We demand greater transparency and accountability from the Human Rights Council

The HRC and the UN human rights system have missed a great opportunity to make virtual and hybrid meetings an improvement in real access and participation. Modalities this year have tended to exacerbate the flaws of in-person meetings, making virtual meetings less accessible than before, including by transferring responsibilities to participants.

Everyone has the right to life-saving interventions during or outside of crises

Joint Civil Society Statement International Safe Abortion Day 45th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Item 8 General Debate

Please note that an abbreviated version of this statement was delivered orally on 1 October 2020 to fit the time requirements of the Human Rights Council. 

We make this statement on behalf of 354 organizations and 643 individuals.

Key reports & resolutions at the 43rd and 44th Sessions of the Human Rights Council

Find information on key reports and resolutions from the 44th session of the Human Rights Council, related to gender justice, sexuality and women's rights, as well as statements made by feminists activists and civil society on restrictions to civil society participation this session.

Key reports & resolutions at the 41st Session of the Human Rights Council

Reports and resolutions at the upcoming Human Rights Council that pertain to gender justice, sexuality and women's rights.

Webinar: Resist fundamentalisms and fascisms in Eastern Europe

Audiocast from our webinar, a conversation with three activists from the region as they share their analysis of the advances of ultraconservative forces across the region.

What happened at the 38th session of the Human Rights Council?

Highlights and interviews from the 38th session of the Human Rights Council


Bring on the Binding Treaty: It's time for corporate accountability

Human rights abuses. Plundered resources. #Feminists4BindingTreaty explain why corporations must be held accountable for their impacts around the world.

The impact of fundamentalisms and extremisms on cultural rights. Interview with UN Special Rapporteur

In her second report to the Human Rights Council, Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights Karima Bennoune considers how the rise of fundamentalisms and extremisms represent major threats to human rights worldwide, and calls for a global rights-based response.

Webinar: Corporate Power and Gender Justice

To mark International Human Rights Day, on 10 December 2015, AWID organized an online webinar on corporate power and gender justice.

List of Materials and Resources for Women Human Rights Defenders

The compilation includes materials related to the security, protection and self-case of women human rights defenders, along with manuals dealing with the documentation and monitoring of violations of women’s rights, and information about rights and mechanisms available to women human rights defenders at risk.