The State of Our Feminist Movements - AWID Forum Plenary 1

Feminist movements, like all social movements, are constantly evolving and shifting. The 13th AWID international Forum, which happens every three to four years and gathered the largest association of feminist organizations as well as non-member movements and collectives, was an opportunity to once again re-examine a living, breathing political, cultural and social phenomenon that has significantly evolved in a rapidly changing world.

Journey to Feminist Justice

After the last AWID Forum in 2012 and the four years of action, activism, and anticipation that followed, we are back together to forge our feminist futures. Here are some of the memorable moments that bring magic to this journey and meaning to our movements.

Three things I learned at the13th AWID Forum

The AWID Forum was a time for celebration, reflection and creativity. That’s what you get when some 1800 feminists get together. But amidst the energy, the inspiration and the sleep deprivation, a serious process also took place.

Our Lived Realities: A young Gambian feminist reflects on solidarity, feminism and claiming our rights

From the moment we (#YAFDialogues) started structuring our session “Our Lived Realities: Voice of Young African Feminists”, my excitement for both the 13th AWID International Forum and the Black Feminisms Forum (BFF) started to grow. It kept growing taller with the funding I received from the AWID Access Fund, and it grew even bigger on the day I landed in Bahia, Brazil at Costa do Sauípe!

A First-Timer through the Forum Looking Glass

Reflections on the 13th International AWID Forum and its intersections with shrinking Spaces for Feminists, Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) and Solidarity.

A Feminist Future means Solidarity with Workers

Four activists drew out the connections between capitalist exploitation, corporate accountability and labour movement activism at the 13th AWID International Forum in Bahia, Brazil.

From cultural change strategies to building communities of collective care

Plenary two of the 13th International AWID Forum.

HRC35: Keeping feminist demands on the table at the Human Rights Council

AWID took to Geneva this June to participate in the 35th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC).   The HRC is the key intergovernmental body within the United Nations system responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe.

"They are not forgotten", a poem to WHRDs who are no longer with us

A short poem to remember an honour WHRDs and activists who are no longer with us.

A feminist and a transnational corporation walk into the United Nations...

With the global surge to the right and the attacks on civic space, many hope that powerful corporations can be allies for the civil society. Among them, the panelists of  “The Business Case for Civic Space”, a public event organized by CIVICUS, on 14 June 2017, in the headquarters of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. The panelists included high level UN leadership and a Microsoft representative.