Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Activists Challenge Regressions In Croatia

In this section, we invite readers of Facing Fundamentalisms to share a brief summary of recent events relating to religion, tradition, culture and rights-based organizing in your contexts. 

Thank you to Jay Postić, a founding member of Zagreb Pride in Croatia, for this issue's Voices from the Roots submission.

Catolicadas: A Cartoon Series Animating Thought and Debate

AWID spoke to Maria Consuelo Mejía, Executive Director of Catolicas por el Derecho a Decidir México (Catholics for the Right to Decide, CDD-MX) about a successful and innovative approach they began using in their advocacy in 2012. 

“The Family” at CSW 58 and Beyond

Efforts to reinforce, advance, and operationalize policies to achieve gender equality at the international level have for years now come up against an increasingly diverse and coordinated coalition of ultra-conservative forces. 

CSW 59 – Beijing Betrayed

Two decades after the Fourth World Conference on Women, women and girls around the world deserve better than this year’s CSW outcomes.

Textile Workers' Rights Should Not Be Negotiable

On April 24, 2013, the Rana Plaza, a building housing garment factories, collapsed in Dhaka, killing 1,138 people, mostly women textile workers. Two years later, feminists around the world are organizing "24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity" in memory of the victims of this disaster. 

Why progress in women's rights has been compromised

One of the most profound social transformations of the past century is in the status of women, and importantly, in the worldwide acceptance of the notion of women's rights and gender equality as desirable goals.

Chile: Abortion Bill Still Restricts Right To Decide About Our Bodies

FRIDAY FILE: On January 31, president Michelle Bachelet sent a Bill to the Chilean Congress to decriminalize abortion on three grounds: fetal malformation, when the mother's life is at risk, and where pregnancy is the result of rape. AWID spoke to feminist activists about this Bill and other pending sexual and reproductive health rights issues in this South American country.

What Feminists Want in 2015: Our hopes, dreams and aspirations

FRIDAY FILE - Amidst the continuous struggle for women’s rights and social justice globally, it is important that we keep our collective hopes alive for a better world. With this in mind, AWID spoke to a number of feminists and women’s rights activists from around the world about their hopes, dreams and aspirations for 2015. Read theirs, and tell us what your hopes, dreams and aspirations for this year are.

Women Still Lag Behind in Media in the Democratic Republic of Congo

FRIDAY FILE – To commemorate World Radio Day on February 13 AWID spoke with Anna Mayimona Ngemba, Director of Union Congolaise des Femmes des Médias [1] (Congolese Union of Women in Media - UCOFEM) to learn more about how radio, and media in general, is used do advance or hinder women’s human rights in Democratic Republic of Congo. 

#16 Days: Conflict in Iraq and Syria Plays Out on Women’s Bodies

FRIDAY FILE: As we commemorate the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence (25 November to 10 December) under the theme “let’s challenge militarism and end gender-based violence”, AWID speaks to Lisa Davis, Human Rights Advocacy Director at MADRE, and to Nurcan Baysal, Kurdish activist and writer for the Turkish electronic journalT24, to learn more about the sexual and other violations of women’s and girls’ rights with the insurgency of the self-proclaimed "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria” (ISIS).