Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Memory as Resistance: A Tribute to WHRDs no longer with us

AWID’s Tribute is an art exhibition honouring feminists, women’s rights and social justice activists from around the world who are no longer with us. 

In 2020, we are taking a turn

This year’s tribute tells stories and shares narratives about those who co-created feminist realities, have offered visions of alternatives to systems and actors that oppress us, and have proposed new ways of organising, mobilising, fighting, working, living, and learning.

49 new portraits of feminists and Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) are added to the gallery. While many of those we honour have passed away due to old age or illness, too many have been killed as a result of their work and who they are.

This increasing violence (by states, corporations, organized crime, unknown gunmen...) is not only aimed at individual activists but at our joint work and feminist realities.

The stories of activists we honour keep their legacy alive and carry their inspiration forward into our movements’ future work.

Visit the online exhibit

The portraits of the 2020 edition are designed by award winning illustrator and animator, Louisa Bertman

AWID would like to thank the families and organizations who shared their personal stories and contributed to this memorial. We join them in continuing the remarkable work of these activists and WHRDs and forging efforts to ensure justice is achieved in cases that remain in impunity.

“They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds.” - Mexican Proverb 

The Tribute was first launched in 2012

It took shape with a physical exhibit of portraits and biographies of feminists and activists who passed away at AWID’s 12th International Forum, in Turkey. It now lives as an online gallery, updated every year.

To date, 467 feminists and WHRDs are featured.

Visit the online exhibit

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My group or I were supposed to participate in the Forum that was canceled in the pandemic, how can I be engaged in this Forum?

We will reconnect with past partners, to ensure past efforts are honored. If your contact information has changed since the last Forum process, please update us so that we may reach you.

Editor's Note | Lost For Words

Editor's Note

Lost For Words

When our embodied labor becomes profit in the hands of the systems we seek to dismantle, it is no wonder that our sexualities and pleasures are once again relegated to the sidelines – especially when they are not profitable enough. In many instances during the production of this issue, we asked ourselves what would happen if we refused to accommodate the essential services of capitalism. 

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Snippet Kohl - Plenary | She is on her way: Alternatives, feminisms and another world

Plenary | She is on her way: Alternatives, feminisms and another world

with Dr. Vandana Shiva, Dr. Dilar Dirik, and Nana Akosua Hanson.


Appel aux artistes et activistes créatifs·ves pour se rassembler dans une nouvelle communauté Slack !

Nos pensées vont actuellement aux nombreuses personnes à travers le monde qui sont les plus affectées par les conséquences de la pandémie mondiale de la COVID-19, et notamment aux communautés marginalisées, historiquement opprimées. 

Nous invitons ici les artistes et les activistes qui font preuve de créativité à rejoindre un espace virtuel pour se connecter, créer une communauté et se soutenir les un·e·s les autres durant ces moments difficiles. Ainsi, nous avons créé une nouvelle communauté Slack qui nous permettra de partager en toute sécurité des réflexions, des apprentissages, des astuces de la vie de tous les jours, des ressources, des conseils, des craintes et des angoisses, des élans d’espoir et de bonheur, et de discuter plus généralement de nos activités.   

Rejoignez-nous sur Slack

Après avoir rempli le formulaire, nous vous enverrons votre invitation personnelle pour rejoindre la communauté.

À propos de cette communauté :

Pour les personnes qui ne connaissent pas Slack, nous aurons des sessions et des tutoriels d’introduction une fois que vous êtes inscrit·e·s.

Nous travaillons en trois langues (français, anglais, espagnol), et nous vous encourageons donc à écrire dans la langue dans laquelle vous sentez le plus à l’aise et à utiliser des outils de traduction en ligne (Google Traduction ou autres) pour participer aux discussions.   

Cocréer des espaces accueillants et sécurisés:

Merci de lire les règles de la communauté

La cocréation de nos réalités féministes commence par nous-mêmes, et nos façons de nous traiter les un·e·s les autres. Nous nous efforçons de créer et de protéger des espaces qui sécurisent et soutiennent nos communautés, à la fois en ligne et en personne. Nous envisageons aussi les espaces sécurisés et accueillants, tout comme cocréés, et dont la possession est partagée. Nous attendons de nos membres d’agir de façon éthique, responsable et cohérente vis-à-vis des valeurs de l’AWID, et d’assumer une responsabilité collective pour garantir un environnement de respect mutuel et de solidarité.    

Sujet hebdomadaire :

Dans le cadre de nos échanges continus, nous partagerons un sujet hebdomadaire dans Slack dans le but de faciliter le dialogue et d’inspirer des processus de création artistique. Il pourra s’agir d’un processus introspectif, mais pour tirer le maximum de cette communauté, nous vous encourageons à interagir avec d’autres membres de la communauté, et de partager vos réflexions dans le cadre de discussions. L’objectif est d’inviter les gens à répondre librement et progressivement en écrivant ou en réalisant de l’art, de la manière qui leur convient le mieux.   

Nous espérons tenir avec vous des échanges pertinents et vivants, et nous vous invitons donc à partager vos suggestions et vos commentaires. De manière générale, les thèmes se concentreront sur les expériences et les perspectives d’artistes, d’écrivain·e·s et de créateurs·rices -- lesquellesfourniront un espace aux gens pour concevoir à travers et au-delà du contexte mondial actuel via le prisme des réalités féministes.   

Rejoignez-nous sur Slack


CFA 2023 - Online and Hybrid - EN


Online & Hybrid

As an online participant, you can facilitate activities, connect and converse with others, and experience first-hand the creativity, art and celebration of the AWID Forum. Participants connecting online will enjoy a rich and diverse program, from workshops and discussions to healing activities and musical performances. Some activities will focus on connection among online participants, and others will be truly hybrid, focusing on connection and interaction among online participants and those in Bangkok.

Snippet Kohl - Intro

Corporalidades Transnacionales

Desde siempre el feminismo sostiene que lo personal es político. El Festival Crear, Resister, Transform generó espacios en los que el feminismo pudo discutir las cuestiones relativas al cuerpo, el género y las sexualidades, y analizar las interconexiones de estos asuntos entendidos como experiencias profundas del cuerpo y, a la vez, un terreno en los que los derechos están en constante disputa y riesgo en la sociedad.

El poder de los movimientos feministas radica en el modo de organizarnos y emprender acciones coordinadas, no solo en nuestras propias comunidades y movimientos, sino también con otras causas y grupos aliados por la justicia social. El espacio brindó la oportunidad de que los movimientos compartieran y reforzaran los procesos de organización y las estrategias tácticas de forma mutua.

La pandemia mundial sanitaria del COVID-19 ha puesto de manifiesto como nunca antes el fracaso del capitalismo neoliberal, expuesto las fallas de nuestros sistemas y acentuado la necesidad de construir nuevas realidades y las oportunidades para ello. Una recuperación económica y social feminista exige el trabajo conjunto. Esta edición, en alianza con Kohl: una publicación para la investigación sobre cuerpo y género, analizará soluciones, propuestas y realidades feministas para transformar nuestro mundo actual, nuestros cuerpos y nuestras sexualidades.

Puedes explorar los artículos en línea o
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Yo, Imposible / Being Impossible Watch Party Participation Guide


CFA 2023 - Themes - EN


We welcome applications across the full range of thematic areas and intersections important to feminist and gender justice movements. In the application form, you will be able to mark more than one theme that fits your activity.

  • Free Bodies, Free Spirits: all things bodily autonomy, gender and sexuality, reproductive health and rights, freedom from gender-based violence, freedom to live in safety, pleasure and joy in our diverse bodies, identities and communities, and much, much more.
  • Resisting Anti-Rights: locally and globally, feminists are leading the way in resisting all forms of intersectional oppressions, including fascisms, fundamentalisms, and authoritarian regimes; we have a lot to share and strategize with each other about.
  • Movements and Organizing: let us get to know each other’s movements. From navigation of power (internal and external) to protection strategies in the face of the repression of women and gender-diverse human rights defenders, from alliance-building to creative and successful forms of organizing, let’s learn and be inspired by each other.
  • Economic Justice and Feminist Economies: this theme encompasses all feminist efforts to transform our economies, from challenging dominant extractive models and defending labor rights to embodying and living feminist economic practices and alternatives in everyday life.
  • Funding/Resourcing Activism: securing much-needed funding is a shared challenge for movements across the world; let us together unpack the feminist funding ecosystem, from critical analysis to first-hand experiences and practical ways to fund feminist work.
  • Climate, Environmental Justice, Land and Water: ecological and climate justice has deep roots in many of our movements and communities; from ancient traditions to futuristic visions, from ecology villages to campaigns to end extractivism and health justice, we invite a full scope of activities on all aspects of climate and environmental justice.
  • Militarization, War and Conflict: we aim to spotlight feminist organizing, analysis and experiences often on the frontline of crisis response and helping to sustain life, community and justice in the harshest times of war and protracted conflict.
  • Decolonization: decolonization is central to each and every one of our themes, yet it also stands on its own, as a key feminist agenda of resistance and world-building in many colonial and post-colonial realities.
  • Digital Realities and Feminist Tech: we welcome an opportunity to celebrate the incredible feminist initiatives that transform digital worlds, challenge big tech power structures, and democratize technology as truly by and for the people.
  • Healing Justice: there is an incredible diversity of approaches to collective care and healing justice. Worldwide, healers and movements are reclaiming healing justice as a political principle, a set of practices, a learning journey, a way of life, and much more.
  • Add your theme here!