Philippe Leroyer | Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Women Human Rights Defenders

WHRDs are self-identified women and lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LBTQI) people and others who defend rights and are subject to gender-specific risks and threats due to their human rights work and/or as a direct consequence of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

WHRDs are subject to systematic violence and discrimination due to their identities and unyielding struggles for rights, equality and justice.

The WHRD Program collaborates with international and regional partners as well as the AWID membership to raise awareness about these risks and threats, advocate for feminist and holistic measures of protection and safety, and actively promote a culture of self-care and collective well being in our movements.

Risks and threats targeting WHRDs  

WHRDs are exposed to the same types of risks that all other defenders who defend human rights, communities, and the environment face. However, they are also exposed to gender-based violence and gender-specific risks because they challenge existing gender norms within their communities and societies.

By defending rights, WHRDs are at risk of:

  • Physical assault and death
  • Intimidation and harassment, including in online spaces
  • Judicial harassment and criminalization
  • Burnout

A collaborative, holistic approach to safety

We work collaboratively with international and regional networks and our membership

  • to raise awareness about human rights abuses and violations against WHRDs and the systemic violence and discrimination they experience
  • to strengthen protection mechanisms and ensure more effective and timely responses to WHRDs at risk

We work to promote a holistic approach to protection which includes:

  • emphasizing the importance of self-care and collective well being, and recognizing that what care and wellbeing mean may differ across cultures
  • documenting the violations targeting WHRDs using a feminist intersectional perspective;
  • promoting the social recognition and celebration of the work and resilience of WHRDs ; and
  • building civic spaces that are conducive to dismantling structural inequalities without restrictions or obstacles

Our Actions

We aim to contribute to a safer world for WHRDs, their families and communities. We believe that action for rights and justice should not put WHRDs at risk; it should be appreciated and celebrated.

  • Promoting collaboration and coordination among human rights and women’s rights organizations at the international level to  strengthen  responses concerning safety and wellbeing of WHRDs.

  • Supporting regional networks of WHRDs and their organizations, such as the Mesoamerican Initiative for WHRDs and the WHRD Middle East and North Africa  Coalition, in promoting and strengthening collective action for protection - emphasizing the establishment of solidarity and protection networks, the promotion of self-care, and advocacy and mobilization for the safety of WHRDs;

  • Increasing the visibility and recognition of  WHRDs and their struggles, as well as the risks that they encounter by documenting the attacks that they face, and researching, producing, and disseminating information on their struggles, strategies, and challenges:

  • Mobilizing urgent responses of international solidarity for WHRDs at risk through our international and regional networks, and our active membership.

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O inquérito está disponível em árabe, inglês, francês, português, russo e espanhol!


Sanyu Awori


Sanyu est une féministe panafricaine basée à Nairobi, au Kenya. Elle a passé la dernière décennie à soutenir les mouvements syndicaux, féministes et de défense des droits humains en faveur de la redevabilité des entreprises, de la justice économique et de la justice de genre. Elle a travaillé avec le Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, IWRAW Asia Pacific et la Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative. Elle est titulaire d’un master en droits humains et d’une licence en droit de l’Université de Nottingham. Ses écrits ont été publiés dans le Business and Human Rights Journal, Human Rights Law Review, Open Global Rights, Open Democracy et d’autres encore. Pendant son temps libre, elle adore se promener en forêt et chasser les papillons.

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40 Años de AWID: El Álbum

En colaboración con la artista Naadira Patel, creamos un álbum que resalta algunos momentos de las últimas cuatro décadas de apoyo a los movimientos feministas por parte de AWID.

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عن استطلاع "أين المال"

استطلاع "اين المال" (أين التمويل للتنظيمات النسوية) هو ركيزة أساسية للنسخة الثالثة لأبحاثنا الموجهة نحو العمل. سيتم بحث وتوسيع نتائج الاستطلاع من خلال المحادثات العميقة مع النشطاء/ الناشطات والممولين/ات وسيتم مقارنة النتائج مع تحليلات وبحوث أخرى عن وضع التمويل للحركات النسوية وحركات العدالة الجندرية.

سيتم نشر تقرير أين المال للتنظيمات النسوية في العام 2026.

لمعرفة المزيد عن كيف تسلّط جمعية حقوق المرأة في التنمية الضوء على على تمويل التنظيمات النسوية أو ضدها، انظروا إلى قصة "أين المال" وتقارير سابقة هنا

Eni Lestari


Eni Lestari is an Indonesian domestic worker in Hong Kong and a migrant rights activist. After escaping her abusive employer, she transformed herself from a victim into an organizer for domestic workers in particular, and migrant workers in general. In 2000, she founded the Association of Indonesian Migrant Workers (ATKI-Hong Kong) which later expanded to Macau, Taiwan, and Indonesia. She was the coordinator and the one of the spokesperson of the Asia Migrants Coordinating Body (AMCB) - an alliance of grassroots migrants organisations in Hong Kong coming from Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Nepal and Sri Lanka. She is also the current chairperson of International Migrants Alliance, the first-ever global alliance of grassroots migrants, immigrants, refugees, and other displaced people.

She has held important positions in various organizations including and current Regional Council member of Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD), former Board Member of Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW), spokesperson for Network of Indonesian Migrant Workers (JBMI), advisor for ATKI-Hong Kong and Macau as well as the Association of Returned Migrants and Families in Indonesia (KABAR BUMI). She has been an active resource person in forums organized by academics, interfaith groups, civil societies, trade unions and many others at national, regional, and international arenas.

She has actively participated in United Nations assemblies/conferences on development and migrants’ rights and was chosen as a speaker at the opening of the UN General Assembly on Large Movement of Migrants and Refugees in 2016 in New York City, USA. She received nominations and awards such as Inspirational Women by BBC 100 Women, Public Hero Award by RCTI, Indonesian Club Award, and Non-Profit Leader of Women of Influence by American Chamber Hong Kong, and Changemaker of Cathay Pacific.

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Snippet Propositions féministes pour une économie juste FR

L’AWID, le Centre pour le leadership mondial des femmes (CWGL en anglais) et le Réseau de Développement et de Communication des Femmes Africaines (FEMNET), proposent ce document de réflexion pour questionner les concepts traditionnels liés au développement. Il inclut également une série de propositions pour un programme féministe en faveur de la justice de genre, de la justice économique et de la justice en matière de développement.

En savoir plus sur les origines du projet

Les propositions

Ces propositions sont formulées pour être discutées, débattues, mises en pièces, adaptées, adoptées ou encore pour en inspirer d’autres.

Por que devo considerar responder ao inquérito?

Existem várias razões pelas quais a sua resposta ao inquérito WITM é importante. Por exemplo, tem a oportunidade de partilhar a sua experiência vivida com a mobilização de financiamento para apoiar a sua organização; de reivindicar o seu poder como especialista sobre como o dinheiro circula e os bolsos em que entra; e de contribuir para a defesa coletiva e consistente junto de financiadores para mover mais recursos de maior qualidade. Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, o inquérito WITM da AWID tem-se revelado um recurso fundamental para ativistas e financiadores. Convidamo-lo a juntar-se a nós na sua terceira edição para destacar o estado efetivo do financiamento, desafiar soluções falsas e apontar a forma como o financiamento precisa de mudar para que os movimentos prosperem e enfrentem os desafios complexos do nosso tempo.

Caroline Sin


Caroline ha estado de forma periódica en AWID; en fechas anteriores, organizó los foros de 2005 y 2008 en Bangkok y Ciudad del Cabo, y cumplió otras funciones institucionales. Antes de incorporarse a AWID, impartió clases de inglés de pregrado, luego abandonó el ámbito académico para dirigir el Festival Internacional de Cine Asiático de Toronto y trabajar en otros proyectos. En fechas más recientes, se ha desempeñado como Responsable de Operaciones en Spring Strategies. Fuera del plano laboral, Caroline generalmente puede ser hallada a su jardín, en comunión con sus queridas plantas e intentando hacer las paces con los insectos y los roedores que suelen aparecer.

Directora Adjunta del Foro
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Snippet She is on her way_Fest (EN)

Plenary session:

She is on her way:
Alternatives, feminisms and another world

Felogene Anumo, AWID
Dr. Vandana Shiva, India
Dr. Dilar Dirik, Kurdistan
Nana Akosua Hanson, Ghana

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نحن نعيد إعطاء المال لشركائنا/شريكاتنا ونعرّف عن أنفسنا كنسويات و\ أو صندوق نسائي. هل علينا تعبئة الاستطلاع؟

كلا. نقدّر عملكم/ن لكننا لا نطلب في هذه المرحلة من الصناديق النسوية والنسائية تعبئة الاستطلاع. نشجعكم/ن على مشاركة الاستطلاع مع شركائكم/ن و شبكاتكم/ن النسوية.

Fatima Qureshi


Culturellement nomade, née à Hong Kong et enracinée dans un héritage turco-pakistanais, l'amour de Fatima pour les récits - tant pour les lire que pour les cocréer - a alimenté sa passion pour l'activisme à travers la communication. Forte de sa formation en journalisme, Fatima a travaillé pendant 7 ans dans les domaines de la communication numérique et médiatique avec des ONG qui offrent des opportunités d'éducation et de l’aide juridique aux réfugié·e·s et demandeur·se·s d'asile, ainsi qu'avec le mouvement féministe musulman qui applique une perspective féministe et fondée sur les droits dans la compréhension et la quête d’égalité et de justice au sein de la tradition juridique musulmane. Elle rédige régulièrement des tribunes sur les questions féministes dans les pays du Sud.

Grâce à la narration dans cette ère ultra digitale des réseaux sociaux, Fatima continue de collaborer avec des animateur·rice·s communautaires et des activistes de terrain pour créer du contenu audiovisuel dans le but de cultiver des ponts de compréhension vers la libération collective et la décolonisation. Les jours où elle ne travaille pas, elle regarde attentivement des films féministes indépendants venant d’Iran, du Maroc et du Pakistan, et les autres jours elle interprète de la poésie orale avec ses camarades à Kuala Lumpur.

Responsable des Communications du Forum
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La historia de Crear, Résister, Transform

Coumba Toure

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Palabras de clausura: ¿Cómo seguimos?

Cindy Clark, AWID

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Fem Joy: ¡Fiesta de cierre!

DJ Miss Ray
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На данный момент опрос в KOBO доступен на арабском, английском, французском, португальском, русском и испанском языках. В начале опроса у вас будет возможность выбрать нужный вам язык.

What is AWID?

The Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID) is an international feminist membership organization.

We work to achieve gender justice and women’s human rights by strengthening the collective voice, impact and influence of global women’s rights advocates, organizations and movements. 

Read more about AWID