Feminist and cross movement support for a binding treaty against corporate abuse is key

Increasing evidence of the gendered impacts of corporate abuse make it imperative for feminists, WHRDs and Organizations challenging corporate power on the ground, to share their perspectives and demands. Now, more than ever, we need cross-movement solidarity to make a binding treaty a reality.

Honouring WHRDs Resistance to Corporate Power

Women human rights defenders (WHRDs) have been, and continue to be, at the forefront of struggles worldwide to challenge inequality and economic and political systems based on natural resource extraction, labour exploitation and multiple forms of discrimination.

Looking back, moving forward: AWID Forums

We thought now will be a great time to do a throwback to some highlights from the past three AWID Forums (2005 in Thailand, 2008 in South Africa, 2012 in Turkey) and for those who have not been to an AWID Forum, we hope this will give you some insight into why thousands of activists attend AWID Forums.

Unlocking MOI for SDGs and creating an enabling environment

FINAL NGO MG intervention to the official meeting 7/18/2016.

Feminist propositions for a just economy: time for creative imaginations

Close your eyes and imagine the global economic systems of your dreams. One in which feminist theory and practice are integrated and concepts like market, growth, and profit are replaced with solidarity, sharing of resources and collective well being.

Challenging corporate power for gender justice: highlights from a cross-movement dialogue

Over 35 participants from diverse regions and movements gathered in Sao Paulo, Brazil from 29 February to 2 March 2016. The three day dialogue aimed to learn from the powerful stories of women and movements and to strengthen cross-movement solidarity across them.

Combatting illicit financial flows: Why we need a gender lens

The fact that between USD 500 and 800 billion are drained each year from developing countries to the global North through illicit financial flows (IFFs) points to a profound global governance crisis and systemic inequality. It is also a question of gender justice.

Make watered-down SDGs work

There is cause for celebrating commitments made for women and girls by UN heads of state in adopting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as a sense of relief as it became evident that prolonging the negotiating process would only result in a watered-down text. But this feeling is bittersweet.

Sustainable Development Goals: What’s next from a feminist perspective?

The 2030 sustainable development agenda, formally adopted in September 2015, was the result of three-year process throughout which women’s rights activists and organizations mobilized to put gender equality and women’s human rights at the center.

Strengthening Grassroots Organizations and Feminist Solidarity: Back on the European Caravan

Launched last March in Turkish Kurdistan, the World March of Women Feminist Caravan across Europe will end on 17 October in Portugal, on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty and the official closing of the 4th international action of the World March of Women. AWID spoke with activist Clara Carbunar to learn more.