Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Women Human Rights Defenders

WHRDs are self-identified women and lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LBTQI) people and others who defend rights and are subject to gender-specific risks and threats due to their human rights work and/or as a direct consequence of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

WHRDs are subject to systematic violence and discrimination due to their identities and unyielding struggles for rights, equality and justice.

The WHRD Program collaborates with international and regional partners as well as the AWID membership to raise awareness about these risks and threats, advocate for feminist and holistic measures of protection and safety, and actively promote a culture of self-care and collective well being in our movements.

Risks and threats targeting WHRDs  

WHRDs are exposed to the same types of risks that all other defenders who defend human rights, communities, and the environment face. However, they are also exposed to gender-based violence and gender-specific risks because they challenge existing gender norms within their communities and societies.

By defending rights, WHRDs are at risk of:

  • Physical assault and death
  • Intimidation and harassment, including in online spaces
  • Judicial harassment and criminalization
  • Burnout

A collaborative, holistic approach to safety

We work collaboratively with international and regional networks and our membership

  • to raise awareness about human rights abuses and violations against WHRDs and the systemic violence and discrimination they experience
  • to strengthen protection mechanisms and ensure more effective and timely responses to WHRDs at risk

We work to promote a holistic approach to protection which includes:

  • emphasizing the importance of self-care and collective well being, and recognizing that what care and wellbeing mean may differ across cultures
  • documenting the violations targeting WHRDs using a feminist intersectional perspective;
  • promoting the social recognition and celebration of the work and resilience of WHRDs ; and
  • building civic spaces that are conducive to dismantling structural inequalities without restrictions or obstacles

Our Actions

We aim to contribute to a safer world for WHRDs, their families and communities. We believe that action for rights and justice should not put WHRDs at risk; it should be appreciated and celebrated.

  • Promoting collaboration and coordination among human rights and women’s rights organizations at the international level to  strengthen  responses concerning safety and wellbeing of WHRDs.

  • Supporting regional networks of WHRDs and their organizations, such as the Mesoamerican Initiative for WHRDs and the WHRD Middle East and North Africa  Coalition, in promoting and strengthening collective action for protection - emphasizing the establishment of solidarity and protection networks, the promotion of self-care, and advocacy and mobilization for the safety of WHRDs;

  • Increasing the visibility and recognition of  WHRDs and their struggles, as well as the risks that they encounter by documenting the attacks that they face, and researching, producing, and disseminating information on their struggles, strategies, and challenges:

  • Mobilizing urgent responses of international solidarity for WHRDs at risk through our international and regional networks, and our active membership.

Related Content

Snippet FEA EoS The Bold (FR)

Yellow and pink cog wheels

Production et entrepreneuriat

Notre groupe, organisation et/ou mouvement n’a pas accepté ou demandé de fonds de financeurs extérieurs, pouvons-nous quand même participer à l’enquête?

Oui, tout à fait! Nous reconnaissons et comprenons les différentes raisons pour lesquelles les féministes de tous contextes ne recourent pas au financement extérieur, pouvant aller de ne pas être éligibles à demander des subventions et/ou recevoir de l’argent de l’étranger, à compter sur des ressources générées de manière autonome (ressource en anglais) en tant que stratégie politique à part entière. Nous vous invitons à participer, peu importe votre expérience du financement extérieur.

Defensoras que demostraron su valentía en los medios

Estas 20 Defensoras de derechos humanos (WHRDs, por las siglas en inglés) trabajaron como periodistas, y de manera más amplia, en los medios comunicación de México, Colombia, Fiji, Libia, Nepal, Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, Nicaragua, Filipinas, Rusia, Alemania, Francia, Afganistán, y el Reino Unido. De ellas, 16 han sido asesinadas, y la causa de muerte en uno de los casos sigue sin ser esclarecida. Por esto, en este Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa, por favor únete a nosotrxs para conmemorar la vida y el trabajo de estas mujeres, compartiendo las memes aquí incluidas con tus colegas, amistades y redes, utilizando los hashtags #LibertadDePrensa y #WHRDs.

Los aportes del trabajo realizado por estas mujeres fueron celebrados y honrados en nuestro Tributo virtual para defensoras que ya no están con nosotrxs.

Por favor, haz click en cada imagen de abajo para ver una versión más grande y para descargar como un archivo. 



Snippet FEA Nous Sommes la Solution (FR)

The logo of We Are The Solution with green silhouettes of four rural woment

Nous Sommes la Solution est un mouvement de femmes rurales pour la souveraineté alimentaire en Afrique de l'Ouest. Fondée à l'origine comme une campagne contre l'agriculture hyper-industrialisée, Nous Sommes la Solution est devenue un mouvement de plus de 500 associations de femmes rurales du Burkina Faso, du Sénégal, du Ghana, de la Gambie, de la Guinée Bissau, du Mali et de la Guinée.

Ensemble, ce mouvement dirigé par des femmes construit et renforce la souveraineté alimentaire et semencière en Afrique de l'Ouest. Elles nourrissent les communautés, renforcent les économies locales, amplifient les connaissances des agricultrices et atténuent les effets dévastateurs du changement climatique grâce aux pratiques de l'agroécologie. Elles organisent également des ateliers, des forums et des émissions de radio communautaires pour partager leurs messages, leurs connaissances traditionnelles et leurs pratiques agroécologiques dans les communautés rurales.

En collaboration avec des universités et des centres de recherche publics, Nous Sommes la Solution travaille à la restauration des variétés indigènes traditionnelles de riz (un aliment de base en Afrique de l'Ouest) et à la promotion d'économies alimentaires locales basées sur des principes agroécologiques pour influencer l'élaboration des politiques nationales, tout en soutenant les femmes dans la création d'associations agricoles et leur accès à la propriété et à la gestion collectives des terres agricoles.

My language is not one of the official survey languages and I am struggling to complete it, what can I do?

AWID is committed to language justice and we regret that, at this point, having the WITM survey available in more languages is not feasible. However, if you need support with translations or want to fill the survey in any other language, please reach out to us at witm@awid.org.

Les défenseuses mexicaines

Les données que nous avons recueillies pour élaborer notre hommage montrent à quel point le Mexique est un pays dangereux pour les défenseuses. Sur les 12 femmes mexicaines défenseuses des droits humains que nous commémorons cette année, 11 ont été assassinées. Elles étaient des journalistes ou des activistes, des défenseuses des droits des femmes ou de ceux des personnes trans*. Nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous pour rendre hommage à ces défenseuses, à leur travail et à l’héritage qu’elles nous ont laissé. Faites circuler ces mèmes auprès de vos collègues et amis ainsi que dans vos réseaux et twittez en utilisant les hashtags #WHRDTribute et #16Jours.


S'il vous plaît cliquez sur chaque image ci-dessous pour voir une version plus grande et pour télécharger comme un fichier 



Snippet FEA Objectives NSS - Traditional Knowledge (EN)


Brown hands with yellow seeds in the palms
To use and promote traditional knowledge and practices transmitted from generation to generation, which supports food sovereignty and the preservation of peasant seed.

Nuestra agrupación no ha recibido financiamiento externo entre 2021 y 2023, ¿a pesar de ello, deberíamos responder la encuesta?

Sí, aún así deseamos saber de ustedes aunque no hayan recibido financiamiento en los tres, dos o cualquiera de los años comprendidos entre 2021 y 2023.

AWID Forum Social Media Kit

Help spread word about the 2016 AWID Forum!

This kit includes sample messages fit for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, plus images that can be used to accompany these messages.

Using this kit is simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. Choose your favourite messages:

  2. Download your favourite images:

  3. Match up your favourite messages and images any way you like.

  4. Share them on your personal and/or professional social media accounts.

And that’s it – now you can get started! 


Match up your favourite tweets below with these images for Twitter

Tweets for your personal handle

I'm going to the #AWIDForum. It's THE place to connect with women's rights & social justice movements. Join me!: http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Can't wait to re-imagine #FeministFutures connect with other women's rights & social justice activists @ the #AWIDForum Join me!: http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

I’m so excited to attend the #AWIDForum next September, and now we can register! Join me! http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Tweets for your institutional handle

Registration is now open for the #AWIDForum! Costa do Sauípe, Brazil, 8-11 Sept. 2016: http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Join #AWIDForum, a historic global gathering of women's rights & social justice activists: http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Join #AWIDForum to celebrate the gains of our movements & analyze lessons to move forward: http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

#AWIDForum – not just an event, a chance to disrupt oppression & advance justice: http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Join the #AWIDForum to celebrate, strategize and renew ourselves and our movements: http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Feminist Futures

Let's build #FeministFutures together. Register for 2016 #AWIDForum. Costa do Sauípe, Brazil http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Join us to re-imagine & co-create #FeministFutures at the 2016 #AWIDForum. Register: http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

#FeministFutures: seize the moment @ #AWIDForum to advance shared visions for a just world: http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

We’ll be 2,000 social movement activists @ the #AWIDForum, strategizing our #FeministFutures http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Cross-movement building

We’re more than a one-issue struggle. Join us at the #AWIDForum: http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Join #AWIDForum, a space to strategize across movements & leverage our collective power: http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Mobilize solidarity & collective power across social movements at the #AWIDForum: http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Break the silos b/w our movements. Re-imagine & co-create our futures. All at the #AWIDForum: http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Solidarity is a verb. Let’s put it into action at the #AWIDForum: http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Special messages

Donors engaging with women’s rights and social movements at the #AWIDForum: http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Media and movements: amplifying #FeministFutures at the #AWIDForum: http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

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Match up your favourite messages below with these images for Facebook.
These messages may also be used on Twitter via private Direct Messages, which don’t have character limits. 

Facebook messages for your personal profile

The wait is over! We can all register for the 2016 AWID Forum. So excited to reconnect with fellow activists and re-imagine our feminist futures. See you there, in Brazil! http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

I’m so excited to attend the AWID Forum next September, and now we can register! Join me! http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Loving the thought of re-imagining feminist futures with 2,000 people from lots of amazing women's rights and social justice movements at the AWID Forum. Register and meet me in Brazil! http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Facebook messages for your organization’s page

Registration is now open for the 2016 AWID Forum in Costa do Sauípe, Brazil! This is not just any event - it’s a key space for women’s rights and social justice activists to come together and re-imagine our feminist futures. You won’t want to miss it! http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

Join us at the 2016 AWID Forum in Brazil! Activists and movements from all over the world will come together to celebrate, strategize, inspire and renew ourselves and our collective struggles. Register now! http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

The 2016 AWID Forum will be a historic global gathering of women’s rights and social justice activists and movements. Join us there to break the silos, strengthen solidarity and leverage our collective power. Register now! http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

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The 2016 AWID Forum will be a historic global gathering of women’s rights and social justice activists and movements. Join us to celebrate, strategize, inspire and renew ourselves and leverage our collective power. Registration is now open! http://forum.awid.org/forum16/

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Snippet FEA NSS Quote (ES)

“Los saberes y prácticas indígenas siempre han apoyado la soberanía alimentaria, y ese saber está en manos de las mujeres […] El ecofeminismo para mí es el respeto por todo lo que tenemos a nuestro alrededor” -

Mariama Sonko

Vous demandez le nom du groupe, de l’organisation et/ou du mouvement qui répond aux questions de l’enquête, et ses coordonnées – pour quelle raison?

Nous demandons ces données pour faciliter l’examen des réponses, éviter les doublons et pouvoir vous contacter si votre groupe n’a pas pu terminer le questionnaire et/ou vous répondre si vous avez des doutes ou des questions. Des informations sur la manière dont nous utilisons les informations personnelles collectées lors de notre travail sont disponibles ici.

Pourquoi et comment renouveler votre adhésion de l'AWID

Rencontrez d'autres membres

Nos membres individuel-le-s et institutionnels viennent de 163 pays situés dans TOUTES les régions du monde. Les dernier-ère-s membres à avoir rejoint notre association viennent de l’Inde, du Royaume-Uni, du Sri Lanka et du Kirghizistan. Nos membres contribuent un éventail riche et diversifié de perspectives, d’expériences, de connaissances, d’énergie et d’inspiration !

Connaissez-vous nos profils hebdomadaires de membres ?

En tant que membre de l’AWID, vous pourrez, entre autres avantages, voir votre propre histoire figurer dans la newsletter que nous envoyons à 35,000 abonné-e-s et que nous diffusons par le biais des médias sociaux auprès de 60,000 personnes.

Récemment en vedette :

Rencontrez Angila Ashitua, une jeune femme du comté de Vihiga, situé dans l’ouest du Kenya.

Rencontrez d'autres membres

Connectez, Inspirez, Mobilisez !

Comment ?

Et bien plus encore !

Vous pouvez renouveler votre adhésion pour une période d’1, 2 ou 3 ans. Nous offrons la possibilité d’une adhésion individuelle ou institutionnelle gratuite à ceux et celles dont les revenus ou budgets sont restreints.

Renouvelez votre adhésion dès aujourd’hui !

Si vous rencontrez des difficultés lors de votre identification en ligne et avez besoin d’aide, n’hésitez pas à me contacter à l’adresse suivante : membership@awid.org


Les témoignages de nos membre

« Nous trouvons que l’AWID est un réseau particulièrement stimulant et nous nous impliquons dans beaucoup de ses plateformes. » – Engabu Za Tooro (membre institutionnel de l’AWID)

« Je me réjouis d’entamer une collaboration fructueuse avec l’équipe. J’en suis très heureuse. Merci de m’avoir acceptée parmi vos membres. » – R. Chakraborty (membre individuelle de l’AWID)

« Je tiens à remercier infiniment l’AWID ! Vous accomplissez un travail gigantesque. Vos efforts sont grandement appréciés. » – E. Khan (membre individuelle de l’AWID)

Snippet FEA This is the story of the Nadia Echazú (FR)

Un lieu de travail n'a pas à fonctionner sur la base de la concurrence et du profit. Un lieu de travail ne devrait pas exploiter les gens au profit d’autrui. C’est pourquoi les communautés marginalisées en dehors des économies formelles construisent des modèles coopératifs alternatifs basés sur l'autonomie, la coopération, la coresponsabilité, l'autogestion et la solidarité.

Les lieux de travail et coopératives autogérés par les travailleur·euses ont toujours offert d'autres moyens de générer des opportunités d'emploi, des revenus, une sécurité sociale et des épargnes, tout en distribuant les revenus de manière plus communautaire, durable et sûre.

Mais le coopérativisme c'est bien plus qu'une opportunité d'emploi: c'est la réalisation des rêves et la construction d’économies féministes basées sur la solidarité et l'entraide. C'est la création d’un monde où nos vies, notre travail et nos communautés comptent.

Voici l'histoire de la Coopérative Textile Nadia Echazú, la première coopérative créée et dirigée par et pour les personnes travesti et trans en Argentine.

When will survey results be available?

We will analyze the survey responses, derive insights and trends, and present the results during the 15th AWID International Forum in Bangkok, and online, in December 2024. Register to attend the Forum here!

8. Finalize and format

Your comprehensive research product is now all organized and edited. You now want to ensure your findings are visually accessible and appealing to facilitate the dissemination.

In this section

Package your long report for public dissemination

Consider developing smaller products along with your long report.

As mentioned in the “Synthesize your research findings,” AWID often pulls smaller products from the lengthy research report. This allows for wider and easier distribution specialized for key audiences.

Always keep your targeted population in mind: who will read your report?

Examples of smaller products distilled from a larger report:

  • Infographics
  • Online gallery
  • An animation presenting your arguments

1. Think as your audience thinks

People are bombarded with information constantly. Your product will have to be visually compelling to maintain the interest of your audience. Again, having an idea of what you hope to accomplish and who you hope to reach, will allow the designer to create targeted products.

A lengthy written PDF report may seem the only way to present your research, but it could appear overwhelming to most people – especially online.

If you want to share your product with an online community, think about creating memes and infographics to use on social media, blogs and web platforms.

When deciding whether to create smaller products, consider dividing your results into several smaller products that you could share with targeted populations or at different times of the year to reactivate the interest on your product.

2. Work with a professional designer

If you have limited time and a little bit of budget, we recommend hiring a design firm.

It can be tempting for economic reasons to use in-house staff to package your report. However, a professional graphic designer can make a huge difference on how your final product looks and thus on how much impact it will have!

The designer (in-house or hired) must be able to:

  • Show you samples of their previous work that is similar to what you seek.

  • Provide you clear advice on how to present your research based on the content you provide and the audience you are targeting.

  • Suggest additional or different pieces to package your product.

What the designer will need from you:

  • A general idea on what you would like the lengthy report to highlight through visuals and graphics (what are the most important pieces of information, the key findings, for example) and some ideas on the types of smaller products you want to create (brochure, an infographic, a series of viral memes, for example). If possible, show the designer examples of similar documents developed by other organizations.
  • Your budget and time frame.
  • Your organization’s visual guidelines if you have any (logo, official colours, fonts, etc...).
  • A few photos copyright free or access to your photo bank if you have one.
  • Key visuals that need to be included – graphs, tables and other visual graphics drawn from your research.

The designer is a graphic expert. S/he is not necessarily familiar with women’s issues and does not know the results of your research, especially if you hire an external firm.

Communicate what elements of this report is important to you and who is your target. The designer will propose a way to highlight these elements and make the whole piece appealing to your users.

3. Make sure it's consistent

While creating a set of smaller information products, do not forget to link them all together:

  • A shorter version of the report that focuses only on your final results and recommendations should present a link to the final, full report
  • A visually compelling infographic that sends a message on the state of funding for your particular research can link to your website and the related section of the full report. It should be associated with a call to share on social media.
  • A short animation video that uses the data, findings and recommendations from your report should link back to your organization website and social media
  • A series of viral memes that can be distributed online should link back to your report, infographic, shorter report, etc.

It is also important to keep the research staff involved, so they can ensure any offshoot products stay true to the actual findings of the research.

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Control the quality of the translations

After the design and packaging of the final research report is complete, if any of the wording of content was changed, be sure to re-send to translators.

If you create smaller products, once designed and packaged, you will also need to get the copy translated for those pieces. The translations should be clear enough so the designer can apply to the design, even if she/he does not speak the language.

Once translated, make sure to have your design proofread by a native speaker before sharing it!

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Previous step

7. Synthesize your research findings

Next step

9. Advocate and tell the world

Estimated time:

• 2-3 months

People needed:

• 1 or more research person(s)
• 1 or more editor
• Design staff or hiring design firm
• Translator(s), if necessary

Resources needed:

• List of online spaces for dissemination

Previous step

7. Synthesize your research findings

Next step

9. Advocate and tell the world

Ready to Go? Worksheet

Download the toolkit in PDF