Queer visual activism in South Africa

Sandisiwe comes from a lineage of Black queer South African artists, who have documented the joy, pain, and beauty of their communities. In a national context where they face femicides and the targeted rape of lesbians, self-exploration is tantamount to resistance. Here, Sandisiwe describes her foray into visual activism, her aspirations, and ongoing book project.

HRC 35 | Recognizing the critical role of WHRDs to support and implement the Sustainable Development Goals

Women Human Rights Defenders are at the forefront of rights struggles. WHRDs are targeted because of our work, including for what we do, the fact that we do it, and the identities we carry.

Planting dreams, interview with Lydia Alpizar

To understand FRIDA’s achievements in the context of the larger movement and history of feminist organizing, the team reached out to Lydia Alpizar to share her personal reflections on why it is important to document these beginnings, what it contributes to our knowledge of movements, and what were some of the lessons learned. Lydia was the Executive Director at the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) who helped kickstart the beginnings of FRIDA.

Strong concerns on 'Protection of the family' resolution at HRC 35

AWID and partners express our strong concerns about the draft resolution on the protection of the family. We are concerned that the resolution attempts to instrumentalize older persons and their rights.

Organizing for our rights: A domestic worker in the Middle East speaks

At a time when the experiences and demands of domestic workers are often narrated by others, Beirut-based, Filipina domestic worker Ursula Cruz tells her own story.

Why feminists should engage in the HRC

AWID works with partners to share key knowledge, convene civil society dialogues and events, and influence negotiations and outcomes of the 35th session of the Human Rights Council. We met with Meghan Doherty, Cynthia Rothschild and Alejandra Sardá-Chandiramani, who are involved in this process. They reflect on their perspective.

Movement Sparks: State of Our Feminist Movements

The State of Our Feminist Movements animation is the first of “Movement Sparks”, a series of animations exploring key topics facing our movements for justice and liberation today; and the need for integrated and coherent approaches that cut across diverse locations, agendas, and strategies.

A recap of progressive language on religion, culture, and tradition from HRC34

As we look ahead to the 35th session of the Human Rights Council we share a refresher on key progressive language relating to religion, culture, and tradition that came out of the last session (27 February - 24 March 2017).

"This is a war": Inside the global "pro-family" movement against abortion and LGBT rights

At a recent summit in Budapest, anti-abortion celebrities and anti-gay rights activists gathered with their political allies waging a ‘spiritual war’ for the ‘traditional family.’

The World Congress of Families: A prime example of today’s anti-rights lobby

On Thursday 25 May 2017, ultra-conservative activists and policy-makers will come together for the World Congress of Families (WCF) under the title “Building Family-Friendly Nations: Making Families Great Again”.  A new report released this week, documents the rise in numbers, increased coordination, and increasingly strategic approaches of anti-rights actors operating in international spaces, and the significant impact they have made so far.