#16 Days – An Integrated Approach to Security and Protection for WHRDs

FRIDAY FILE – As we commemorate the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence (25 November to 10 December) and International Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) Day on 29 November; and are witness to increasing levels of violence against WHRDs, AWID looks at the need for a holistic approach to safety and protection for WHRDs.

Young Indigenous Activists in Global Advocacy Spaces

FRIDAY FILE: In October AWID spoke to Mirna Cunningham and Maria Oberto, about the first ever World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (WCIP), this week we follow up with Dalí Angel, young indigenous woman activist from the Zapoteca nation in Oaxaca and Latin America Focal Point for the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus[1], about the Caucus’ involvement in

Nicaragua: Decree to Implement Law on Violence Against Women - A Setback for Women's Rights

FRIDAY FILE: Nicaragua's Comprehensive Law on Violence Against Women, or Ley 779, is a historical demand of the women's movement, but the Decree to implement is problematic according to feminists in this Central American country.

By Gabby De Cicco*

A President who favours traditional family values over women’s rights

Struggle for Justice - Missing and Murdered Sisters across Canadian Region of Turtle Island

FRIDAY FILE - Not so long ago few people knew of the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (#MMIW) in Canada. But in a short span, No More Silence, Families of Sisters in Spirit, Native Youth Sexual Health Network (NYSHN) and other initiatives have contributed to building such momentum that the crisis of MMIW has finally entered mainstream media and public consciousness.

France: Some Contradictions between Gender Equality Policy and Practice

FRIDAY FILE: Three months after the enactment of the Framework Law for true Equality between Women and Men in France, AWID spoke to women’s and LGBTQI rights activists about the various components of French policy on gender equality, to learn more about its limitatio

Russia’s QueerFest – Staying visible and positive amidst harassment and rights violations

FRIDAY FILE - Russia’s QueerFest 2014 was marred by four last-minute venue cancellations, over 40 venue refusals, one bomb threat, frequent visits by aggressive men, and guests being “sprayed with a green, noxious substance”. More than ever before, however, QueerFest demonstrated its necessity and relevance in a country hostile towards LGBTI rights.

By Rochelle Jones

The Right To Autonomy Over Our Bodies And Loves: The Resolution On Human Rights, Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity Furthers Dialogue

FRIDAY FILE - AWID spoke to Dawn Cavanagh* of the Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL) in South Africa and Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI), about the significance of the resolution on Human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity recently adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council.

The Fight Against Exploitation Of Underage Domestic Workers In Madagascar

FRIDAY FILE: Approximately 17.2 million children around the world perform paid or unpaid domestic work for third parties or for an employer. Among them, 67.1% are girls between the ages of 5 and 17.

First World Conference on Indigenous Peoples – An outcome that did not roll back rights

FRIDAY FILES: This week Mirna Cunningham[1] and Maria Oberto[2], spoke to AWID about the first World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (WCIP), held in New York on 22-23 September, and some of the implications of its outcome documents on advancing the rights of indigenous peoples.

By Gabby De Cicco and Susan Tolmay

Conflict, Poverty and Climate Change Remain Challenges to Achieving the MDGs In Ivory Coast, Should be Priorities Post 2015

FRIDAY FILE – While discussions on the new development agenda to replace the United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) when they expire in just over a year took centre stage at the United Nations 69th session of the General Assembly (UNGA69) last week, AWID takes a look at the reality of women in the Ivory Coast, demonstrating why it is crucial that the new development agenda be based on principles of human rights, equality and sustainability.

By Mégane Ghorbani