The impact of fundamentalism and extremism on cultural rights

In her second report to the Human Rights Council (34th session, March 2017), Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights Karima Bennoune considers how the rise of fundamentalism and extremism, in diverse forms, represent major threats to human rights worldwide.

Key readings from the 32nd Session of the Human Rights Council

We feature here key reports and resources related to the 32nd session of the Human Rights Council held in Geneva from 13 June to 1 July 2016.

AWID and partners brief the CEDAW Committee on religious fundamentalisms

During the 62nd CEDAW session, AWID, ARROW, SRI and the World Council of Churches presented a thematic briefing to the CEDAW Committee in Geneva titled “Religious Fundamentalisms, Extreme Interpretations of Religion and Gender Justice”. The aim of the briefing was to illustrate how rising religious fundamentalisms inhibit implementation of the CEDAW Convention. 

IM-Defensoras report on violence against WHRDs in Mesoamerica

This Second Regional Report includes and compares information gathered between 2012 and 2014. AWID, as IM-Defensoras member of its Steering Group, is proud to have contributed in the data gathering and analysis of this report.

'Protection of the Family': A Human Rights Response

Recent moves at the UN for ‘protection of the family’ conflict with established principles of international human rights law, including universality and indivisibility.

Religion, Culture and Tradition: No Excuse for Violence

This publication highlights agreements that affirm the universal and interconnected nature of human rights. It can be used by human rights advocates to challenge state and non-state actors attempting to block the development, progress and protection of laws at all levels.

AWID Think Piece on Fiscal Policy, Women’s Rights and Gender Equality

This brief builds on AWID’s analysis on the impacts of the financial crisis on women and some of the lessons learned by key feminist economists and women’s rights activists on how fiscal policies impact human rights and women’s rights in particular.

The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

This primer provides a description of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and some suggestions of its potential to promote gender equality, particularly in an era of globalization. 

Getting at the Roots: Reintegrating human rights and gender equality in the post-2015 development agenda

This paper aims to contribute to debates on addressing root causes of inequalities, including gender inequality, within the post-2015 development process.

Recommendations to Enhance the Protection and Security of Women Human Rights Defenders

This set of recommendations seeks to address the need for an integrated concept of security that goes beyond just the physical protection of the individual.