulnerable group with limited economic resources and for which access to credit is nearly impossible.

The Fund for example allowed Marétou Diop, a resident of Guédiawaye, to open a shop in her neighbourhood market and sell foodstuffs. “Now the other women are joining our self-financing fund to receive credit and finance their activities,” highlights Ndoya Kane.  

“Group discussions are even more important as they give us the opportunity to meet among women living with disability and build confidence in some to comfortably talk about the issues they face as women. Together we decide which challenges exist and try to engage specialists in addressing the issue,” says Kane.    


Mobilizing for Women and Girl Victims of War Violence in the DRC

Mobilizing for Women and Girl Victims of War Violence in the DRC

The organization l’Initiatives des Femmes en Situations Difficiles pour le Développement Intégré (Initiatives of Women in Difficult Situations for Integrated Development, IFESIDI) became an AWID member in 2012, which they consider “a network through which IFESIDI could benefit from lots of experience in the area of promoting and protecting women’s rights.”

“Together in the fight for women’s and girls’ rights!” 

For over twenty years, the wars affecting eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have been at the root of massive human rights violations – particularly the rights of women, girls and children – including rape and other forms of violence against women and girls.  The appropriation of their resources and their consequent impoverishment, as well as being placed in a vulnerable situations from displacement following attacks in their village, all contribute to a precarious situation for women and girls. Faced with this reality, IFESIDI was created in 2002 to improve the social conditions of women and girl victims of violence related to war, including those living in rural areas; and to promote and protect their rights. This non-denominational non-profit is composed of 35 members, its activities covering at least the whole of the South Kivu province in eastern DRC. With the slogan “Together in the fight for women’s and girls’ rights!” IFESIDI hopes that Congolese women and girls can one day live in dignity.

Strengthening the Economic and Educational Capacities of Women Victims of War

In addition to counselling services for women and girl victims of violence in different spheres – namely domestic, academic and professional – the organization is currently conducting an economic and educational capacity building program for women victims of war. The program includes job training, related to, among others, artisan soap making, fabric cutting and sewing.  

One of the beneficiaries of the program explains: “Before being invited by IFESIDI and being trained, I was carrying heavy bags of sand for construction workers in the city of Bukavu, going back and forth with these bags on my back all day long. The displaced woman that I am in this city, without financial resources, I was without any hope to continue to live and no one looked at me when I passed by… But today, thanks to IFESIDI, I can talk, I can pass by and people will know that it’s “mama” Ponga Musema who is passing by!”      

Mobilizing as part of the 16 Days of Activism

As part of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign, which begins on 25 November and ends 10 December, IFESIDI is organizing awareness raising activities, a panel discussion, advocacy strategies, exchanges and an evaluation with the women and girls that the organization targets.

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Ensuring Security for Human Rights Defenders, Protecting the Freedom of Expression

Ensuring Security for Human Rights Defenders, Protecting the Freedom of Expression

Originally from Pakistan, Javeria Ayaz Malik is a human rights activist, and a communications and security expert who lives and works in Johannesburg, South Africa as the International Security Advisor and head of the Staff Security Department at ActionAid International. In this role she coordinates the organisation’s safety and security policy and establishes external relationships with global security networks.

Javeria also advises ActionAid’s leadership on appropriate security management strategies aimed at reducing safety and security risks that staff may face in the course of their duties.

Javeria has a professional background in journalism and mass communications and previously worked for Pakistan’s national television where she researched and wrote scripts for broadcasting, in addition to working as a television host and radio presenter. As an ardent believer in human rights, freedom of expression, and equality, Javeria considers journalism and communication “to be her first love”. She shares with us her thoughts on the connection between journalism and  security :

Ethical and objective journalism can shape a society, empower people living in poverty, and hold the duty bearers to account. No wonder journalists continue to be under threat at the hands of repressive regimes and corporate interests around the world. That’s where my security skills become relevant.

As a certified and experienced security trainer, Javeria’s training curriculums and methodologies include specific modules particularly aimed at enhancing protection strategies for human rights defenders, and especially for women human rights defenders. As one of the very few women security experts from the Global South, Javeria says:

Women in this age and time are in a constant combat! We face and fight stereotypes and mobbing on a daily basis, but this has only made us stronger and more determined.

Javeria has been an AWID members since March 2015. She joined AWID to “connect with like-minded people and to be more involved in women’s rights initiatives globally.”

Connect with her through the AWID members online directory or by emailing

South Asia

Four Decades of Campaigning for the Safety and Rights of Sex Workers

Four Decades of Campaigning for the Safety and Rights of Sex Workers

Since 1975, the English Collective of Prostitutes (ECP) has worked nationally and internationally for the decriminalisation of sex work and towards safer working conditions for sex workers. ECP has supported women and other sex workers against charges of soliciting, closure orders, Anti-social behaviour orders (ASBOs), and brothel keeping.

Not criminals

The UK based ECP campaigns for the abolition of  laws which criminalize sex workers and their families, for the expunging of criminal records, as well as for housing, economic alternatives and higher benefits and wages and in ECP's words, so that "any of us can leave prostitution if and when we want."

Standing up to state power

The struggle for sex workers’ rights is a continued and decade long struggle. It takes courage to fight against criminalising laws passed by state authorities and enforced by police power. ECP’s courage has often paid off in its many years of advocacy and resistance.

For 12 days in 1982, 50 women from the Collective occupied a church in London to protest against illegal police action, violence and racism against street workers. In 1995, ECP, with the support of Women against Rape, won a landmark case (and first-ever private prosecution for rape) after the authorities declined to prosecute a serial rapist who targeted sex workers. And ten years ago, after the murder of five women in Ipswich, ECP launched the Safety First Coalition, spearheading a campaign against the Policing and Crime Act which gave police greater powers to “arrest us for soliciting, force us into “rehabilitation”, raid our flats, get us evicted, and steal our earnings and property. It also criminalised clients." 

Currently the English Collective of Prostitutes is opposing the new Welfare Reform law which abolishes income support as this is the only benefit that mothers and victims of domestic violence rely on. As ECP tells AWID, “Most sex workers are mothers trying to do our best for our children. Mothers should be supported not attacked.”

“We are in touch with sex workers all over the world. The situation of those of us in the Global South and those of us who work the streets, often black women, other women of colour and/or immigrant women, has always been our starting point.”

ECP, an AWID institutional member since 2014, is also part of the International Prostitutes Collective.

Watch Niki Adams of ECP talk about decriminalisation of sex work in Soho.

