Human Rights Council (HRC)
The Human Rights Council (HRC) is the key intergovernmental body within the United Nations system responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe. It holds three regular sessions a year: in March, June and September. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is the secretariat for the HRC.
The HRC works by:
Debating and passing resolutions on global human rights issues and human rights situations in particular countries
Examining complaints from victims of human rights violations or activist organizations on behalf of victims of human rights violations
Appointing independent experts (known as “Special Procedures”) to review human rights violations in specific countries and examine and further global human rights issues
Engaging in discussions with experts and governments on human rights issues
Assessing the human rights records of all UN Member States every four and a half years through the Universal Periodic Review
AWID works with feminist, progressive and human rights partners to share key knowledge, convene civil society dialogues and events, and influence negotiations and outcomes of the session.
With our partners, our work will:
◾️ Raise awareness of the findings of the 2017 and 2021 OURs Trends Reports.
◾️Support the work of feminist UN experts in the face of backlash and pressure
◾️Advocate for state accountability
◾️ Work with feminist movements and civil society organizations to advance rights related to gender and sexuality.
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Follow us on social media and share about your favorite moments from our festival:
Facebook: @AWIDWomensRights
Instagram: @awidwomensrights
Twitter ENG: @awid
LinkedIn: Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
¿De dónde obtiene AWID su financiamiento?
El trabajo de AWID es posible gracias al apoyo financiero de una amplia gama de donantes, incluyendo agencias multilaterales y bilaterales, fundaciones privadas y fondos de mujeres.
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Les hommes peuvent-ils adhérer à l’AWID ?
Oui, l’adhésion à l’AWID est ouverte à tous ceux et à toutes celles qui partagent nos valeurs.
Nombre d’hommes qui partagent notre engagement vis-à-vis du féminisme et des droits humains des femmes sont membres de l’AWID.
Esperanza Pérez Labrador
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السفر إلى بانكوك
São Paulo, Brésil
Lutte comme quelqu'un·e qui
I am interested in working for women’s rights. How do I get started?
Itziar Lozano
سؤالي لم تتم الإجابة عليه هنا
لمزيد من الأسئلة، يرجى استخدام نموذج الاتصال. سنستمر في تحديث هذه الوثيقة بناءً على الاستفسارات التي نتلقاها منك!
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We have the pleasure to introduce you to Carmen Silva Ferreira.
She was born in Bahia, the Northeastern part of Brazil. She is an immigrant, a social activist and a mother of 8 children.
Carmen experienced homelessness at the age of 35, after migrating to Sao Paulo on her own. This led her to become a fierce advocate for vulnerable, marginalized and invisibilized communities most affected by the housing crisis. She eventually became one of the founders of MSTC in 2000.
As a visionary political organizer and the current leader of the MSTC, Carmen’s work has laid bare the city's housing crisis and provided inspiration to others on different ways to organize and manage occupations. She stood strong on the forefront of several occupations. One of them is the 9 de Julho Occupation, which now serves as a stage for direct democracy, and a space where everyone can be heard, seen, appreciated and work together.
Carmen has been long celebrated for her boldness in giving life back to abandoned buildings in the heart of São Paulo.
To know more about her life, you can follow her on Instagram!
Soy una mujer defensora de los derechos humanos (MDDH) y actualmente me encuentro bajo amenaza. ¿A dónde puedo acudir por ayuda?
Maria Margarita Che Chub
Benoîte Groult
Benoîte was a French journalist, writer, and feminist activist.
She published more than 20 novels as well as many essays on feminism.
Her first book “Ainsi Soit-Elle” (loosely translated as “As She Is”) was published in 1975. The book explored the history of women’s rights as well as misogyny and violence against women.
Her last book, “Ainsi Soit Olympe de Gouges,” explored women’s rights during the French Revolution, centering on the early French feminist Olympe de Gouges. De Gouges was guillotined in 1793 for challenging male authority and publishing a declaration of women’s rights (“Déclaration Des droits de la Femme et de la Citoyenne”) two years earlier.
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Follow the Money:
Illicit Financial Flows & Anti-Rights Actors
📅Monday, March 11
🕒4:30 - 6pm EST
Organisers: AWID, IJSC and NAWI
🏢 Church Center of the United Nations, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, 11th Floor
(French and Spanish interpretation available)
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- Cambio Climático
- Acesso a créditos
- Intermediários
2008: la Conférence internationale de Doha se déroule avec des résultats limités
Conférence internationale de suivi sur le financement du développement, Doha, Qatar
- La Conférence de Doha visait à dresser le bilan de la mise en œuvre du Consensus de Monterrey. Les six domaines du financement du développement y ont été examinés mais les progrès tangibles constatés ont été peu nombreux.
- Si la Conférence de Doha a permis d’aller au-delà de Monterrey du point de vue de l’égalité des genres, ses résultats restent insuffisants dans ce domaine. Dans une déclaration , le WWG on FfD (Groupe de travail des femmes sur le FdD) a souligné le fait que les engagements en faveur de l’égalité des genres figurant dans la Déclaration de Doha ne prendraient sens que si les questions systémiques qui sous-tendent la pauvreté et l’inégale répartition du pouvoir et des ressources dans l’économie politique mondiale étaient fermement traitées.
- À Doha, un forum de la société civile s’est tenu en parallèle à la conférence principale. Rassemblée au sein du Groupe des ONG de Doha pour le financement du développement (Doha NGO Group on Financing for Development), la société civile a exigé des changements économiques structurels ainsi que des politiques qui placent les droits des peuples au premier rang de leur liste de priorités et qui respectent et promeuvent les droit humains.
Susana Chavez
Shireen Lateef
Shireen fue una inspiración para muchas feministas en Fiyi y una aliada poderosa del movimiento de mujeres.
Abogó incansablemente por la igualdad de género tanto a nivel local como regional. Comenzó su carrera como especialista junior en género en el Banco de Desarrollo Asiático e introdujo profundos cambios en las políticas de género de la institución. Su investigación «Gobernar mediante lxs danda: violencia doméstica entre lxs indo-fiyianxs» fue uno de los primeros trabajos de investigación sobre violencia doméstica, matrimonio y mujeres en Fiyi. Este trabajo fundacional ha sido un catalizador para el trabajo feminista en esta área.
El legado de Shireen sigue vivo porque son muchxs lxs que recuerdan su influencia, su compromiso y su apoyo al movimiento de mujeres de Fiyi y del Pacífico.