Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Memory as Resistance: A Tribute to WHRDs no longer with us

AWID’s Tribute is an art exhibition honouring feminists, women’s rights and social justice activists from around the world who are no longer with us. 

In 2020, we are taking a turn

This year’s tribute tells stories and shares narratives about those who co-created feminist realities, have offered visions of alternatives to systems and actors that oppress us, and have proposed new ways of organising, mobilising, fighting, working, living, and learning.

49 new portraits of feminists and Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) are added to the gallery. While many of those we honour have passed away due to old age or illness, too many have been killed as a result of their work and who they are.

This increasing violence (by states, corporations, organized crime, unknown gunmen...) is not only aimed at individual activists but at our joint work and feminist realities.

The stories of activists we honour keep their legacy alive and carry their inspiration forward into our movements’ future work.

Visit the online exhibit

The portraits of the 2020 edition are designed by award winning illustrator and animator, Louisa Bertman

AWID would like to thank the families and organizations who shared their personal stories and contributed to this memorial. We join them in continuing the remarkable work of these activists and WHRDs and forging efforts to ensure justice is achieved in cases that remain in impunity.

“They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds.” - Mexican Proverb 

The Tribute was first launched in 2012

It took shape with a physical exhibit of portraits and biographies of feminists and activists who passed away at AWID’s 12th International Forum, in Turkey. It now lives as an online gallery, updated every year.

To date, 467 feminists and WHRDs are featured.

Visit the online exhibit

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La participación de lxs afiliadxs de AWID en la CSW61

Los Estados miembros al igual que activistas y organizaciones por los derechos de las mujeres se reunirán en la sede central de las Naciones Unidas, en Nueva York, para la sexagésima primera sesión de la Comisión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de las Mujeres del 13 al 24 de marzo para abordar el tema «empoderamiento económico de las mujeres» en el contexto del Objetivo 5 para el Desarrollo Sostenible.

Aunque nos dará mucho gusto reunirnos en persona con aquellxs de ustedes que van a estar en Nueva York, también queremos interactuar con todxs aquellxs que no podrán asistir a la CSW y, en la medida que nos sea posible, amplificar sus voces en los espacios relevantes. 

A continuación encontrarán información sobre las diferentes maneras en que pueden interactuar con AWID en relación con la CSW:

¡Participa en una toma del poder artística!

Nos complace anunciar que Nayani Thiyagarajah —afiliada de AWID— asistirá a la CSW este año y estará a cargo de la cuenta de Instagram de AWID. Nayani estará presente y disponible en Nueva York, para conectarse con otrxs afiliadxs, y posiblemente coordinar una presentación en nuestra cuenta de Instagram; también explorará la posibilidad de incluir a algunxs afiliadxs de AWID en un cortometraje sobre el tema «Lo personal es político», una historia de la participación de Nayani en la CSW de este año.

Nayani Thiyagarajah

¿Quién es Nayani?  

Nayani Thiyagarajah es una realizadora, productora y escritora que se dedica a crear historias para la pantalla grande. Nayani es hija de la diáspora tamil, vive en Toronto y ha trabajado por más de diez años en las artes y la cultura. Su primer largometraje independiente Shadeism: Digging Deeper (2015) tuvo su estreno mundial en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Zanzíbar 2015, donde ganó un premio especial del jurado. Nayani realizó recientemente la película [RE]FRAME en asociación con la productora Camaro West, una compañía de producción con sede en Atlanta y Toronto, que se enfoca en reformular las historias de las personas negras, indígenas y otras personas de color a través de narraciones para la pantalla grande.

Hablando más seriamente, habría que señalar que Nayani se ríe de una manera extraña, es muy torpe, y su cabeza está siempre en las nubes. Nayani se siente extremadamente bendecida de poder crear historias para el cine, de ganarse la vida jugando a inventar historias y por encima de todo, Nayani cree en el amor.

(La misma Nayani nos envío estas líneas para su biografía)

¿Te interesaría conocer a Nayani y tener la posibilidad de ser incluidx en su película?

  • Envíanos un email dirigido a membership@awid.org con la línea de asunto «CSW: toma del poder artística»

  • Antes del 13 de marzo de 2017

  • Incluye tu nombre completo y tu país.

¿No puedes asistir? ¡Hazlo saber!

Si no puedes asistir a la CSW61 debido a una prohibición de viaje, ya sea impuesta por el gobierno de Trump o por tu propio gobierno, por favor comparte tu historia con nosotrxs.

Envíanos mensajes que quieres que sean escuchados en los espacios de las Naciones Unidas en lo que respecta al financiamiento, el impacto del restablecimiento de la Ley Mordaza Global y la necesidad de luchar en contra de todos los tipos de fundamentalismos religiosos. Puedes enviar tus mensajes en los siguientes formatos:

  • Video: Que no dure más de dos minutos y por favor envíalo a través de una carpeta de intercambio de archivos (por ejemplo, dropbox, google drive, etc.)

  • Audio: Que no dure más de dos minutos y por favor envíalo a través de una carpeta de intercambio de archivos (por ejemplo, dropbox, google drive, etc.)

  • Imagen: puedes enviarnos una foto o un cartel con tu mensaje. 

  • Texto: Que no sea más largo de 200 palabras y por favor envíalo a través de un mail o en un documento Word.

Comparte tu mensaje con nosotrxs

  • Envíanos un email dirigido a membership@awid.org con la línea de asunto «CSW: ¡Hazlo saber!»

  • Antes del 15 de marzo de 2017

Reúnete con otrxs afiliadxs en la CSW61

Algunxs afiliadxs de AWID nos han dicho que les parece muy importante poder conectarse con otrxs afiliadxs en la CSW. En un espacio de incidencia tan grande, es útil conectarse con otrxs activistas que trabajan en temas similares, o que provienen del mismo país o región. Al reconocer la importancia de estas conexiones para la construcción de movimientos.

Lxs Afiliadxs de AWID

¿Te gustaría reunirte con otrxs afiliadxs de AWID mientras estás en Nueva York?

  • Envíanos un email dirigido a membership@awid.org con la línea de asunto «CSW: AWID Afiliadxs»

  • NOTE: Por favor envíanos tu nombre completo, país de origen y déjanos saber si te parece bien que compartamos tu dirección de mail con otrxs afiliadxs interesadxs en reunirse en la CSW.

Toma una fotografía

Si asistes a la CSW, nos gustaría ver lo que sucede a través de tus ojos. Puedes capturar un momento que, en tu opinión, hable de la energía en el espacio del evento, ya sea dentro o fuera de la sede. Tenemos pensado publicar algunas de tus «imágenes» en nuestros canales de redes sociales y compartirlas en awid.org. 

Puedes enviarnos fotografías:

  • a color o en blanco y negro

  • un título (si lo deseas) y

  • una leyenda (de 100 palabras como máximo) sobre la historia que cuenta esa imagen.

Incluye además:

  • tu nombre completo

  • país de origen

  • infórmanos si podemos publicar en parte o por completo la información que nos hayas compartido.

Envía tus imágenes

  • Envíanos un email dirigido a membership@awid.org con la línea de asunto «CSW: fotografías»

  • Durante toda la duración de la CSW o poco después de haber concluido, hasta el martes 28 de marzo. 

Stella Mukasa

Stella a commencé sa carrière au ministère du Genre et du Développement communautaire en Ouganda. Elle œuvrait auprès des décideurs-euses politiques, pour encourager des réformes législatives, dont celle de la Constitution ougandaise en 1995 qui a entériné certaines des réformes les plus progressives pour les femmes dans la région.

Elle était adorée dans la région tout entière pour ses incessants efforts pour la création et l’application de lois et politiques sensibles au genre. Elle a joué un rôle clé dans l’ébauche de la loi sur les violences domestiques en Ouganda. Elle a aussi contribué à une mobilisation importante en faveur de Constitutions sensibles au genre à la fois en Ouganda et au Rwanda.

Par son travail au Centre international de recherches sur les femmes (International Center for Research on Women, ICRW), elle a abordé les thématiques de la violence à l’égard des enfants. Stella s’est attachée à renforcer les organisations locales qui luttent contre les violences basées sur le genre. Conférencière en Droits genrés et loi à l’université Makerere, elle a également siégé aux conseils d’administration d’Akina Mama wa Afrika, ActionAid International Uganda et l’Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa.


Stella Mukasa, Uganda

Snippet FEA Workers demonstrations in Georgia 2 (ES)

La imagen muestra una protesta en la que una multitud sostiene una pancarta en georgiano que dice: "8 de marzo para las mujeres trabajadoras".

AWID IN 2015: Building Collective Impact

In 2015 AWID grew and diversified.

We ramped up preparations for the 13th AWID international Forum, focused a lot of energy on the Post 2015 Development Agenda and Financing for Development processes, and continued the core work of our priority areas:

A sneak peak inside the report

The context

  • We continue witnessing the rapid breakdown in democracy and democratic institutions, with spaces for dissent shrinking.
  • Multiple and concurrent systemic crises (energy, food, finance and climate) continue to deepen inequalities and pose major challenges.
  • Corporations are a leading power in determining the development agenda.
  • Violence against WHRDs remains an urgent problem.
  • Religious fundamentalisms are pervasive and increasingly powerful.
  • New forms of online gender-based violence have emerged.

In response, we are moving out of our silos.

Increasingly, women’s rights and other movements worldwide are articulating the systemic and intersectional nature of these and other problems. We are making better connections with the agendas of other social and environmental movements for solidarity, alliance building and collective responses. We are also seeing greater visibility of these movements fighting for justice on the ground.

Our Impact

  • For effective strategizing and advocacy, we need facts
  • To exchange knowledge and join hands in solidarity, we need  a strong online community
  • To build our collective power, we need to work together
  • To influence international processes,  we need to increase our access and voice
  • To reposition power we need to give visibility and emphasize  the important role that feminist and women’s rights movements  are already playing

Our Members

As at 31st December, 2015 we had:

Read the full report



This bibliography intends to contribute to the desire for learning and engagement identified by activists in the Middle East and North Africa region when reflecting on the aftermath of fast unfolding transitions in the region. Such transitions, while specific to the context of MENA, are not unique in their occurrences around the world. Experiences and practices of feminists from around the world engaged in similar, even if not identical, struggles towards the democratization of their countries with a gendered lens and a feminist politics constitute an important knowledge bank that activists can draw upon, learn from, and engage with. This resource mapping aims to fill the gap realized in various convenings and conversations of a lack of information sharing and knowledge bridging among feminists across the regions that experienced similar uprisings; particularly along south-south and east-south lines.

This publication represents a research mapping of key resources, publications and materials on transitions to democracy and women’s rights in different countries of the world that have undergone such processes, such as: Indonesia, Chile, South Africa, Nepal, Mexico, Argentina, Poland, Ukraine, as well as within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). It provides bibliographic information and short summaries of resources which succinctly identify the contextual changes and challenges facing women in those particular transitional moments, as well as clearly delineates the ways in which women’s rights activists sought to confront those challenges and what lessons were learned.

We hope that this collection of ideas, research, analysis and experiences provides the kind of rich ingredients needed to create new recipes for confronting old and new challenges. By sharing these texts, our goal is to make links across borders, expand possibilities and knowledge, and invite debate, reflection, and inspiration for women’s rights organizations and activists in the MENA region. While every moment and space has its own unique flavor and history, highlighting connections to similar challenges and aspirations allows us all to bring things in conversation with one another, imagine a new vantage point into a problem, and increase our sense of belonging and purpose and thus our capacity to stay strong in the face of the seemingly impossible. It is the collective strength of a movement that gives it the power to create change. The goal with this publication is not that one specific text will necessarily help illuminate new solutions, but that the combined knowledge and analysis from a variety of sources will provide readers with an opportunity to expand their horizons and foster connections. In our small way, we hope to contribute to furthering the democratization of knowledge, and supporting women’s rights movements in the MENA to continue building an inclusive transition process that will result in advancements of social justice and gender equality.

Selena “Rocky” Malone

Rocky showed inspirational leadership and direction in working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Brotherboy and Sistergirl (LGBTIQBBSG) youth at risk.

Rocky started her career with the Queensland Police Service as a Police Liaison Officer. Making a difference was important to her. She led an impressive career working with young LGBTIQBBSG people as the Manager of Open Doors Youth Service.

Rocky worked through complex situations with clients relating specifically to gender and sexual identity. She was a natural in this line of work - a strong community leader, a quiet achiever, a loyal friend, a compassionate nurturer, and a change maker. Rocky was a founding member of IndigiLez Leadership and Support Group.

In 2016 at the Supreme Court in Brisbane, Former High Court Justice Michael Kirby mentioned Rocky by name when praising the work of the LGBTI Legal Service over the years. Rocky fought extremely hard for the human rights of the LGBTIQBBSG community, pushed boundaries and created change in a respectful, loving way.  


Rocky Malone, Australia

Snippet FEA Workers Persecution S4 (FR)

Un agent des forces de l'ordre en tenue anti-émeute rose tenant un bâton


Le magazine des Réalités féministes

Le magazine des Réalités féministes

Nous vous présentons une sélection motivante de puissantes histoires et d’images de transformations et de résistances créées par des activistes, des écrivain·e·s et des artistes du monde entier.

Explorez le magazine

Annual Report 2010

AWID 2010 Annual Report Cover

Our 2010 Annual Report highlights the major accomplishments of each of our strategic initiatives during the year.

Along with activity highlights, we include a brief analysis of the impact of our initiatives as well as reflections from our members and partners that further illustrate the relevance of AWID’s work and its connection to broader women’s rights movements. 

This interactive document is complete with links to our websites and recent publications with in-depth information on the issues we address in the report.

Read online

Administrative Office

For administrative purposes you can contact our office at:

  • +1 416 594 3773
  • 192 Spadina Avenue, Suite 300 | Toronto, ON,M5T 2C7 | Canada

Diakite Fatoumata Sire

Diakite estuvo activamente comprometida con la defensa de las mujeres en la vida política y pública de Mali.

Trabajó para apoyar la capacitación de candidatas electorales y habló en contra de la práctica de la mutilación genital femenina (MGF). Fue una firme defensora de la salud y los derechos reproductivos.


Diakite Fatoumata Sire, Mali

Snippet FEA Sopo Japaridze (EN)

Meet Sopo Japaridze, fierce feminist, union leader and chair of the independent service trade union at the Solidarity Network.

She left the country when she was very young to go to the United States where she first became very politically active as a labor organizer. She kept Georgia in the back of her mind all that time, until one day, two decades later, she decided to return.

The existing Georgian union confederation back then was less than ideal. So, equipped with her skills, knowledge and labor organizing experience, Sopo went back to Georgia and built her own union.

Sopo is a passionate researcher and writer. She studies labor and social relations, writes for various publications and is the contributing editor of LeftEast, an Eastern European analytical platform. She also co-founded the political history initiative and podcast, Reimagining Soviet Georgia, where she explores the complexities and nuances of the country's experiences under the Soviet Union, to better understand its past in order to shed light on how to build a better future.

Reason to join 4

Think big! With our international reach, we combine analytical work with political and practical tools for advocacy and transformation to advance the cause of feminist movements at all levels.