The women behind El Salvador’s historic environmental victory

This article is dedicated to all Salvadoran women who have actively resisted and defended their territories, to all those who continue to resist, and to those who have passed on as a result of their resistance.

Nations pledge to cut women's unpaid work and close the gender pay gap

in partnership with The Guardian

Agreement made at UN’s Commission on the Status of Women overcomes efforts by US and Russia to weaken text on violence, and sexual and reproductive rights.

Finding magic movement moments in times of crisis

Indigenous activist Judith LeBlanc calls it the Standing Rock moment and describes it as a historic, “magic movement moment in Indian country.”

Women's Rights Caucus: Conclusion of CSW61

Feminist activists have seen their hard work pay off as the CSW61 adopted a set of Agreed Conclusions that made significant commitments to advance women’s rights and economic empowerment in the changing world of work.

Building Alliances to End Gender-Based Violence at Work

Gender-based violence (GBV) is one of the most prevalent human rights violations in the world—and yet not enough is done to prevent it, especially at the workplace.

We will only achieve women’s economic empowerment if corporate power is curbed

For women to enjoy their full human rights, the social, legal and political frameworks must be in place for women’s economic empowerment to make a significant difference in women’s lives.

Webinar summary: Corporate power and women's economic justice

Women’s economic justice is not just about integrating women in to a given economic model – it is also about improving women’s control over economic r esources, access to decent work and control over their own time; pursuing climate justice, limiting corporate power and resisting austerity ; and promoting self - determination and autonomy for women in economic decision - making at all levels, from t he household to national parliaments to international institutions.

Letter to the Members of the UN Commission on the Status of Women

Dear Members of the UN Commission on the Status of Women,

We the undersigned organizations write to express our deep concerns about the latest restrictions on civil society participation at the 2017 UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) meetings. This year's CSW is taking place under the shadow of the United States’ escalated anti-immigrant, anti-refugee, and anti-Muslim policies, which are preventing some women from exercising their right to political participation at UN Headquarters in New York.

Decolonizing Feminism: A Brazilian perspective

For the first time ever this fall, the AWID international Forum occurred in Brazil, and put a spotlight on Brazilian feminist movements and perspectives.

Building a fossil fuel-free feminist future: An Indigenous perspective

Climate change has become an enormous threat to humanity.

It is very apparent that women are more vulnerable to climate impacts because they make up the majority of those who are involved in subsistence farming and care work.