Analyses Spéciales

L´AWID est une organisation féministe mondiale qui consacre ses efforts à la justice de genre, au développement durable et aux droits humains des femmes

Conseil des Droits de l'Homme (CDH)

​​​​​​Le Conseil des droits de l'homme (CDH) est un organe intergouvernemental clé du système des Nations Unies, responsable de la promotion et la protection des droits humains autour du globe. Il se réunit  trois fois par an en session ordinaire, en Mars, Juin et Septembre. Le Bureau du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux Droits de l’Homme (HCDH) constitue le secrétariat pour le CDH.

Le CDH :

  • Débat et adopte des résolutions sur les questions globales des droits humains ainsi que sur la situation des droits humains dans des pays particuliers

  • Examine les plaintes des victimes de violations des droits humains et des organisations activistes, au nom des victimes de violations des droits humains

  • Nomme des experts indépendants (que l'on connaît sous le nom de « Procédures Spéciales ») pour réviser les cas de violation des droits humains dans des pays spécifiques, ainsi que pour examiner et suivre des questions globales relatives aux droits humains

  • Prend part à des discussions avec les experts et les gouvernements sur les questions de droits humains

  • Évalue les bilans des États membres de l'ONU en matière de droits humains tous les quatre ans et demi, dans le cadre de l'examen périodique universel.

En savoir plus sur le CDH

Session actuelle: CDH 44

La prochaine session du CDH a lieu à Genève, en Suisse, du 30 juin au 17 juillet 2020.

AWID travaille avec des partenaires féministes, progressistes et du domaine des droits humains pour partager nos connaissances clé, convoquer dialogues et évènements avec la société civile, et influencer les négociations et les résultats de la session.

Avec nos partenaires, notre travail consiste à :

◾️ Suivre, surveiller et analyser les acteurs, discours et stratégies anti-droits et leur impact sur les résolutions du CDH.

◾️ Co-développer un plaidoyer collectif pour contrer les acteurs anti-droits et discuter plus en détails les résultats du Rapport de tendances 2017 du OURs

◾️ Soutenir, coordoner et développer de manière collaborative le Caucus féministe qui émerge au CDH.



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Syndicat OTRAS




Values - intersectionality


nous estimons que pour être transformateurs et forts, les mouvements féministes doivent continuer à travailler au-delà de leurs similitudes et de leurs différences. Nous devons également interroger le pouvoir et les privilèges, tant au sein qu'à l'extérieur de nos mouvements.

Snippet - WITM Who should - RU


Опрос предназначен для групп, организаций и движений, работающих исключительно или главным образом по вопросам защиты прав женщин, ЛГБТКИ+, гендерной справедливости во всех контекстах, на всех уровнях и во всех регионах. Если одно из этих направлений является основным видом деятельности вашей группы, коллектива, сети или любого другого типа организации – независимо от того, зарегистрирована она или нет, недавно создана или существует уже давно, мы приглашаем вас принять участие в этом опросе.

Girl in a jacket

* На данном этапе мы не ожидаем ответов от частных лиц или женских и феминистских фондов.

Узнайте больше об опросе:
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Download your faciliation guide:

"A Feminist Approach to Understanding Illicit Financial Flows and Redirecting Global Wealth"

IFF Toolkit

Download your facilitation guide in English

This Guide is also available in Spanish and Russian

Thanks to the co-creators of this facilitation guide:

  • Daniela Fonkatz and Ana Ines Abelenda (AWID)
  • Zenaida Joachim (Mesoamericanas en Resistencia - El Salvador)
  • Olga Shnyrova (Ivanovo Center for Gender Studies - Russia)
  • Leah Eryenyu (Akina Mama Wa Afrika - Uganda)
  • Daryl Leyesa (Oriang and PKKK/National Rural Women Congress - the Philippines)

Snippet FEA Unio Otras Photo 3 (EN)

Photo of Sabrina Sanchez speaking next to a screen on Ilga World meeting

Membership why page - Kirthi Jayakumar quote

"I participated in a member-only activity and I was particularly moved to see how there was space for everyone to share and that there was no judgment whatsoever. The entire session was energetic and vibrant."

- Kirthi Jayakumar, Founder, The Gender Security Project, India 

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Para dar ênfase à complexidade do financiamento de várias formas de organização feminista;

Holding up the Skies

A Film Series on Feminist Realities from Africa and the African Diaspora

by Gabrielle Tesfaye

When I created my short animation film, The Water Will Carry Us Home, my mind was plugged into a magical world of fearless resilience and ancestral mermaids who transformed their deepest scars into a new generation of life. Set during the time of the transatlantic slave trade, I was pulled to show this history of African enslavement in a different way than it has ever been told on screen. I wanted to give my ancestors the commemoration they never received. I was motivated to reclaim the history that continues to paint us as helpless victims. Essentially, I wanted to tell the truth. To reclaim and reimagine our history and perspective, means to simultaneously heal our generational traumas that exist today. It is this important work that so many women through the African continent and the African diaspora are doing today, igniting our collective Feminist Realities. 

In the making of the film I researched religiously, and in what was written, I saw what was not. There were many times I felt I was hitting a wall trying to find something that was not there, and it was in those voided places that I realized the storytellers of today are filling the voids. I found the most useful stories in contemporary art, film, and African diaspora folklore. 

“... a truly unique, raw and representation of feminist power in action.”
    - Hers is Ours Collective, organizers of the Outsider Moving Art & Film Festival

The Water Will Carry Us Home carried itself around the world into the hearts of the Diaspora. It also led me here, as the curator of the African and Diaspora film screenings of AWID’s Co-Creating Feminist Realities initiative. Whilst curating this collection of films, I looked for stories that were completely unique, raw and representational of feminist power in action. Consisting of three shorts and one feature, they reveal stories through many communities in Africa and the diaspora, including Ethiopia, Uganda, The Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa and Kenya. These films reposition African women as what they truly are- self governing and empowered through the unfiltered lens of their work. 

“An incredibly beautiful, attentive, finely observed telling of the connection between Africa and its Diaspora formed form the trans Altantic slave trade. The visual universe it creates is just gorgeous… an echo of the fusion of spiritual traditions and non-linear time that speak to how we are still experiencing the moments of the past that formed 'new' worlds of diaspora blackness.”
    - Jessica Horn, PanAfrican feminst strategist, writer and co-creator of the temple of her skin

Our short documentary film, Women Hold Up the Sky, created by the WoMin African Alliance, tells the story of women activists in Uganda and the Democractic Republic of Congo who are actively reclaiming their land rights, threatened by mining and other extractives in their homes. The film not only exposes the corruption of extractivism, but finally shares what we have been missing on screen - how grassroots African women are actively organizing, strategizing, and analyzing within their communities to create women-centred and community-driven alternatives. Margaret Mapondera of WoMin explains it beautifully, that they are the “custodians of lands, forests, waters, rivers and territories; the ways in which women hold and transmit the stories / herstories of our past and our futures; the powerful and transformative ways of being that women embody in their relationships to each other, to the environment and in themselves.” 

“A refreshing and much-needed piece of cinema highlighting the many ways African women are coming together to create women-led and community-driven alternatives… The fight is on and
women hold the key.”
    - Hers is Ours Collective, organizers of the Outsider Moving Art & Film Festival

Pumzi, created by critically acclaimed director Wanuri Kahiu, bridges Africa and science fiction around climate and environmentalism. Pumzi imagines a futuristic world where humankind has been forced to settle on another planet. While Pumzi seems afro-futuristic and new for Africa on the surface, Kahiu reveals the truth that science fiction and fantasy is something that has always existed in African storytelling, but never recognized. Kahiu creates a world where women are truth seekers and heroes who pioneer us into a new world, the opposite of images that position Africans as victims of war and destruction. Instead, Pumzi writes the narrative of African women being their own saviors and problem solvers, who stop at no cost to follow the cryptic visions they channel in their dreams. 

“A pioneering African sci-fi film, situating women as scribes of the future and opening up our visions about other worlds, other universes we might occupy as Africans - always an important exercise as we imagine our way out of present crises.”
       - Jessica Horn, PanAfrican feminst strategist, writer and co-creator of the temple of her skin

Our feature film of the program, Finding Sally is set in 1970’s Ethiopia during the time of The Red Terror war, documenting the striking history of director Tamara Mariam Dawit’s activist aunt, Sally Dawit. Throughout the film we learn of Sally’s incredible journey as a young and courageous woman activist navigating one of the most violent times of Ethiopian history. Sally’s story not only reveals the gravity of this time, but the reflection of her own personal evolution as a young woman. Dawit was intentional to tell the film through the lens of women, untouched by male voices. Due to so much Ethiopian history being told by men, the making of this powerful story preserved its reality of honoring the feminist perspective. Dawit explains, “Women in revolution and war are often only included as someone's spouse or someone who did cooking or typing work. I wanted to look at the activism around the revolution only through the memories and voices of women.” Finding Sally demonstrates the reclamation of history sought by current filmmakers today. It is an igniting of feminist power and our connected realities throughout time.   

“The responsibility falls on us, to remember these women that came before us and their brilliant work so they are not forgotten like the thousands of women already forgotten while fighting the good fight. Sally is such a woman and may she never be forgotten.”

     - Hers is Ours Collective, organizers of the Outsider Moving Art & Film Festival

Register here to watch this film from June 18-22

These films have became a part of my own psyche, empowering me to continue building powerful alternatives towards justice from within. They affirm that I am a woman among a world of women, holding up the skies and actively building indestructible Feminist Realities. These films are more than stories of African women - they are globally relatable, inspiring and set the example of Feminist Realities for all of us around the world. 

Gabrielle Tesfaye:

Gabrielle Tesfaye is an interdisciplinary artist versed in painting, animation, film, puppetry and interactive installation. Her work is rooted in the African diaspora, Afro-futurism, ancient art practices and cultural storytelling.

Follow us on Social Media to receive news about upcoming events and screenings:

Facebook: @AWIDWomensRights
Instagram: @awidwomensrights
Twitter ENG: @awid
Twitter ES: @awid_es
Twitter FR: @awid_fr
LinkedIn: Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)

Snippet FEA Linda Porn Bio (ES)

Linda Porn es una otra heroína de la organización sindical feminista y del activismo de las trabajadoras sexuales a nivel nacional (en España) y transnacional.

Originaria de México, vive en España desde los años 2000. Es trabajadora sexual, activista, madre soltera y artista multidisciplinar.

Partiendo de estas diferentes identidades, utiliza la performance, el videoarte y el teatro para visibilizar las luchas en las intersecciones del transfeminismo, el trabajo sexual, la migración, el colonialismo y la maternidad. Combina el arte y el trabajo sexual mientras cuida a su hija como madre soltera.

Linda también pertenece a colectivos de trabajadoras sexuales que luchan por sus derechos, como el sindicato OTRAS y CATS Murcia. También cofundó el grupo 'Madrecitas' - que visibiliza y denuncia la violencia institucional racista contra las familias migrantes. Violencia de la que ella y su hija fueron objeto por ser trabajadora sexual y madre soltera migrante.

¡No te pierdas su trabajo artístico aquí!

Forum anchors (Forum page)

El Foro de AWID estará organizado alrededor de 6 tópicos interconectados. Estos «ejes» se centran en las realidades feministas.


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Sobre o inquérito

  • GLOBAL E DIVERSO: Reflete sobre as realidades de financiamento da organização feminista em escala global e separadas por regiões
  • CONTEXTUALIZADO: Dá enfâse às vozes, perspetivas e experiências vividas dos movimentos feministas com toda a sua riqueza, coragem e diversidade, nos seus respetivos contextos
  • CRIADO EM COLABORAÇÃO: Desenvolvido e testado em colaboração conjunta com membres da AWID e parceires do movimento
  • COMPLEMENTAR: Contribui para os testemunhos existentes e aprofunda os mesmos sobre o estado de financiamento para a organização feminista, de direitos das mulheres e de justiça de género por ativistas, financiadores feministas e aliados
  • MULTILINGUE: Disponível em árabe, inglês, francês, português, russo e espanhol.
  • CONFIDENCIAL: Damos prioridade à sua privacidade e ao seu anonimato. A AWID jamais divulgará informações sobre uma organização específica ou informações que permitam identificar uma organização através da respetiva localização ou características. A nossa política de privacidade detalhada está disponível aqui.
  • ACESSÍVEL: Acessível para pessoas com uma variedade diversificada de habilidades auditivas, de movimento, visuais e cognitivas, sendo que demora aproximadamente 30 minutos a ser realizado.
  • REPRODUZÍVEL: Pode ser reproduzido através dos movimentos nos seus respetivos contextos; ferramentas de inquérito e conjuntos de dados estarão disponíveis publicamente para abranger mais inquéritos e advocacia coletiva.

#MeToo in China

En China, el movimiento #MeToo [«Yo También»] se encendió en enero de 2018, empujado por el ímpetu del movimiento #MeToo de todo el planeta. Fue una respuesta a los problemas culturales y sistémicos relacionados con el género y el poder dentro de China. Las bases del movimiento habían sido establecidas durante décadas, y los muchos años de debate y promoción de la igualdad de género, finalmente, hicieron erupción con tremenda fuerza en toda la sociedad. El movimiento #MeToo fue impulsado fundamentalmente por jóvenes, que incluyen a innumerables mujeres anónimas y sus aliadxs, en busca de oportunidades para hacer realidad el principal «sueño chino»: transformar a China en un país con igualdad de género.
En China, el contexto para el movimiento #MeToo es extremadamente adverso: el Estado de derecho, la justicia y la transparencia de las acciones gubernamentales y la libertad de expresión no pueden darse por descontados, pero estos son precisamente los objetivos por los cuales lucha el movimiento. Ha sido, desde el principio, una lucha intensa, y cada víctima o activista que se visibiliza corre enormes riesgos: desde ser silenciadx o humilladx o de sufrir represalias hasta poner en peligro su seguridad. Todos los éxitos del movimiento #MeToo han sido logrados por quienes son lo suficientemente valientes como para asumir los costos de manifestarse y desafiar la censura.
La exhibición «#MeToo in China» fue inaugurada en 2019 y recorrió cinco ciudades. Su objetivo es dar mayor prominencia  a las experiencias personales de lxs víctimas y lxs activistas, para inspirar al público a unirse a la lucha a través del contacto con estas historias. La exposición misma se ha convertido en parte de la lucha #MeToo: ha debido enfrentar desafíos en su itinerario por toda China y, en más de una ocasión, fue amenazada con la clausura.

#MeToo China Image
#MeToo China Image
#MeToo China Image

Snippet FEA Principles of work Human Rights (FR)

Une personne parlant dans un haut-parleur.


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Perguntas Frequentes

Colectivo Morivivi

Colectivo Moriviví est un collectif artistique de femmes. Notre production artistique comprend du muralisme, du muralisme communautaire et des performances/actions de manifestation. Notre travail consiste à démocratiser l'art et à amener les récits des communautés portoricaines dans la sphère publique afin de créer des espaces où ils seront validés. Nous croyons qu’à travers l'artivisme, nous pouvons promouvoir la sensibilisation aux questions sociales et renforcer notre mémoire collective.

“Cacibajagua” 2017, Mural Project. Jiangxi, China
“Cacibajagua” 2017, Projet mural. Jiangxi, Chine
“Cacibajagua” 2017, Mural Project. Jiangxi, China
“Cacibajagua” 2017, Projet mural. Jiangxi, Chine
“Paz para la Mujer” 2015, collaboration with Coordinadora Paz para la Mujer Organization. Santurce,
“Paz para la Mujer” (“Paix pour la Femme”) 2015, collaboration avec l’organisation Paz para la Mujer. Santurce, Porto Rico


“Paz para la Mujer” 2015, collaboration with Coordinadora Paz para la Mujer Organization. Santurce, Puerto Rico
“Paz para la Mujer” (“Paix pour la Femme”) 2015, collaboration avec l’organisation Paz para la Mujer. Santurce, Porto Rico
Collectivo Moriri Artwork

Dans le cadre de sa participation au Groupe de Travail d’Artistes d'AWID, le Colectivo Moriviví a réuni un groupe divers de membres, partenaires et personnel pour faciliter un processus collaboratif visant à imaginer, documenter et déterminer le contenu d'une fresque communautaire par le biais d'un processus de co-création en plusieurs étapes. Le projet a commencé par une conceptualisation à distance avec des féministes de différentes régions du monde réuni·e·s par l'AWID, avant d'évoluer vers sa re-contextualisation et sa réalisation à Porto Rico. Nous avons eu l'honneur de bénéficier de la contribution des artistes locaux·ales Las Nietas de Nonó(@lasnietasdenono), de la participation des femmes locales à la session de peinture communautaire, du soutien logistique de la municipalité de Caguas et du soutien supplémentaire du FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund.
La fresque explore la transcendance des frontières en présentant les corps tels des cartes, dans une étreinte qui met en évidence l'intersection des différentes manifestations, pratiques et réalités féministes.
Nous remercions également Kelvin Rodríguez, qui a documenté et capturé les différentes étapes de ce projet à Porto Rico : 

Collectivo Moriri Artwork
Collectivo Moriri Artwork
Collectivo Moriri Artwork
Collectivo Moriri Artwork
Collectivo Moriri Artwork
Collectivo Moriri Artwork
Collectivo Moriri Artwork
Collectivo Moriri Artwork
Collectivo Moriri Artwork

À propos du Colectivo Morivivi 

Colectivo Morivivi portrait
Moriviví est un collectif de jeunes femmes artistes qui travaille sur l'art public depuis Avril 2013. Basé·e·s à Porto Rico, nous sommes reconnu·e·s pour la création de fresques et d'arts dirigés par la communauté.
Le groupe a débuté dans les festivals d'art urbain locaux. Au fur et à mesure que notre travail devenait plus populaire, les organisations et les dirigeant.e.s communautaires ont commencé à nous contacter. Au départ, nous étions huit lycéen·ne·s qui voulaient peindre une fresque ensemble. Cependant, en huit ans de travail acharné, nous avons été confronté·e·s à de nombreux défis. Nous sommes aujourd’hui dans une période de transition. Au cours de l'année qui vient, nous souhaitons restructurer le collectif en interne. Notre objectif est d'ouvrir de nouvelles opportunités pour les collaborateurs·trices et d'étayer notre processus de prise de décisions par un nouveau système d'évaluation. À long terme, nous aspirons à devenir une école alternative de pratiques artistiques pour celles et ceux souhaitant s'immerger dans la production artistique communautaire.