US may go cheek by jowl with women’s rights abusers at UN gender talks

Donald Trump’s ‘global gag rule’ could align US with Iran, Sudan, Syria and other countries targeted by US travel ban at Commission on the Status of Women.

Trump funding cuts would imperil tens of thousands of women, activists warn

Question marks over support for short-term projects run by UN population fund prompt concern over future of programmes in Syria, east Africa and beyond.

Nations pledge to cut women's unpaid work and close the gender pay gap

in partnership with The Guardian

Agreement made at UN’s Commission on the Status of Women overcomes efforts by US and Russia to weaken text on violence, and sexual and reproductive rights.

Finding magic movement moments in times of crisis

Indigenous activist Judith LeBlanc calls it the Standing Rock moment and describes it as a historic, “magic movement moment in Indian country.”

CSW 61 marred by US travel bans

Since 1947 the Commission on the Status of Women is a multilateral space for government, NGOs and activists to promote gender equality and women’s rights. But the CSW61 was marred by the spectre of travel bans. The restrictions spurred doubts from a number of  human rights organizations about the legitimacy of the US as a venue.

Building Alliances to End Gender-Based Violence at Work

Gender-based violence (GBV) is one of the most prevalent human rights violations in the world—and yet not enough is done to prevent it, especially at the workplace.

We will only achieve women’s economic empowerment if corporate power is curbed

For women to enjoy their full human rights, the social, legal and political frameworks must be in place for women’s economic empowerment to make a significant difference in women’s lives.

Webinar summary: Corporate power and women's economic justice

Women’s economic justice is not just about integrating women in to a given economic model – it is also about improving women’s control over economic r esources, access to decent work and control over their own time; pursuing climate justice, limiting corporate power and resisting austerity ; and promoting self - determination and autonomy for women in economic decision - making at all levels, from t he household to national parliaments to international institutions.

How feminist art can rock CSW

Feminist artists have been invited to participate in a UN Women-organised festival at CSW 61 to produce films around the theme of “The Personal is Political.” What happens when artists enter spaces to which they are not traditionally invited?

Facing a “global avalanche of hate”: Putting cultural rights and gender justice at the heart of our resistance

In her second report to the Human Rights Council (34th session, March 2017), Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights Karima Bennoune considers how the rise of fundamentalism and extremism represent major threats to human rights worldwide, and calls for a global rights-based response.