Re-envisioning Development, Exploring Alternative Constructions Across the Globe

This series of articles contribute to an examination of new paths that challenge the mainstream development model, built from the work, analysis, and visions of feminist and women's rights movements and activists, as well as providing examples from India, Indonesia, Kenya, and the Middle East.

Diverse development models and strategies revisited

This collection of articles aims to provoke further analysis on other ways to think about development and organization of the economy.

Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on Women’s Rights: Sub regional perspectives

This series presents different sub-regional perspectives on the impacts of the global financial crisis on women’s rights.

Reflections towards a post-2015 development agenda

This paper presents AWID’s analysis of the post-2015 High Level Panel (HLP) report and reflections for the post-2015 development agenda moving forward.

Development Cooperation and Women's Rights Series

This series of primers shares information, analysis and proposals needed to support women’s right activists in contributing to a comprehensive, balanced, and inclusive approach to reforming aid so that it reaches the people who need it most.

The Aid and Development Effectiveness Process from a Women's Rights Perspective: A Snapshot

This document was prepared as a guide to the sessions relating to development cooperation at the 12th AWID International Forum in Istanbul, Turkey, 19-22 April 2012.

Spotlight Articles: Young Women's Leadership and Feminist Movements and Organizations

These articles highlight key issues and points for discussion for young women involved in feminist movements and organizations.

Religion, Culture and Tradition: Strengthening Efforts to Eradicate Violence against Women

This resource was created to support the work of rights advocates working in international and regional spaces who are confronting opposition to their efforts using arguments based on religion, culture and tradition.

Exposed: Ten myths about religious fundamentalisms

This in-depth publication presents the top ten myths common to all regions and religions through the lived experiences of women’s rights activists, and contributes to strengthening resistance and challenges to religious fundamentalisms.

Trends in Bilateral and Multilateral Funding

Key trends in funding for gender equality and for civil society organizations from bilateral and multilateral agencies.