Afro-feminism in France: The Struggle for Self-Emancipation

As part of the “Undoing the Empire” teach-in, AWID met with Annette Davis, Sharone Omankoy and Fania Noël, all three members of Collectif Afroféministe MWASI (MWASI Afrofeminist Collective), to learn more about the French collective's activism in a context characterized by racism and misogyny and other forms of discrimination.

After Years of Activism CAL Attains Observer Status at ACHPR

On Saturday, 25th April 2015, the Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL) was granted Observer Status at the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACPHR). AWID interviewed Fikile Vilakazi, founding Executive Director of CAL, and Fadzai Muparusta, Regional Advocacy Officer for CAL to hear more about the decision to seek observer status at the ACHPR and the movement building that led to the final success.

Women Still Lag Behind in Media in the Democratic Republic of Congo

FRIDAY FILE – To commemorate World Radio Day on February 13 AWID spoke with Anna Mayimona Ngemba, Director of Union Congolaise des Femmes des Médias [1] (Congolese Union of Women in Media - UCOFEM) to learn more about how radio, and media in general, is used do advance or hinder women’s human rights in Democratic Republic of Congo. 

Adebisi’s Feminism: Shaped by the past, sustained by the present


“Our Rights, Our Voices Count” says LEGAL Liberia for LGBTQI Rights


What happens when an African Feminist dies?

Massan d’Almeida, a feminist organizer from Togo and the founding and outgoing Executive Director of ROFAF (AWID institutional member) tells stories about unpaid labour, dwindling resources, what happens when an African women human rights defender dies alone, and why it is important to dare and tell these stories.

Finding my voice and my identity as a Sierra Leonean feminist

As part of AWID member profile stories, Ngozi Cole tells about her journey and how she found her identity as a feminist.

Blossoming in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Founded in 2008, La Floraison’s mission is to mobilize, convene and support young women human rights activists in Fizi territory, Democratic Republic of Congo, to advance their social, cultural and economic wellbeing

Relevant and Urgent: African Women Unite Against Destructive Resource Extraction

WoMin, an African gender and extractives alliance, focuses on exposing the negative impacts mining has on women and works to provide eco-feminist and post-extractivist development alternatives. 

Land: A Common Good for Economic Development

In Tanzania, Women's Action Towards Economic Development (WATED) has been working closely with women in rural settings, as well as with the local government on issues concerning land rights and economic justice.