Women’s Resistance in Kashmir

By Essar Batool

In 2016, the Indian-occupied state of Kashmir once again erupted in valley wide protests, in collective expression for freedom, after the killing of a popular militant leader Burhan Wani. The protests continued for over six months and resulted in the killing of around 100 civilians.

Berta Cáceres: A seed that has been multiplied in the rebel struggles

The 3rd of March 2017 will mark a year since Honduran feminist and human rights defender Berta Cáceres was murdered. In memory and celebration of Berta, we inquired what she meant, and still means, in the lives and activism of some of her compañeras. We asked them: What legacy has Berta's struggle, for women's rights and the defense of territory, left for your activism and commitment to social justice?

What Do Our Movements Want?

This piece is the second part of a series of reflections from a range of movements organizing for justice around the word. Another world is possible & we have to demand it! We want a world free of racism, gender and social inequality, reflected in institutional policies and practices, individual attitudes and behaviors, and cultural beliefs, messages and norms.

What Movement-Building Looks Like: Solidarity as the Foundation

This is the third part of a series of reflections from movements organizing for justice around the word. Throughout these contributions, we can see that solidarity is rooted in a willingness and openness to learn and exchange with others. Solidarity is a cornerstone of our movements, entailing mutual support and collaboration across boundaries.

Trans Narratives and Potential Transformations

By Maria Araujo

To write about my experience at the AWID Forum while taking into consideration just how fulfilled I felt throughout the entire event will be a difficult task. This is mainly because writing may not be enough to enable you, the reader, to grasp the impact that the encounters I experienced during the event had on me.

Living a Language, Like We Live on the Margins

By Fania Noel

In the context of globalization, where the once imperial ruler has lost first place in soft power to the Anglo-Saxons, the former French colonies are those keeping French alive outside of France.

Amplifying Francophone voices

In 2008, for the 11th Forum in Cape Town, Genre en Action (Gender in Action) launched a mobilization  in  partnership  with AWID, which  increased  francophone  participation.  The project was recreated in 2012 for the 12th Forum in Istanbul, by way of the Francophone Village. For the 13th Forum in Brazil in 2016, we are determined to pursue these efforts. But what have we learned since Cape Town?

There can never be political change without cultural change

As part of AWID's ongoing commitment to building creative cross-movement work, we are exploring multiple ways of working with and learning from artists and cultural makers from diverse social movements as a means of building solidarity, stimulating creative connections, and facilitating mutual learning.

Imagining Feminist Futures Through Artivism

In just over a month nearly two thousand individuals from diverse cultural and political spheres and social movements will gather together in Bahia, Brazil for the upcoming AWID Forum.

“You’ll be Dazzled by My Joy” : Interview with Afrofeminist Filmmaker Amandine Gay

Amandine Gay, afro-feminist actress, researcher and filmmaker takes a moment to talk about her new feature-length documentary, “Speak Up/ Make Your Way (2016)”. The film simultaneously addresses the diverse identities and similar experiences, in some cases trauma, of black women in Western and white supremacist spaces.