Developing a Global Agenda for Gender Justice

FRIDAY FILE: Gender based violence is a staple of conflict throughout the world. What are some of the key issues and spaces for gender justice advocacy in 2010?

By Kathambi Kinoti

The conflict in Kyrgyzstan – complex and gendered

FRIDAY FILE: Kyrgyzstan – a country in Central Asia – has been wracked recently by an outbreak of violence by some Kyrgyz there against ethnic Uzbeks. AWID analyses the events from a gender perspective.

Landmark Trials Begin in Namibia

Three initial cases against the government of Namibia have begun in the capital, Windhoek. The cases have been brought by HIV positive women who claim that they were sterilized in government hospitals without their consent. The women are suing the Ministry of Health and social services for what they term as a violation of their human rights and discrimination based on their health status.

By Alice Mutuma

Young Feminist Wire: Young Feminist Activism Online

FRIDAY FILE: AWID's Young Feminist Activism Program recently launched the Young Feminist Wire an online community for and about young feminists around the globe.

By Kathambi Kinoti

The internet revolution has meant different things to different sectors of the world’s population, but it is obvious that young people most affect and are most affected by it. The internet is shaping knowledge generation, communication, activism and social life in ways that its creators probably never imagined.

Abortion Rights and Realities in Kenya: The Constitutional Debate

FRIDAY FILE: Abortion rights currently dominate the constitutional reform debate in Kenya. What is the reality of abortion in the country?

By Kathambi Kinoti

Ever since the pro-democracy movement in Kenya gained momentum in the 1980s, the constitution has been an explosive issue in the country’s politics. Successive presidential and parliamentary candidates have made it a campaign issue, but due to a mix of ethnic, political and ideological factors, the constitution has never been overhauled. The last draft constitution was defeated in a referendum in 2005.


FRIDAY FILE: The impact of natural disasters is gendered. What would a gender-aware response look like?

Global Economic Crisis: What does it mean for Civil Society Organisations?

AWID - Civil society organisations (CSOs) have been hit hard by the global economic crisis, not only because it has restricted their access to money, but also because the demand for their services has increased as a result of the crisis. In the light of a report commissioned by the United Nations secretariat, we reflect on the global economic crisis and what it means for civil society organisations.

Access to money

New UN Women’s Agency Now Much Closer

FRIDAY FILE: The richer, more powerful UN women’s agency that women have long asked for is now much closer to becoming a reality, but there are still challenges ahead.

By Kathambi Kinoti

The Global Economic Crisis: What does it mean for Civil Society Organisations?

In the light of a report commissioned by the United Nations secretariat, we reflect on the global economic crisis and what it means for civil society organisations.

Civil society organisations (CSOs) have been hit hard by the global economic crisis, not only because it has restricted their access to money, but also because the demand for their services has increased as a result of the crisis.

Access to money

Shaping a gender perspective towards the full realization of the MDGs

This article is based on a speech delivered by AWID’s Executive Director, Lydia Alpízar Durán at a High Level Roundtable during the 54th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).