Análisis Especiales

AWID es un organización feminista internacional de membresía, que brinda apoyo a los movimientos que trabajan para lograr la justicia de género y los derechos de las mujeres en todo el mundo.

Confrontando al extractivismo y al poder corporativo

Defensoras de derechos humanos de todo el planeta defienden sus tierras, medios de subsistencia y sus comunidades ante las industrias extractivas y el poder corporativo. Ellas hacen frente a fuertes intereses económicos y políticos que promueven el robo de tierras, el desplazamiento de comunidades, la pérdida de los medios de subsistencia y la degradación del medioambiente.

¿Por qué resistir a las industrias extractivas?

El extractivismo es un modelo económico y político de desarrollo que mercantiliza la naturaleza y prioriza la ganancia por sobre los derechos humanos y el medioambiente. Arraigado en la historia colonial, refuerza las desigualdades sociales y económicas tanto a nivel local como global. Muchas veces, las mujeres negras, rurales e indígenas son las más afectadas por el extractivismo, y además son notablemente excluidas de la toma de decisiones. Desafiando estas fuerzas patriarcales y neocoloniales, las mujeres se alzan en defensa de los derechos, las tierras, las personas y la naturaleza.

Riegos críticos y violencia específica de género

Las defensoras que enfrentan a las industrias extractivas, experimentan una diversidad de riesgos, amenazas y violaciones, incluidas la criminalización, la estigmatización, la violencia y laintimidación. Sus historias dan cuenta de marcados aspectos de violencia sexual y de género. Entre los perpetradores se incluyen autoridades estatales y locales, las corporaciones, la policía, el ejército, las fuerzas paramilitares y de seguridad privada, y en algunos casos, sus propias comunidades.

Actuar juntxs

AWID y la Coalición Internacional de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos (WHRDIC por su sigla en inglés) tienen el placer de anunciar «Defensoras de derechos humanos confrontado al extractivismo y al poder corporativo»; un proyecto interregional de investigación que documenta las experiencias vividas por las defensoras de Asia, África y América Latina.

Alentamos a activistas, integrantes de movimientos sociales, la sociedad civil organizada, donantes y responsables de políticas públicas, a leer y utilizar estas producciones para el trabajo de incidencia, con fines educativos y como fuente de inspiración:

¡Comparte tu experiencia y tus preguntas!

Cuéntanos cómo estás utilizando la herramienta sobre las defensoras que confrontan a las industrias extractivas y al poder corporativo.

◾️ ¿De qué manera estos recursos pueden ayudarte en tu activismo y tu trabajo de defensa?

◾️ ¿Qué informaciones o conocimientos adicionales necesitas para la mejor utilización de estos recursos?

Comparte tus comentarios


AWID reconoce con gratitud las invaluables contribuciones de cada Defensora de Derechos Humanos que ha sido parte de este proyecto. Esta guía ha sido posible gracias su generosidad y apertura al compartir sobre sus experiencias y lecciones. Su coraje, creatividad y resiliencia son una inspiración para todxs nosotrxs. ¡Muchas gracias!

Contenido relacionado

Yelena Grigoriyeva

Yelena Grigoriyeva, often called Lena by friends, was a prominent LGBT rights campaigner in Russia.

She was part of democratic, anti-war and LGBT movements. In her activism, Yelena was a fierce critic of President Vladimir Putin and his administration, expressing her opposition against Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula and the ill-treatment of prisoners. 

Yelena came out as bisexual earlier in 2019.

"Her coming out was a surprise to me, and I didn't approve of it. I told her 'Listen, Lena, you already have a target painted on you because of your political activity. You've just pinned another to your chest."
- Olga Smirnova

Yelena did receive multiple death threats and according to some of her acquaintances, was listed on a homophobic website that called on its visitors to hunt down LGBT persons. She reported the threats to the police, however the Russian state failed to provide protection. 

But even in a society where political opposition, as well as members of the LGBT community and advocates for their rights, face continuous and increasing violence, Yelena kept campaigning for social justice and equality.

“She did not miss a single action. And they detained her so often that I already lost count,”
- Olga Smirnova (fellow opposition activist and friend).

Yelena was murdered on 21 July 2019, not far from home. A suspect was arrested but according to some sources, many friends and fellow activists believe that the suspect is a scapegoat and that this was a targeted political killing. 

For Yelena’s relatives and friends, her case remains unsolved even though the suspect confessed. 

In 2013, Russia passed legislation banning the spreading of what it described as ‘gay propaganda’. In 2014, Human Rights Watch published a report relating to this. 

Snippet FEA Sopo Japaridze Quote (EN)

"We know everything is against us and there is very little chance to change that. But we believe in intervention and I do think we have a chance and should use it. That’s why we're doing everything we're doing. We're willing to push for things that are unheard of."

Sopo Japaridze to OpenDemocracy

Photo @სოლიდარობის ქსელი / Solidarity Network

Trans* rights require stronger protection

These transgender women were murdered because of their activism and their gender identity. There are insufficient laws recognizing trans* rights, and even where these laws exist, very little is being done to safeguard the rights of trans* people. Please join AWID in honoring these defenders, their activism and legacy by sharing the memes below with your colleagues, networks and friends and by using the hashtags #WHRDTribute and #16Days.

Please click on each image below to see a larger version and download as a file 


Reason to join 6

Engage with the AWID International Forum - a major global feminist gathering - and have access to special AWID member discounts and enty points for virtual dialogue. Co-created by feminist movements, the Forum is a unique space for deep discussion and imagination where we challenge and strengthen our organizing, where we connect our struggles and feminist realities together.




O inquérito WITM é acessível para pessoas com deficiência?

Sim, é acessível para pessoas com uma variedade diversificada de capacidades auditivas, de movimento, visuais e cognitivas.

Magaly Quintana

Magaly Quintana era conocida por muchxs en Nicaragua como 'La Maga'. Fue una historiadora feminista, activista y defensora inquebrantable de los derechos de las mujeres que exigía justicia para las víctimas de femicidio.

Magaly se comprometió a documentar y elaborar estadísticas sobre las mujeres y niñas que fueron asesinadas como resultado de la violencia sexual en el país.

"Ella reconstruyó la vida de cada una, de sus familias, para mostrar así las vidas que habían sido  destrozadas". - Dora María Téllez

Magaly también criticó al gobierno por la reforma de la Ley 779 que trata la violencia contra las mujeres.  Como resultado del arduo trabajo de los movimientos de mujeres nicaragüenses, esta ley, antes de su reforma, incluía importantes disposiciones para penalizar el femicidio. Magaly argumentó que estas reformas legislativas debilitaban la ley, y limitaban la definición de los femicidios a homicidios, invisibilizando, como resultado, los delitos violentos contra las mujeres.

La organización feminista de Magaly se fundó a principios de los ‘80. Fue la directora de Mujeres Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir, que defiende el derecho al aborto terapéutico tras su prohibición en 2006. En 2018, apoyó las protestas contra el gobierno de Daniel Ortega.

Magaly nació en mayo de 1952 y falleció en mayo de 2019.

"Hasta luego, mi querida Magaly Quintana. Muchas gracias, gracias por tu legado. Te veremos de nuevo, tan fuerte y poderosa como siempre."- Erika Guevara Rosas (Directora Americana de Amnistía Internacional).

Snippet FEA Otras Union meetings and demonstrations (ES)

Reuniones y protestas del Sindicato OTRAS

1. Gather your resources

This section highlights key resources recommended by AWID so you can conduct your own WITM research.

In this section

People needed

  • 1 or more person(s) to lead overall implementation of research methodology and ensure all key pieces are on track (Sections 2-11)
  • 1 or more person(s) to conceptualize the key research objectives and guiding questions
  • 1 or more person(s) to refine and conduct the research methodology, including collecting data
  • 1 or more person(s) to conduct relevant qualitative and quantitative analysis of collected data
  • 1 or more person(s) to document and package research findings for desired audience(s)
  • 1 or more person(s) to serve as an editor to your final products
  • 1 or more person(s) to conduct outreach to spread the word about your survey and advocacy using your research results

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Potential expenses

  1. Staff and/or consultant salaries
  2. Data analysis software if conducting analysis of large dataset in-house. Options:
    - SPSS
    - Stata
    - R (this is free)
  3. Cost of producing publications and research products
  4. If desired, incentive prize that survey participants can win if they complete the survey
  5. If desired, incentives to offer your advisors

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Estimated time

  • For research process: 6 to 18 months, depending on size of dataset(s) and staff capacity
  • For advocacy: 1-2 years, as determined by your organizational goals

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Resources needed

  • List of advisor organizations, donors and activists
  • List of online spaces and events/networks to distribute your survey and present your survey results
  • List of donors, activists, and women’s rights organizations to interview
  • Prepared interview questions
  • List of publication sources to use for desk research

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Resources available

Online tools

Once you gather these resources, you can estimate the costs for your research using our “Ready to Go? Worksheet”

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Previous step

Before you begin

Next step

2. Frame your research

Previous step

Before you begin

Next step

2. Frame your research

The Ready to Go? Worksheet helps you estimate resources, staff and budget needed for your research

Download the toolkit in PDF

Our values - esponsibility, Accountability, and Integrity

Responsabilidad, rendición de cuentas e integridad

Nos esforzamos por ser transparentes, por utilizar nuestros recursos en forma responsable, por ser equitativxs en nuestras colaboraciones, y por ser responsables e íntegrxs con nuestrxs afiliadxs, contrapartes y donantes, y con los movimientos con los que trabajamos y en los que participamos. Estamos comprometidxs a reflejar nuestras experiencias, a compartir abiertamente nuestrxs aprendizajes, y a esforzarnos por cambiar nuestras prácticas en consecuencia.






كم من الوقت تستغرق تعبئة الاستطلاع؟

الوقت المقدّر لتعبئة الاستطلاع هو 30 دقيقة.

Janet Benshoof

Janet Benshoof était une avocate des droits humains oeuvrant aux États-Unis et défenseure de l’égalité des femmes et de leurs droits sexuels et reproductifs.

Elle a milité pour l’élargissement de l’accès à la contraception et à l’avortement dans le monde entier, et s’est battue contre des décisions anti-avortement dans le territoire américain de Guam. Arrêtée en 1990 pour son opposition à la loi anti-avortement la plus restrictive de son pays, elle a remporté une mise en demeure [MB1] au tribunal local à Guam qui a bloqué la loi, pour ensuite remporter l’affaire devant la Cour d’Appel de Ninth Circuit, décision qui devait supprimer définitivement celle-ci.

 « Les femmes à Guam sont dans une situation absolument dramatique. Je n’ai nullement l’intention d’arrêter d’en parler », Janet Benshoof pour People Magazine

Janet a créé plusieurs précédents juridiques, dont l’approbation par l’US Food and Drug Administration de la contraception d’urgence, ainsi que l’application du droit international afin de garantir leurs droits aux victimes de viol lors des poursuites pour crimes de guerre de l’époque de Saddam Hussein, devant la Cour Suprême iraqienne. 

Janet était présidente et fondatrice du Global Justice Center, ainsi que fondatrice du Center for Reproductive Rights, la première organisation internationale pour les droits humains, centrée sur le choix reproductif et l’égalité. Elle a siégé pendant 15 ans en tant que directrice du projet pour les droits reproductifs de l’American Civil Liberties Union, où elle a mené de nombreuses procédures juridiques qui ont contribué à façonner la loi constitutionnelle des États-Unis sur l’égalité de genre, la liberté d’expression et les droits reproductifs.

 « Janet était connue pour son brillant esprit juridique, son sens de l’humour vif et son courage face à l’injustice », Anthony D. Romero.

Nommée l’une des « 100 avocat·e·s les plus influent·e·s d’Amérique » par le National Law Journal, Janet a reçu de nombreux prix et distinctions. 

Née en mai 1947, Janet est décédée en décembre 2017. 

Snippet FEA Union Otras Photo 5 (FR)

Photo de personnes assises sur des chaises rouges dans une salle de conférence

5. Conduct interviews

Interviews produce in-depth information that you cannot easily obtain from surveys. While surveys focuses mainly on quantifiable data and closed questions, interviews allow for expert opinions from activists and donors, and open-ended questions which can provide context to survey data results.

In this section

General tips

1. Before conducting your interviews

Send the interviewees a concept note with your objectives for the interview and for your overall research, as well as a list of questions.

This allows them to prepare answers for more complicated questions and look up information that they may not have immediately on hand.

2. During the interviews

  • You can conduct interviews while your survey is running, in order to save time.
  • Try to keep your interviews as consistent as possible in order to facilitate systematic analysis of results. This means asking the same questions. Coding identical responses to each question will allow you to uncover hidden trends.
  • The interviews can also be used to flesh out some of the survey findings

Do not base your questions on assumptions about your interviewees’ knowledge.
Instead, first clarify what they know – this will reveal information as well.

  • DON’T: “Given the current funding trends in Switzerland, do you know of any opportunities for collaboration? This question assumes that the interviewee knows current funding trends and that their understanding of funding trends matches yours.
  • DO: First ask “What is your understanding of current funding trends in Switzerland?”, followed by “Do you know of any opportunities for collaboration?” This will reveal what their understanding is, giving you even more information than the first question.

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Specialized interviews

1. Donor interviews

Interviews with donors will allow you to build deeper relationships with them, which will be useful when you conduct post-research advocacy. They will also provide you with deeper insight into funders’ decision-making processes.

Suggested topics of focus for donor interviews:

  • What are their funding priorities? Why and how did they select those priorities? For example, why do they choose project-funding over core support or vice versa?
  • What are annual amounts allocated to the advancement of women’s human rights? This will strengthen overall reliability of data collected.
  • Have they noticed any funding trends, and what do they believe are the origins and politics behind these trends?
  • What is their theory of social change and how does that impact their relationships with women’s rights organizations?
View samples of donor interviews

2. Women’s rights organizations and activists interviews

Interviews with women’s rights organizations and activists will provide you with insight into their on-the-ground realities. Again, these interviews will allow you to build deeper relationships that can be incorporated into your advocacy, particularly to encourage collaboration between donors and activists.

Suggested topics of focus for women’s rights organizations and activist interviews:

  • Long-term funding priority trends noted by women’s organizations and their impact.
  • Successful examples of feminist and collaborative resource mobilization strategies that build strong and complementary movements.
  • “Making the case” for why it is important to support women’s organizations and organizing.
  • How different actors understand the social change process and their role in advancing/achieving gender equality and women’s rights.
View samples of women’s organizations and activists interviews

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Preliminary findings

Through the course of your WITM research, we recommend analyzing your preliminary findings. Presenting your preliminary findings opens up opportunities to conduct more interviews and get feedback on your research process and initial results. This feedback can be incorporated into your final research.

AWID conducts “WITM convenings” to share preliminary results of survey data and interviews. These gatherings allow participants (activists, women’s rights organizations, and donors) to debate and discuss the results, clarifying the context, creating more ownership amongst members of the movement, and providing more input for final research.

For example, the Resource Mobilization Hub for Indigenous Women’s Rights at the World Summit on Indigenous Philanthropy was used as a space to debut preliminary results.

See the presentation given at the RMH

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Previous step

4. Collect and analyze your data

Next step

6. Conduct desk research

Estimated time:

• 1.5 - 3 months

People needed:

• 1 or more research person(s)

Resources needed:

• List of donors and women’s rights organizations and activists to interview
• Prepared interview questions
• Concept Note (You can use the research framing you created in the “Frame your research” section)

Resources available:

AWID Sample Interview Questions: Donors
AWID Sample Interview Questions: Activists & Women’s Rights Organizations

Previous step

4. Collect and analyze your data

Next step

6. Conduct desk research

Ready to Go? Worksheet

Download the toolkit in PDF

14th AWID international Forum is cancelled (forum page)

Le Forum international de l’AWID est annulé

Étant donnée la situation mondiale, notre Conseil d’administration a pris la décision difficile d’annuler le Forum, qui devait avoir lieu en 2021 à Taipei. 

Lire le communiqué