Protection of the Family
The Issue
Over the past few years, a troubling new trend at the international human rights level is being observed, where discourses on ‘protecting the family’ are being employed to defend violations committed against family members, to bolster and justify impunity, and to restrict equal rights within and to family life.
The campaign to "Protect the Family" is driven by ultra-conservative efforts to impose "traditional" and patriarchal interpretations of the family, and to move rights out of the hands of family members and into the institution of ‘the family’.
“Protection of the Family” efforts stem from:
- rising traditionalism,
- rising cultural, social and religious conservatism and
- sentiment hostile to women’s human rights, sexual rights, child rights and the rights of persons with non-normative gender identities and sexual orientations.
Since 2014, a group of states have been operating as a bloc in human rights spaces under the name “Group of Friends of the Family”, and resolutions on “Protection of the Family” have been successfully passed every year since 2014.
This agenda has spread beyond the Human Rights Council. We have seen regressive language on “the family” being introduced at the Commission on the Status of Women, and attempts made to introduce it in negotiations on the Sustainable Development Goals.
Our Approach
AWID works with partners and allies to jointly resist “Protection of the Family” and other regressive agendas, and to uphold the universality of human rights.
In response to the increased influence of regressive actors in human rights spaces, AWID joined allies to form the Observatory on the Universality of Rights (OURs). OURs is a collaborative project that monitors, analyzes, and shares information on anti-rights initiatives like “Protection of the Family”.
Rights at Risk, the first OURs report, charts a map of the actors making up the global anti-rights lobby, identifies their key discourses and strategies, and the effect they are having on our human rights.
The report outlines “Protection of the Family” as an agenda that has fostered collaboration across a broad range of regressive actors at the UN. It describes it as: “a strategic framework that houses “multiple patriarchal and anti-rights positions, where the framework, in turn, aims to justify and institutionalize these positions.”
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Welcome to the Rights at Risk Resource Library
Rights at Risk Resource Library
A living collection of resources to support feminist movements, policy-makers, and allies to resist fascisms, fundamentalisms, and anti-rights trends.
Love letter to feminist movements: A Letter from Inna and Faye
Dear feminist movements,
Love is what keeps our feminist fire burning. Along with care for our communities, anger and rage in the face of injustice, and the courage to take action.
In September 2022, we stepped with great excitement into our leadership roles at AWID, as Co-Executive Directors. We felt the warmth and embrace of the feminist sisterhood as you welcomed us.
Reflecting on our most precious memories as feminists, we recall powerful moments of togetherness at street protests, sharp analysis, and brave voices shaking the status quo at gatherings. We held those intimate conversations into the night, laughed for hours, and danced at parties together.
Feminist fires need to be fed, especially in difficult times when there is no lack of external challenges, from the climate crisis and the rise of right-wing forces to exploitative economies and persisting patterns of oppression within our own social movements. It's these fires, burning ablaze everywhere, that light our ways and keep us warm, but we can’t disregard the exhausting effects of political violence and repression directed against many of our struggles, movements, and communities.
We understand the desire to change the world as an essential ingredient of feminist organizing. We can never forget that we are the ones we have been waiting for, in building alternatives and shaping our future. Yet, vibrant feminist energy cannot be taken for granted and must be safeguarded in many ways. In this, we will continue to be vigilant. Greater and equal access to care and wellbeing, to healing and pleasure, are not only instruments to prevent burnout and sustain our movements, though that is an important function; first and foremost, they are the way in which we hope to live our lives.
We are thrilled to roll up our sleeves and work with you. AWID’s new strategic plan “Fierce Feminisms: Together We Rise” reflects our conviction that now is the time for us to be fierce and unapologetic in our agendas while making an effort to connect across movements and truly get to know each other’s realities, so that we may rise together - because, for us, this is the only way.
Our plans include the long-awaited AWID Forum! We look forward to meeting you all in person and online in 2024. We are hearing from you the need to connect and recharge, to rest and heal, to be challenged and inspired, to share good food, and to laugh and dance together. Few things in this world are as powerful and transformative, as feminists from all parts of the world coming together, and we truly hold our breath for this moment, because we know the magic that we can create together.
Our membership engagement has taken on a life of its own through the AWID Community (our online platform for members), and our focus on building connection and solidarity resonates with many of you. Please join and connect with us and others in feminist movements around the world. We know the importance of connection in a time and space where the rules are not made for us, and we hold close our community, where each of us matters.
Together with our fantastic AWID colleagues, we promise to do our best to support feminist movements, as is the mission and purpose of AWID. Please hold us to account.
For the past 40 years, you - feminist movements - have shaped AWID’s history, and pushed us to be braver, creative, and radical. 40 is a fabulous age, and we look forward to another 40 years with you all. We are looking forward to the partnerships, calls to justice, collaboration, policy influencing, and badass feminist power that you all bring in navigating the ever-increasing backlash on gender, racial and environmental justice. We have so much to learn from you and from each other, as we collectively build the worlds we believe in.
Cindy Clark and Hakima Abbas, thank you for paving the way for us and preparing us to fill your enormous shoes. We always appreciate all those on whose shoulders we stood and continue to stand. We understand ourselves to be part of a broader movement landscape, feminist histories, presents, and daring futures.
AWID’s Board of Directors, we are grateful to you for the support and feminist love you show us, and for your commitment to Global South leadership and the co-leadership model. We send our love and respect to each and every AWID colleague, we feel honoured to be working with such an exceptional feminist team of dedicated professionals.
This is our first time writing a love letter together, how could we conclude it without expressing love, care, and respect for each other? It’s a pretty intense relationship we’ve stepped into! We both bring our different and diverse perspectives and skills to our work, and as individuals, we also bring our lived experiences and authentic selves.
Together with you all, we are a story in the making, a part of a beautiful woven - and often beautifully challenging - tapestry that continues into the future. We had fun starting this journey together with each other and with you, and we very much hope to keep the romance alive.
In solidarity, with love and care
Inna and Faye
Save the date!
21 February 2023, Member Mixer 5 on Feminist Politics with Faye and Inna.
Not a member yet? Find out more about AWID Membership.
Patricia Villamil Perdomo
Seismic shifts: A year of completion, transition and reflection | Annual report 2017
The past five years have been huge for AWID.
We have contributed to some major victories, like expanding the women’s rights funding landscape with ground-breaking, far-reaching research and advocacy. At the same time, we have experienced some devastating setbacks, including the assassination of Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) like Berta Cacares of Honduras, Gauri Lankesh of India and Marielle Franco of Brazil, as well as the rise of anti-rights mobilizing in human rights spaces.
Five years ago, we committed to our movement-building role by producing knowledge on anti-rights movement trends, as well as on issues that feminists often engage with less, like illicit financial flows. We advocated side by side with our movement partners, strengthening young feminist and inter-generational activism, and expanding the holistic protection of WHRDs. As we close out the strategic plan, we are proud of our accomplishments and our growth as an organization. We end 2017 with renewed commitment, insights and learning for the continued struggle ahead!
¿Y si no puedo asistir en persona? ¿El Foro tendrá formato híbrido?
¡Sí! Actualmente estamos explorando tecnologías innovadoras que permitan una conexión y participación significativas.
Petite Jasmine
Metodología de talleres
Metodología de talleres
¿Quieren juntar a distintas personas para fortalecer la resistencia? Esta metodología de talleres ofrece ejercicios grupales para incrementar el conocimiento y el poder colectivos, con opciones para adaptarlos a las distintas necesidades.
Carta de amor a los movimientos feministas #10
Nunca supe que tenía una familia cercana que me ama y que quiere que crezca. Mi mamá siempre ha estado presente para mí, pero nunca imaginé que tendría miles de familias por otros sitios, con las que no estoy relacionada por lazos de sangre.
Descubrí que la familia no son solo las personas relacionadas por lazos sanguíneos, sino la gente que te ama de forma incondicional, a quienes no les importa tu orientación sexual, ni tu estado de salud, ni tu estatus social, ni tu raza.
Al pensar en los momentos invaluables en que escuché a mis hermanas de todo el mundo que son firmes feministas –gente a quien no he conocido físicamente, pero quienes me apoyan, me enseñan, luchan por mí– me faltan las palabras: las palabras no pueden expresar cuánto las amo a ustedes, mis mentoras, y a las demás feministas. Ustedes son una madre, una hermana, una amiga para millones de chicas jóvenes.
Ustedes son maravillosas, ustedes luchan por personas a quienes no conocen –y eso es lo que las hace tan especiales–.
Mi corazón se alegra de expresar esto por escrito.
Las amo a todas y seguiré amándolas. Nunca he visto a ninguna de ustedes en forma física, pero parece que nos conociéramos desde hace décadas.
Somos feministas y estamos orgullosas de ser mujeres.
Vamos a seguir diciéndole al mundo que nuestra valentía es nuestra corona.
Una carta de amor de FAITH ONUH, una joven feminista de Nigeria
Zhou Jianrong
2020: Annual Report
For many of us, 2020 was an especially challenging year due to the global health pandemic. Feminists and activists rose to the new challenges meeting community needs in innovative ways. Here are 5 highlights of how AWID contributed to feminist co-creation and resistance.
Watch our Annual Report Video below
Qu'en est-il de la justice climatique? Est-ce vraiment le moment d'effectuer autant de vols internationaux ?
Nous nous posons la même question et nous pensons qu'elle n’admet pas de réponse simple. Le Forum de l’AWID pourrait être, pour de nombreux participant·e·s, l'un des rares voyages internationaux qu'ils·elles effectueront au cours de leur vie. La pandémie nous a révélé les possibilités mais aussi les limites des espaces virtuels pour la construction de mouvements : rien ne vaut une rencontre en personne. Les mouvements ont besoin de connexions transfrontalières pour renforcer leur pouvoir collectif face aux menaces qui pèsent sur eux, notamment la crise climatique. Nous sommes d'avis que le prochain Forum de l'AWID pourrait ouvrir un espace stratégique afin d'organiser ces conversations et explorer les alternatives qui se posent aux voyages internationaux. L'élément hybride du Forum est une composante importante de cette exploration.
Sushmita Banerjee
Crear | Résister | Transform: un recorrido por el Festival
Mientras el capitalismo heteropatriarcal continúa forzándonos al consumismo y el acatamiento, observamos que nuestras luchas están siendo compartimentadas y separadas por fronteras tanto físicas como virtuales.
Y con los desafíos adicionales presentados por una pandemia global que todavía deben ser superados, esta estrategia de «divide y vencerás» ha sido favorable para la proliferación de la explotación en muchas áreas.
No obstante esto, desde el 1° hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2021, un festival para movimientos feministas! de AWID nos llevó a un viaje sobre lo que significa encarnar nuestras realidades en espacios virtuales. En el Festival se reunieron activistas feministas de todo el mundo, no solo para compartir experiencias de libertades duramente conquistadas, de resistencias y de solidaridades más allá de las fronteras, sino para articular lo que podría ser una forma transnacional de compañerismo.
Esta solidaridad tiene el potencial de desafiar las fronteras, tejiendo una visión del futuro que es transformadora, porque es abolicionista [del complejo industrial carcelario] y anticapitalista. A lo largo de un mes, a través de las infraestructuras digitales que ocupamos con nuestra cuiridad / queeridad, nuestra resistencia y nuestros imaginarios, el Festival nos mostró una forma de desviarnos de los sistemas que nos hacen cómplices de la opresión de otras personas y de nosotrxs mismxs.
Si bien Audre Lorde nos enseñó que las herramientas del amo nunca desarmarán la casa del amo, Sara Ahmed nos demostró que podemos utilizarlas en forma indebida. Dado que teníamos que dar espacio a la asamblea, y a pesar de todas las otras demandas sobre nuestro tiempo, fue posible imaginar una disrupción de la realidad del capitalismo heteropatriarcal.
Ahora bien, si entendemos la asamblea como una forma de placer, entonces, se hace posible establecer el vínculo entre el placer transgresor y la resistencia transnacional/transdigital: entre las clases de placer que desafían las fronteras por un lado, y la cuiridad / queeridad, lo camp, las luchas por la tierra y los movimientos indigenistas, el anticapitalismo y la organización política anticolonial por el otro.
Esta edición intentó captar un sentido de cómo el ejercicio de la asamblea en el Festival adoptó múltiples formas e imaginaciones. Además de contar con las colaboraciones directas de algunxs de sus conferencistas y soñadorxs, trajimos a una plétora de otras voces del Sur global para que conversaran sobre muchos de sus temas y sujetxs. Lo que sigue es una muestra de algunos de los paneles del Festival que más nos inspiraron.
Fleurir sous l’ombrelle du monde : les féministes de MENA au Forum de l'AWID
Dans le monde entier et au sein des mouvements sociaux, les personnes désireuses d’innover ont tendance à se sentir seules et impuissantes face au « statu quo du mouvement ». Historiquement, les Forums de l’AWID ont joué un rôle dans le soutien de ces innovateur·trices en leur offrant une plateforme où leurs idées et pratiques sont accueillies et renforcées par les pensées et actions d’autres personnes de différentes régions et communautés qui les ont déjà explorées. Sara Abu Ghazal, féministe palestinienne au Liban, nous parle de ce qu’ont représenté les Forums pour toute une nouvelle génération de féministes de la région MENA (Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord) qui ont introduit de nouvelles façons de s’organiser, de nouvelles conceptions du féminisme et de nouvelles questions dans le paysage régional des droits des femmes.
De sa propre voix : regardez l'interview de Sara Abu Ghazal
Maricela Tombé
Inna Michaeli
Inna is a feminist queer activist and sociologist with many years of deep engagement in feminist and LGBTQI+ struggles, political education and organizing by and for migrant women, and Palestine liberation and solidarity. She joined AWID in 2016 and served in different roles, most recently as Director of Programs. She is based in Berlin, Germany, grew up in Haifa, Palestine/Israel, was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, and carries these political geographies and resistance to colonial past and present into her feminism and transnational solidarity.
Inna is the author of “Women's Economic Empowerment: Feminism, Neoliberalism, and the State” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022), based on the dissertation which earned her a doctoral degree from the Humboldt University of Berlin. As an academic, she taught courses on globalization, knowledge production, identity and belonging. Inna holds an MA in Cultural Studies from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is a Board Member of the Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East (Germany), and previously of +972 Advancement of Citizen Journalism. Previously Inna worked with the Coalition of Women for Peace and she is passionate about mobilizing resources for grassroots activism.
CFA 2023 - breadcrumbs Menu _ awid-forum-fr
Adaluz Monterrey Eden
Snippet Kohl - Plénière | S’organiser pour gagner!
avec Nazik Abylgaziva, Amaranta Gomez Regalado, Cindy Weisner et Lucineia Freitas.