Amplifying Francophone voices

In 2008, for the 11th Forum in Cape Town, Genre en Action (Gender in Action) launched a mobilization  in  partnership  with AWID, which  increased  francophone  participation.  The project was recreated in 2012 for the 12th Forum in Istanbul, by way of the Francophone Village. For the 13th Forum in Brazil in 2016, we are determined to pursue these efforts. But what have we learned since Cape Town?

There can never be political change without cultural change

As part of AWID's ongoing commitment to building creative cross-movement work, we are exploring multiple ways of working with and learning from artists and cultural makers from diverse social movements as a means of building solidarity, stimulating creative connections, and facilitating mutual learning.

Imagining Feminist Futures Through Artivism

In just over a month nearly two thousand individuals from diverse cultural and political spheres and social movements will gather together in Bahia, Brazil for the upcoming AWID Forum.

Feminist Standpoints on the Global Gag Rule

In the wake of the ‘Global Gag Rule’ (GGR)’s reinstatement, we asked women’s rights and feminist organisations around the world what this means for their work with women and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), and how the news of the GGR and the Dutch fund will affect women in their regions.

Movements Matter. Period.

By Cindy Clark

"Whilst working to resist oppressions, we also need to radically confront challenges within our own movements. The Women’s March on Washington, and the hundreds of sister marches that took place across the globe are a timely reminder of that call to action."

Human Rights, Not Pathologization

By Laura Contrera

Being fat is part of the great diversity of humans, yet from a hegemonic medical perspective all kinds of fat are considered a medical risk, limiting the issue to a simple arithmetic calculation of unhealthy consumption and lack of exercise.

Finding Healing Within Intergenerational Feminism

"I tell the girl how thoughtful it is of her to reach out. And then I ask her why she is so tired. She explains she has splinters in her palms from the umbrella she has been carrying all evening; and all the grown ups are still making her carry all the bags." By Fungai Machirori

Cross-Movement Building Dialogue: A JASS Perspective from Southern Africa

By Fungai Machirori

"Their violet T-shirts match the jacarandas – in full spring bloom – as the protesters make their way through downtown Johannesburg in remembrance of Fezekile ‘Khwezi’ Ntsukela Kuzwayo who bravely brought forward a charge of rape against Jacob Zuma in 2005, and died towards the end of last year aged 41."

What Do Our Movements Believe In?

Bringing 1500+ activists and organizers from myriad movements to the 13th AWID International Forum brings up the inevitable family gathering question: Who is everybody and how are we all related?

A convergence of feminist and justice movements

On 8-11 September in Bahia, Brazil, 1500+ feminists, women’s rights and social justice activists from a broad diversity of movements and sectors will convene for a global gathering at the 13th AWID International Forum.