Jean-Marc Ferré | Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
A general view of participants at the 16th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.

Analyses Spéciales

L´AWID est une organisation féministe mondiale qui consacre ses efforts à la justice de genre, au développement durable et aux droits humains des femmes

Conseil des Droits de l'Homme (CDH)

​​​​​​Le Conseil des droits de l'homme (CDH) est un organe intergouvernemental clé du système des Nations Unies, responsable de la promotion et la protection des droits humains autour du globe. Il se réunit  trois fois par an en session ordinaire, en Mars, Juin et Septembre. Le Bureau du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux Droits de l’Homme (HCDH) constitue le secrétariat pour le CDH.

Le CDH :

  • Débat et adopte des résolutions sur les questions globales des droits humains ainsi que sur la situation des droits humains dans des pays particuliers

  • Examine les plaintes des victimes de violations des droits humains et des organisations activistes, au nom des victimes de violations des droits humains

  • Nomme des experts indépendants (que l'on connaît sous le nom de « Procédures Spéciales ») pour réviser les cas de violation des droits humains dans des pays spécifiques, ainsi que pour examiner et suivre des questions globales relatives aux droits humains

  • Prend part à des discussions avec les experts et les gouvernements sur les questions de droits humains

  • Évalue les bilans des États membres de l'ONU en matière de droits humains tous les quatre ans et demi, dans le cadre de l'examen périodique universel.

En savoir plus sur le CDH

Session actuelle: CDH 44

La prochaine session du CDH a lieu à Genève, en Suisse, du 30 juin au 17 juillet 2020.

AWID travaille avec des partenaires féministes, progressistes et du domaine des droits humains pour partager nos connaissances clé, convoquer dialogues et évènements avec la société civile, et influencer les négociations et les résultats de la session.

Avec nos partenaires, notre travail consiste à :

◾️ Suivre, surveiller et analyser les acteurs, discours et stratégies anti-droits et leur impact sur les résolutions du CDH.

◾️ Co-développer un plaidoyer collectif pour contrer les acteurs anti-droits et discuter plus en détails les résultats du Rapport de tendances 2017 du OURs

◾️ Soutenir, coordoner et développer de manière collaborative le Caucus féministe qui émerge au CDH.



Contenu lié

Media Centre

AWID in the media

News compilation regarding AWID's work and organization.



Press releases

Press kits and statements

Social Media Kits


Conferences, talks, seminars video recordings

Impunity for violence against women defenders of territory, common goods, and nature in Latin America
March 16, 2018
Rural women's resistance to closing civic space
March 15, 2018
Empowering rural women in mining affected environments
March 13, 2018
Feminist Perspectives on Accountability
March 13, 2018
Gender Perspectives on Corporate Accountability
March 12, 2018



Media contact

Contact email

+1 416 594 3773

Qual é a definição de financiamento externo?

Financiamento externo inclui subsídios e outras formas de financiamento de fundações filantrópicas, governos, financiadores bilaterais, multilaterais ou empresariais, e doadores individuais, tanto a nível nacional como internacional. Não inclui recursos gerados autonomamente por grupos, organizações e/ou movimentos, como, por exemplo, quotas de membres, contribuições voluntárias de colaboradores, membres e/ou apoiantes, angariações de fundos comunitários, aluguer de espaços ou venda de serviços. Para facilitar a consulta, estão incluídas no inquérito definições dos diferentes tipos de financiamento e descrições resumidas de diferentes doadores.

Snippet FEA Workers Persecution S4 (FR)

Un agent des forces de l'ordre en tenue anti-émeute rose tenant un bâton


Le magazine des Réalités féministes

Le magazine des Réalités féministes

Nous vous présentons une sélection motivante de puissantes histoires et d’images de transformations et de résistances créées par des activistes, des écrivain·e·s et des artistes du monde entier.

Explorez le magazine


Merci d'avoir téléchargé la Boîte à outils des réalités féministes

لغتي ليست واحدة من لغات الاستطلاع الرسمية ولدي صعوبة بتعبئته. ماذا يمكن أن أفعل؟

تلتزم جمعية حقوق المرأة في التنمية بالعدالة اللغوية ونأسف على عدم توفر الاستطلاع بلغات أخرى في الوقت الحالي. إن كنتم/ن بحاجة لدعم من مترجم/ة أو أردتم/ن تعبئة الاستطلاع بأي لغة أخرى، الرجاء الكتابة لنا عبر البريد الالكتروني:

Snippet FEA Sopo Japaridze (EN)

Meet Sopo Japaridze, fierce feminist, union leader and chair of the independent service trade union at the Solidarity Network.

She left the country when she was very young to go to the United States where she first became very politically active as a labor organizer. She kept Georgia in the back of her mind all that time, until one day, two decades later, she decided to return.

The existing Georgian union confederation back then was less than ideal. So, equipped with her skills, knowledge and labor organizing experience, Sopo went back to Georgia and built her own union.

Sopo is a passionate researcher and writer. She studies labor and social relations, writes for various publications and is the contributing editor of LeftEast, an Eastern European analytical platform. She also co-founded the political history initiative and podcast, Reimagining Soviet Georgia, where she explores the complexities and nuances of the country's experiences under the Soviet Union, to better understand its past in order to shed light on how to build a better future.

Reason to join 4

Think big! With our international reach, we combine analytical work with political and practical tools for advocacy and transformation to advance the cause of feminist movements at all levels.

Disclaimer: Communications with AWID staff

If you have received emails from any staff members at AWID, we would like you to understand the following:

  • The information contained in this communication is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee. 

  • This communication may contain information proprietary to the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID), and may not be reproduced or disseminated in whole or in part without AWID's written consent. 

  • AWID does not warrant that any information contained herein is complete or correct. This communication is not an offer to enter into any agreement and is not a confirmation of any agreement described herein unless the context clearly indicates the contrary. 

  • AWID is not acting as your adviser in any agreement that may be proposed herein, and this communication does not constitute a recommendation, guidance or proposal to enter into any agreement. 

  • AWID does not guarantee or otherwise assure the expected results of any agreement. This communication may contain views or opinions that are not necessarily those of AWID. 

  • You shall not be entitled to place any reliance on the information contained in this communication for the purposes of entering into any proposed agreement or otherwise.

Сколько времени занимает заполнение опроса?

Ориентировочное время для завершения опроса составляет 30 минут.

Snippet FEA Criminalization of sex workers (ES)

La mayoría de los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea tienen leyes y prácticas que penalizan o controlan a las trabajadoras sexuales de formas inaceptables para ellas. La criminalización de las trabajadoras sexuales y/o sus clientes solo contribuye a aumentar la vulnerabilidad de las trabajadoras sexuales, que ya enfrentan el estigma, la discriminación y la exclusión por parte del Estado y de la sociedad a diario, especialmente las mujeres trabajadoras, lxs trabajadorxs trans, migrantes y/o racializadxs. En España por ejemplo, el gobierno esta actualmente intentando pasar una Ley Orgánica para la Abolición de la Prostitución, que resultara en mas clandestinidad y violencia. Ven a conocer las historias de trabajadoras sexuales y organizadores sindicales que luchan para decriminilizar el trabajo sexual y promover derechos laborales y condiciones de trabajo digno para lxs trabajadxs sexuales.

Our values - Human Rights

Derechos humanos

Sostenemos la completa aplicación del principio de derechos, incluidos aquellos consagrados en leyes internacionales, y afirmamos la convicción de que todos los derechos humanos están interrelacionados y son interdependientes e indivisibles. Estamos comprometidxs a trabajar por la erradicación de todas las discriminaciones basadas en el género, la sexualidad, la religión, la edad, la capacidad, la etnia, la raza, la nacionalidad, la clase, u otros factores.


Calling all artists & creative activists to come together in a new Slack community!

Our thoughts are with the many people all around the world who are most affected by the repercussions of the global COVID-19 pandemic, especially marginalised communities that are historically oppressed.

This is an invitation for artists and creative activists to join a virtual space to connect, build community, and support each other through these challenging times. For this we have created a new Slack community to safely share insights, learnings, life-hacks, resources, advice, fears and anxieties, hopeful and joyful reminders, and in general chat about how we’re doing.

Join us on Slack

After filling out the form, we will send you a personal invitation to the community.

About this community:

For those who are new to Slack, we’ll have orientation sessions and materials available after you sign up.

Since we are working in three languages (English, Spanish, French) we invite you to write in the language you are the most comfortable with and use online translation tools (Google Translate or others) to participate in discussions.

Co-creating welcoming and safe spaces:

Please refer to the Community Guidelines

The co-creation of our feminist realities starts with ourselves and how we treat each other. We are dedicated to creating and protecting safe and supportive spaces for our communities both online and in person.  We also consider that safe and welcoming spaces are co-owned and co-created. We expect our members to act in a manner that is ethical, responsible and consistent with the values of AWID and assume collective responsibility to ensure an atmosphere of mutual respect and solidarity.

Weekly Prompts: 

As part of our ongoing discussions, we will offer weekly prompts in Slack with the intention to gently facilitate dialogue and inspire art-making processes. This can be an introspective process, but to make the most out of this community, we welcome you to interact with other community members and share thoughts as part of our discussions. The intention is to invite folks to respond freely and gradually by writing or making art in whatever way feels best. 

We hope to have relevant and timely discussions with you, so we invite your suggestions and feedback. In general, the themes will center the experiences and perspectives of artists, writers, and creators -- and they will make space for folks to vision into and beyond the current global climate through the lens of feminist realities.

Join us on Slack