Jean-Marc Ferré | Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
A general view of participants at the 16th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.

Human Rights Council (HRC)

The Human Rights Council (HRC) is the key intergovernmental body within the United Nations system responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe. It holds three regular sessions a year: in March, June and September. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is the secretariat for the HRC.

The HRC works by:

  • Debating and passing resolutions on global human rights issues and human rights situations in particular countries

  • Examining complaints from victims of human rights violations or activist organizations on behalf of victims of human rights violations

  • Appointing independent experts (known as “Special Procedures”) to review human rights violations in specific countries and examine and further global human rights issues

  • Engaging in discussions with experts and governments on human rights issues

  • Assessing the human rights records of all UN Member States every four and a half years through the Universal Periodic Review

Learn more about the HRC

AWID works with feminist, progressive and human rights partners to share key knowledge, convene civil society dialogues and events, and influence negotiations and outcomes of the session.

With our partners, our work will:

◾️ Monitor, track and analyze anti-rights actors, discourses and strategies and their impact on resolutions

◾️ Raise awareness of the findings of the 2017 and 2021 OURs Trends Reports.

◾️Support the work of feminist UN experts in the face of backlash and pressure

◾️Advocate for state accountability
◾️ Work with feminist movements and civil society organizations to advance rights related to gender and sexuality.

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AWID EN 2015: Construyendo impacto colectivo

En 2015, AWID creció y se diversificó.

Intensificamos los preparativos para el 13º Foro Internacional de AWID, pusimos mucha energía en los procesos de la Agenda 2030 y del financiamiento para el desarrollo, y hemos continuado nuestro trabajo diario y central en nuestras áreas prioritarias

Un adelanto del informe

El contexto

  • Continuamos observando un rápido quiebre de la democracia y las instituciones democráticas, así como una reducción de los espacios para el disenso.
  • Las crisis sistémicas múltiples y simultáneas (de energía, alimentos, financiera y climática) continúan profundizando las desigualdades y presentan desafíos enormes.
  • Las corporaciones son un poder de gran peso en cuanto a decidir cuál será la agenda para el desarrollo.
  • La violencia contra las defensoras de derechos humanos continúa siendo un problema urgente.
  • Los fundamentalismos religiosos son omnipresentes y tienen un poder cada vez mayor.
  • Han surgido nuevas formas de violencia de género en línea.

En respuesta a esto, estamos saliendo de nuestros compartimentos estancos.

En todo el mundo, los movimientos por los derechos de las mujeres y otros movimientos están logrando articular cada vez más la naturaleza sistémica e interseccional de estos problemas y de muchos otros.

Nuestro impacto

  • Para poser trazar esrategias y hacer incidencia de manera efectiva, necesitamos datos
  • Para intercambiar conocimiento y darnos las manos en solidaridad, necesitamos una comunidad virtual fuerte
  • Para construir nuestro poder colectivo, necesitamos trabajar juntxs
  • Para influir sobre procesos internacionales, necesitamos acrecentar nuestro acceso y nuestras voces
  • Para reposicionar el poder necesitamos dar visibilidad y énfasis al importante rol que ya están desempeñando los movimientos feministas y de derechos de las mujeres

Nuestrxs afiliadxs

Lee el informe completo



L’activisme au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord

Notre hommage en ligne met à l’honneur cinq défenseuses des droits humains assassinées au Moyen-Orient ou en Afrique du Nord. Ces défenseuses étaient avocates ou militantes et ont œuvré pour les droits des femmes ou pour les droits civils. Leur mort met en évidence les conditions de travail souvent difficiles et dangereuses dans leurs pays respectifs. Nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous pour commémorer la vie, le travail et l’activisme de ces femmes. Faites circuler ces mèmes auprès de vos collègues et amis ainsi que dans vos réseaux et twittez en utilisant les hashtags #WHRDTribute et #16Jours.

S'il vous plaît cliquez sur chaque image ci-dessous pour voir une version plus grande et pour télécharger comme un fichier 



Snippet FEA Avellaneda, Gran Buenos Aires (FR)

Avellaneda, Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina

Coopérative Textile Nadia Echazú



Will I have the opportunity to share my thoughts on issues not covered by the survey questions?

Yes, we invite you to share more on issues that are important to you by responding to the open question(s) at the end of the survey.

Annual Report 2010

AWID 2010 Annual Report Cover

Nuestro Informe Anual 2010 pone en relieve nuestros acontecimientos y el impacto de nuestro trabajo durante el año.

Pueden leer como estamos traduciendo nuestra visión y misión en estrategias y actividades que hemos logrado en colaboración con miembros, socias y aliadas de AWID para avanzar los derechos de las mujeres y la igualdad de género a través del mundo.

Este informe también incluye vínculos a las últimas publicaciones de AWID.

Leer en línea

WHRDs from Sub-Saharan Africa

In our 2015 Online Tribute to Women Human Rights Defenders No Longer With Us we are commemorating four women from Sub-Saharan Africa, three of whom were murdered due to their work and/or who they were in their gender identity and sexual orientation. Their deaths highlight the violence LGBT persons often face in the region and across the globe. Please join AWID in honoring these women, their activism and legacy by sharing the memes below with your colleagues, networks and friends and by using the hashtags #WHRDTribute and #16Days. 

Please click on each image below to see a larger version and download as a file


Snippet FEA 1 of 3 trans and travesti people (EN)

This is an illustration that depicts a burgundy building next to a duck blue building

1 of 3 trans and travesti people in Argentina live in a poor household

¿Cómo presentarán y procesarán los datos que se recopilen en la encuesta?

Los datos se procesarán para fines estadísticos y así arrojar luz sobre el estado de la dotación de recursos para los movimientos feministas de todo el mundo, y solo se exhibirán de forma desglosada. AWID no divulgará información acerca de ninguna organización en particular ni publicará información que permita identificar a una organización por su ubicación o características sin el consentimiento acreditado de dicha organización.

Lucy O.


Con más de 10 años de experiencia en finanzas, Lucy ha dedicado su carrera a misiones con y sin fines de lucro. También ha prestado trabajo voluntario para organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Desde el acelerado mundo de las finanzas, Lucy siente pasión por estar al día con las competencias tecnológicas asociadas con este ámbito. Lucy se incorporó a AWID en 2014. En su tiempo libre disfruta de la música, de viajar y de practicar una variedad de deportes.

Coordinadora Contable
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Research methology

Over eight years, we did four global surveys and built a research methodology.

In 2013, we published three global reports. These reports confirm that women’s rights organizations are doing the heavy lifting to advance women’s rights and gender equality by using diverse, creative and long-term strategies, all while being underfunded.

Our 2010 global survey showed that the collective income of 740 women’s organizations around the world totaled only USD 104 million. Compare this with Greenpeace International, one organization with a 2010 budget of USD 310 million1. Imagine the impact these groups could have if they were able to access all the financial resources they need and more?

AWID’s WITM research has catalyzed increased funding for women’s rights organizing. WITM research was a driving force behind the Catapult crowdfunding platform, which has raised USD 6.5 million for women’s rights. The Dutch Government cited WITM research as a reason for its unprecedented MDG 3 Fund of EU 82 million. WITM research has also led to the creation of several new funds: FRIDA – The Young Feminist Fund, the Indigenous Women’s Fund, Fundo Elas, the Mediterranean Women’s Fund and the Rita Fund.

Funding trends analyses

While the WITM research has shed important light on the global funding landscape, AWID and partners have identified the need to dig deeper, to analyze funding trends by region, population and issue. In response, organizations are now using AWID’s WITM research methodology to do their own funding trends analyses. For example, in November 2013, Kosova Women’s Network and Alter Habitus – Institute for Studies in Society and Culture published Where is the Money for Women’s Rights? A Kosovo Case Study.

At the same time, AWID continues to collaborate with partners in Where is the Money for Indigenous Women’s Rights (with International Indigenous Women’s Forum and International Funders for Indigenous Peoples) and our upcoming Where is the Money for Women’s Rights in Brazil? (with Fundo Elas).

Several organizations have also conducted their own independent funding trends research, deepening their understanding of the funding landscape and politics behind it. For example, the South Asian Women’s Fund was inspired by AWID’s WITM research to conduct funding trends reports for each country in South Asia, as well as a regional overview. Other examples of research outside of AWID include the collaboration between Open Society Foundations, Mama Cash, and the Red Umbrella Fund to produce the report Funding for Sex Workers Rights, and the first-ever survey on trans* and intersex funding by Global Action for Trans* Equality and American Jewish World Service.

Snippet FEA Trans and Travesti people (ES)

This image represents a faceless person with short dark hair, and dark skin, with a navy blue shirt, and yellow sweater, working behind a burgundy sewing machine on a navy blue piece of fabric

no está siendo respetado por las empresas

Les réalités du financement et l’état du financement des mouvements féministes changent rapidement. Cette enquête a-t-elle une seule édition?

Non. L’enquête s’appuie sur les 20 années de mobilisation de l’AWID dans l’objectif d’obtenir davantage de financement de meilleure qualité pour des changements sociaux menés par des féministes. Cette enquête est la troisième édition de la recherche Où est l’argent pour l’organisation des mouvements féministes? Notre objectif est de mener une enquête WITM tous les 3 ans.

Priscilla Hon


Priscilla a près de deux décennies d'expérience de travail dans le secteur non lucratif et des organisations de justice sociale qui travaillent sur les droits des femmes et des jeunes, la conservation, la consolidation de la paix et le développement. Elle s’intéresse à la mise en place de processus et de systèmes progressifs qui aident les organisations à respecter leurs valeurs et principes pour s’épanouir, et à l’obtention de moyens permettant aux organisations et aux personnes qui collectent des fonds d’allouer et de sécuriser les ressources nécessaires à la réalisation d’un travail de qualité. Priscilla a rejoint l'AWID en 2018 en tant que responsable de la mobilisation des ressources, pour ensuite assumer le rôle de directrice des opérations et des partenariats financiers à partir de juillet 2023.

Priscilla est titulaire d'un master en politique internationale de l’École des Études Orientales et Africaines (SOAS). Elle tient une pile, de plus en plus grande, de livres pour lesquels elle essaie toujours de trouver du temps pour les lire. Elle siège au sein du conseil d'administration de la Hodan Somali Community, une organisation caritative basée à Londres.

Directrice des Opérations et des Partenariats Financiers
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7. Synthesize your research findings

Now that you have analyzed all your data – from your survey, interviews, desk research and potentially other sources – you can create your final product.

In this section:

Create your final product

Your final product will be the document that will summarize, analyze and criticize your data. That will be the piece that you will share with your community to present and explain your research to your audience.

At AWID, we often write a comprehensive written report that analyzes each set of data and synthesizes all of our findings, then later create smaller products, such as infographics and summaries (explained in the subsequent section “Finalize and format”).

1. Write clearly

  • Organize your data as you would like to tell a story. You can follow the order of your survey. Or you can regroup some questions to lead to your conclusion in a smooth and progressive way.
  • Adapt your language to your audience. Use universal language and avoid jargon or too technical terms.

Importance of the editor

An editor will proofread, ensure concise writing, conduct fact-checking, point out inconsistencies that need to be resolved, arrange the flow of the document and possibly suggest titles.

Your editor should preferably be someone who understands and knows your WITM work but who was not directly involved in the research. This will bring in a fresh perspective.

2. Make it pretty

  • Use the data collected to create graphs and tables. These type of visuals are a compelling way to highlight the main findings of your research and validate your analysis.

  • Source relevant images that can illustrate your report.

  • Highlight key-numbers and/or powerful testimonials.

Remember: The more accessible your product is, the more people will want to read (and share!) it.

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Gather review & inputs

At this point, you have collected all your data, analyzed it and transformed it into your final product, likely in a long report.

1. Polish your results

Before moving on to the next steps – you should share your final research product with your advisor organizations, activists, and donors.

This is a great moment to check the following points:

  • Are there any key points missing in your analysis of the present funding landscape and trends?
  • Are there any key points missing in your conclusions?
  • Are there any inaccuracies in the data that need to be corrected?
  • General suggestions on strengthening the report to achieve your goals as listed in your research framing.

Once you have inputted all feedback from your advisors, be sure to run it by your editor once more.

This will now be the final, completed version of your report.  If you intend to publish the final report in other languages, now is the time to send it for translation.

2. Facilitate the feedback

  • Your advisors are likely busy with their regular responsibilities. Be sure to request feedback within a reasonable deadline.
  • Keep your request for feedback brief and specific, so it is easy for them to respond. If you like, you can simply copy and paste the bullet points we have provided.
  • If you are publishing in multiple languages, ensure you have advisors who can also review the final translated versions of your product(s).

This is a significant contribution from your advisors. Consider offering them some form of recognition.

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Previous step

6. Conduct desk research

Next step

8. Finalize and format

Estimated time:

• 2 - 5 months

People needed:

• 1 or more research person(s)
• 1 Editor (or web-editor if you create an online product)
• Translator(s), if done in more than one language

Resource needed:

• List of advisor organizations, activists, and donors.
• Concept note (from “Frame your research” section)
• Survey topline results
• Prepared interview questions
• Interview results
• Desk research data
• All other data used in report

Previous step

6. Conduct desk research

Next step

8. Finalize and format

Ready to Go? Worksheet

Download the toolkit in PDF

Snippet FEA Brisa Escobar Quote (FR)

« Mes rêves et mes objectifs ont toujours été les mêmes que ceux de Lohana Berkins : que la coopérative continue à exister et non à fermer. Continuez à offrir cet endroit à nos collègues travesti, à leur donner du travail et un lieu de soutien»

Brisa Escobar,
présidente de la Coopérative

Snippet - WITM FAQ - EN

Frequently Asked Questions