Human Rights Council (HRC)
The Human Rights Council (HRC) is the key intergovernmental body within the United Nations system responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe. It holds three regular sessions a year: in March, June and September. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is the secretariat for the HRC.
The HRC works by:
Debating and passing resolutions on global human rights issues and human rights situations in particular countries
Examining complaints from victims of human rights violations or activist organizations on behalf of victims of human rights violations
Appointing independent experts (known as “Special Procedures”) to review human rights violations in specific countries and examine and further global human rights issues
Engaging in discussions with experts and governments on human rights issues
Assessing the human rights records of all UN Member States every four and a half years through the Universal Periodic Review
AWID works with feminist, progressive and human rights partners to share key knowledge, convene civil society dialogues and events, and influence negotiations and outcomes of the session.
With our partners, our work will:
◾️ Raise awareness of the findings of the 2017 and 2021 OURs Trends Reports.
◾️Support the work of feminist UN experts in the face of backlash and pressure
◾️Advocate for state accountability
◾️ Work with feminist movements and civil society organizations to advance rights related to gender and sexuality.
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For any questions related to the Call for Forum Activities please contact us, selecting Forum Call for Activities as the subject of your email.
Snippet - Intro WITM - RU
Основываясь на 20-летней истории привлечения более объемного и качественного финансирования для достижения социальных изменений под руководством феминисток(-ов), AWID приглашает вас принять участие в новом опросе:
«Где же деньги для феминистских объединений?»
(далее – «Где деньги?»)
Пожалуйста выберите язык, на котором вы хотите отвечать на вопросы в правом верхнем углу страницыMerci d'avoir participé à la création de nos Horizons féministes
Un grand MERCI d'avoir pris part au 13ème Forum international de l'AWID !
Toute l'équipe de l'AWID vous remercie de nous avoir rejoint pour ces quatre jours d'apprentissage et de célébrations, pour envisager, rêver et co-créer nos Horizons féministes.
Nous avons été incroyablement inspiré-e-s et enthousiasmé-e-s par tout ce travail collectif que nous avons accompli ensemble !
Pour plus d'images, d'inspiration et de ressources :
Bonne lecture !
Sarah Maldoror
«No adhiero al concepto de “Tercer Mundo”. Hago películas para que las personas (no importa de qué raza o color sean) puedan entenderlas. Para mí, solamente existen explotadores y explotadxs, eso es todo. Hacer una película significa tomar una posición.» - Sarah Maldoror
La innovadora Sambizanga (1972), su «película revolucionaria», sigue la lucha de liberación anticolonial de lxs militantes de Angola y capta la perspectiva de una mujer en el momento histórico en que se encuentra.
«Para muchxs cineastas africanxs, el cine es una herramienta revolucionaria, una educación política para crear consciencia. Se inscribe en la evolución de un Tercer Cine, que se orienta a descolonizar el pensamiento y promover cambios radicales en la sociedad.» - Sarah Maldoror
A lo largo de su carrera, Sarah (junto con otrxs artistas africanxs y caribeñxs) cofundó, en 1956, la primera troupe de teatro negra de Francia. Realizó alrededor de cuarenta películas, incluidos importantes documentales que difundieron la vida y la obra de artistas negrxs, entre lxs cuales se encuentra su amigo y poeta, Aimé Césaire, quien le escribió:
«A Sarah Maldo
que, cámara en mano,
lucha contra la opresión, la alienación
y se planta de cara
frente a la estupidez humana.»
Sarah estaba también dedicada a lograr que las mujeres africanas se apropiaran más del proceso de filmación. En una entrevista, señaló:
«Las mujeres africanas deben estar en todos lados. Deben estar en las imágenes, detrás de la cámara, en la sala de edición, y participar en todas las etapas de la realización de una película. Ellas deben ser quienes hablen sobre sus problemas.»
Sarah dejó un legado formidable para que sea continuado.
Nacida el 19 de julio de 1929, Sarah falleció el 13 de abril de 2020 debido a complicaciones por el coronavirus.
Mira Sambizanga y lee una reseña de la película en un artículo del New York Times de 1973 (solo en ingles)
Snippet FEA Trans and Travesti people (EN)
sanctioned by law is not being respected by companies and employers
Ummaya Gabbara
How much does registration cost?
This information will only be available when registration opens.
Snippet - WITM to claim - PT
Para reivindicar o seu poder como especialista sobre o estado dos recursos de movimentos feministas;
Agroecology and Food Sovereignty
The search for alternative means of food production based on environmental sustainability is gaining ground across regions. This worldwide search comes with a common characteristic: the need to involve rural people and particularly women, building on their local priorities and knowledge by employing the principle of agroecology.
Agroecology is a way of practicing agriculture or using technologies that do not harm the environment. It proposes breaking with the hegemonic rural development model based on large landed estates and single-crop plantations that benefit mostly agricultural businesses and entrenches social exclusion.
In family farming, agroecology manifests as a resistance to the current development model and its social, cultural, environmental, and economic problems. It opposes the lack of the farmer’s financial capital autonomy; and it symbolizes a resistance to the current agribusiness model.
Feminist perspective
Efforts based solely on agroecology may not be sufficient to solve all problems of women’s marginalization and invisibility. A feminist perspective is then crucial to analyze the norms associated with the idea of family as currently constituted as the perfect institution, as well as with the condition of women’s subordination.
In simpler terms, it is important to include in this debate a reflection on socially constructed gender roles to advance the emancipatory potential of agroecology.
Learn more about this proposition
- Agroecology: Exploring opportunities for women’s empowerment based on experiences from Brazil (2011) by AWID and ActionAid
- Sowers of struggles and hope for feminism and food sovereignty by La Via Campesina captures the exchanges of the 4th Women’s Assembly that discussed the capitalism crisis and the challenges in constructing a peasant and working class feminism.
Part of our series of
Feminist Propositions for a Just Economy
María Digna Montero
María Digna Montero était une défenseuse Garifuna (d’origine africaine et autochtone) du droit à la terre et membre de l’Organisation fraternelle noire hondurienne (OFRANEH), une organisation communautaire oeuvrant à protéger les communautés Garifunas, leurs droits, leur culture, leurs ressources et leur territoire ancestraux.
María a également enseigné dans l'école locale et été membre du groupe de travail sur l'éducation bilingue interculturelle de l'OFRANEH.
Le 12 octobre 2019, jour de la Résistance autochtone, des inconnus ont tiré à plusieurs reprises sur María, alors qu’elle se trouvait dans l’arrière-cour de sa maison.
Elle est l'une des six défenseuses Garifunas à avoir été assassinées entre septembre et octobre 2019 et selon OFRANEH, ces crimes n’ont fait l’objet d’aucune enquête de la part des autorités. Dans une déclaration officielle, l'organisation a également souligné le lien entre la violence à l’encontre des dirigeants Garifunas et le développement des industries extractives qui exploitent les ressources naturelles de leurs communautés, affirmant que cette violence s’inscrivait dans une "stratégie d'intimidation et d'expulsion systématique" menée par l'État hondurien.
“La tension accrue et les risques croissants pour la sécurité et les droits humains des dirigeants des communautés et des territoires ancestraux sont le résultat de la dépossession, du déplacement et de la criminalisation des communautés et des mégaprojets d'extraction promus par l'État en collaboration avec les entreprises nationales et internationales". - Communiqué de l'OFRANEH, 12 octobre 2019
Snippet FEA Brisa Escobar Quote (ES)
“Mis sueños y objetivos siempre han sido los mismos que los de Lohana Berkins: que la cooperativa siga de pie y no cierre. Seguir dándole este lugar a nuestras compañeras travesti, darles trabajo y un lugar de apoyo”
Brisa Escobar,
presidenta de la Cooperativa
Rachel Bhagwan
What languages will be included in the Forum?
English, French, Spanish and Mandarin.
Snippet - WITM Survey will remain open - PT
A pesquisa está disponível até 31 de julho de 2024
AWID Members Engaging at CSW61
Member states and women's rights advocates and organisations are gathering at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 13 - 24 March for the 61st Commission on the Status of Women to address ‘women’s economic empowerment’ in the context of Sustainable Development Goal 5.
Whilst AWID is looking forward to physically meeting those of you who will be in New York, we want to engage with all those who cannot attend CSW, and as much as possible, amplify your voices in relevant spaces.
Continue reading to find out how to engage with AWID around CSW, whether you are attending physically or not.
Participate in an artistic takeover!
We are thrilled that AWID member Nayani Thiyagarajah is attending CSW this year and will take over the AWID Instagram. She will be available onsite to connect with other members for a possible feature on our Instagram. She will also explore possibilities of including some AWID members in a short film on the theme, ‘The personal is political’, a story of Nayani’s participation in this year’s CSW.
Who is Nayani?
Nayani Thiyagarajah is a director, producer, and writer, dedicated to stories for the screen. A daughter of the Tamil diaspora, she calls Toronto home. For over 10 years, Nayani has worked in the arts and cultural industries. Her first independent feature documentary Shadeism: Digging Deeper (2015) had its World Premiere at the 2015 Zanzibar International Film Festival, where it won a Special Jury Prize. Nayani recently launched [RE]FRAME, with her producing partner Camaro West, a production company based out of Atlanta and Toronto, focused on re-framing the narratives around Black, Indigenous, and other people of colour through storytelling on screen.
On a more serious note, it should be noted that Nayani has a strange laugh, she's quite awkward, and her head is always in the clouds. She feels blessed beyond belief to create stories for the screen and play make believe for a living. Above all else, she believes in love.
(Biography submitted by Nayani)
Interested in meeting Nayani and being considered for inclusion in the film?
Send an email to with the subject line “CSW Artistic Takeover”
By 13 March 2017
Please include your full name and country information.
Can't attend? Voice it!
If you are not able to attend CSW61 because of a travel ban, either due to the one imposed by the Trump administration or one you are facing from your own government, please share your story with us.
Send us messages you want heard in the United Nations spaces concerning funding, the impact of the reinstatement of the Global Gag Rule, and the need to push back against all types of religious fundamentalisms. You can send these in the following formats:
Video: no longer than two minutes and sent through a file sharing folder (for example dropbox, google drive)
Audio: no longer than two minutes and sent through a file sharing folder (for example dropbox, google drive)
Image: you can share a photo or a poster of your message
Text: no longer than 200 words and sent in the body of an email or in a word document
Share your message with us
Email with the subject line “CSW: Voice it!”
By 15 March 2017
Meet other members @CSW61
AWID members tell us that connecting with other members at CSW is valuable. In such a huge advocacy space, it is useful to connect with others including activists working on similar issues, or originating from the same country or region. Recognising the importance of connecting for movement building, we invite you to:
Interested in connecting with other members @CSW61?
Email with the subject line “CSW AWID Members”
NOTE: Please let us know your full name and country, and if we can share your email address with other members interested in meeting at CSW.
Take a picture!
If you are attending the CSW, we’d love to see what’s going on through your eyes!
Show us by capturing a moment you find speaks to the energy in the CSW space, be it on or off site. We hope to publish some of your ‘images’ on our social media channels and share on
You can send us:
colour and/ or black and white photographs with a title (if you wish) and
a caption (no longer than 100 words) about the story your image tells.
Please also include:
your full name and country of origin and
let us know if we can publish the information you shared (in part or in full).
Send your images:
Email with the subject line “CSW: Take a Picture!”
During the whole CSW or shortly after until Tuesday 28 March 2017.
Lorena Borjas
Lorena Borjas, a trans Latina woman and activist, lived and worked in the Jackson Heights neighborhood of Queens, New York City. In those streets, she looked after her community for years, advocating for trans and immigrant rights, supporting survivors of human trafficking and abuse, campaigning for sex workers’ rights and those of people living with HIV and AIDS.
Lorena was strong and tireless in her fight to support, defend, and have the back of those most marginalized and discriminated by transphobia, misogyny and racism.
“She pushed us to shine authentically, to become a scream of subversion that says, ‘I am here, and I deserve happiness, too.’” - Cecilia Gentili, a trans activist and Lorena’s friend
Having faced numerous traumas and hardships herself, as a trans immigrant woman and victim of human trafficking, Lorena pulled knowledge and emotional memory from the well of her experiences in order to help build and strengthen the community she was part of and which was part of her. Some of the ways she did this was to organize and mobilize support ranging from providing condoms and connecting trans women to different services, to setting up an HIV testing clinic in her own home.
"She was such a beautiful soul who helped others when her journey was difficult and painful as an immigrant, as a trans immigrant. She believed the trans community needed love, acceptance, and compassion, and she gave it all.” - Luchia Dragosh, QPTV Supervising producer of a documentary about Lorena
In more than 25 years of activism, she also founded the Lorena Borjas Community Fund together with Chase Strangio (lawyer and trans rights activist). The Fund helps the many different members of her community (and especially trans persons) dealing with immigration challenges to avoid the cycle of arrest-jail-deportation.
Lorena passed away in March 2020 of complications from COVID-19.
Her enormous and beautiful legacy will be taken forward through the streets of Queens by the network and community she co-created.
“We will pick up her work where she left it, work that is essential to the well-being of “mis pajaras” as she called the trans girls of Queens under her wing.” - Cecilia Gentili
"Lorena brought light to us when we were living through a very dark time here in New York. She brought us light when we were dealing with the crack epidemic, when we were dealing with the AIDS crisis, dealing with changes in immigration policies." - Cristina Herrera, founder and CEO of Translatina Network and Lorena’s friend
"Lorena has done more than anyone else I know to shine a light on the epidemic of trafficking in transgender communities and to help other trans women escape exploitation." - Lynly Egyes (represented Borjas on behalf of the Transgender Law Center)
Watch a documentary about Lorena Borjas
Read a postscript in The New Yorker about Lorena Borjas
Read an opinion piece in the New York Times by Cecilia Gentilin
Snippet FEA Map of Georgia (FR)
Yolanda Ordaz
What happens to the activity proposals submitted through the CfA?
- Activity proposals will initially be screened by AWID staff.
- Organizers of shortlisted proposals will then be invited to participate in a voting process, to choose among the shortlisted activities. Those with the most votes will be included in the Forum program. AWID may make a few adjustments to the final selection to ensure our program has an adequate balance across regions, constituencies, issues and methodologies.
- Our Forum Content and Methodology Committee will reach out to the organizers of selected proposals to support them in further developing their activities.
We will update the outcomes of this process in the website in due time.